American exorcist god.

Chapter 163 I created a monster!

Chapter 163 I created a monster!

Anna ran wildly through the forest carrying the briefcase, panting. She looked back from time to time, followed by the terrifying deformed people chasing her.

After the car drove not far away, she was attacked by a deformed person. The only good news was that the attacker was a female deformed person, whose speed and strength were only slightly stronger than her.

There seemed to be a force protecting her from somewhere, and the arrows shot by the female deformed woman were frequently inaccurate.

But she didn't dare to relax at all. She vaguely felt that there was more than one person following her.

After what happened in the apartment, her sixth sense seemed to become particularly strong.

In the dark shadow, Hunter looked at Anna's back, feeling a little depressed.

He didn't care about those stupid New York police officers at all. After getting rid of the people who were tracking him, he came here.

The opponent holds the cursed object in his hand, and the plan is underway. The cursed object, as a medium, can continue to work.

But a weak woman was escorting the cursed object alone, which made him smell something unusual. He was afraid that it was a trap, so he delayed taking action.

He tried to put the other party to sleep through a curse, but it failed. The other party was carrying some kind of exorcism device.

Hunter wasn't surprised by this, but what puzzled him was why the deformed man's fighting power was so weak that he couldn't even deal with a weak woman?
The sky-high fire suddenly rose from the other end of the forest. Anna, who was running away in embarrassment, suddenly felt as happy as her soul, turning her head and rushing towards the direction of the fire.

At his waist, the Annabelle doll swayed in the wind.


Xu Yi looked at the scene in front of him in surprise. The nightmare-shaped deformed man stood up staggeringly and walked towards the door.

With every step he took, large pieces of flesh and blood fell off his body.

The eyes of the nightmare deformed man could no longer be found. A large amount of ashes floated from the eye sockets. Xu Yi looked inside through the empty eye sockets. Organs such as the brain no longer existed, and the inside of the deformed man's body became empty. shell.

The nightmare deformed man passed by him, ashes flying everywhere, Xu Yi's expression changed in vain, and he backed away suddenly.

When the ashes floated away from him, the evil god's authority on his body actually felt a suction and was pulled violently.

"What kind of monster is this? It can actually affect the authority of the evil god!"

Xu Yi was so surprised that he was speechless. He couldn't even believe that he only used an ordinary soul jade to create such a terrifying monster.

wrong!Xu Yi realized that his idea was wrong.

The soul jade should be just an inducement, but more importantly the deformed person himself. He thought of the other person's "black and white eyes" and felt a shiver in his heart.

Inbreeding causes genetic mutations in deformed people, and genes are often the most mysterious. Some people even claim that genes contain the secret of being close to God.

After widening the distance from the nightmare deformed man, the suction force disappeared. It seemed that the range that the other party could affect was not large.

A surprise smile appeared on Xu Yi's face. It felt like he bought a blind box for a few yuan and got something worth tens of millions.

The more powerful the nightmare deformed person is, the happier he is, after all, he can use the Evil God's Nest to control the opponent.

"Fortunately, the Evil God's Nest was implanted early. If it had been transformed into a nightmare, it would have been impossible to successfully implant it!"

Xu Yi was secretly grateful, but without the intervention of the Evil God's Nest, the result of nightmare transformation would not have been possible.

But his joy only lasted for more than half a minute, because something fatal happened... The deformed man after turning into a nightmare seemed to be aware of the existence of the Evil God's Nest, and tried to force the Evil God's Nest out of his body.

Xu Yi felt like he had really seen a ghost. After the Evil God's Nest completely invaded his body, even a great exorcist could hardly force the Evil God's Nest out of his body. How did the other party do it?
He suddenly remembered the change in the Evil God's authority just now. If the opponent could affect the Evil God's authority, he would naturally be able to affect the Evil God's Nest.

Do the nightmare deformed people have some kind of special restraint towards "gods"?

Xu Yi took a deep breath and shook these thoughts out of his mind.Now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing at the moment is to prevent the other party from forcing the Evil God's Nest out of the body.

Otherwise, it will be a waste of time!

It's like buying a lottery ticket, being told that you won a special prize, and then finding that the pants with the receipt were put into the washing machine... This feeling is terrible just imagining it.

Xu Yi had no choice but to activate the power of the evil god and inject new power into the evil god's nest.

The Evil God's Nest gradually stabilized, and Xu Yi stopped activating the Evil God's authority because the nightmare-turned-monsters had no time to deal with the Evil God's Nest.

The deformed people outside the room discovered the nightmare-turned "patriarch", and they showed no respect in their eyes.

In their eyes, the clan leader has become a monster and is their enemy just like the black-scaled monster.

They roared and rushed towards the Nightmare Patriarch. The machete fell on the Nightmare Deformed Man, making a crisp sound of metal collision. The sharp machete broke directly, and the blood and flesh of the Nightmare Deformed Man flew away.

But that's not because the nightmare deformed man was injured. His flesh and blood are just "clothes". Even if there is no external force, the flesh and blood are constantly falling off.

The flesh and blood on the hands of the nightmare deformed man has completely fallen off, leaving only the skeleton.

The bone hand waved randomly, passing over the neck of a deformed man. The other person's neck was bent directly, and the bones inside had been shattered.

The strength of the deformed people and the nightmare leader were not in the same dimension at all. The deformed people who came close had their heads chopped off one by one. The simple and pure killing was even more brutal than the demons.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. The "Nightmare Demon" was busy dealing with his relatives and friends and had no time to pay attention to the Evil God's Nest. It has now been completely stabilized.

Xu Yi looked behind him. Taking advantage of the turmoil of the deformed people, he didn't know who cut the ropes and was trying to wake up those who survived.

Unfortunately, they were soon discovered by three deformed people. These people encountered a life-or-death crisis. As the saying goes, evil comes from the courage. They were almost frightened to death, but they suddenly "awakened" and went shopping with the three deformed people.

Xu Yi no longer hid. He was very sure that these people were ordinary people and could not detect his evil spirit.

He took out the alchemy revolver and fired three shots in a row. The three deformed men were all covered in rain and dew. Their legs were pierced and they could only walk staggeringly.

The group of people seized the opportunity and swarmed forward.

During the struggle, they knocked over the burning boiler, and firewood flew out, instantly igniting the house and the fire was blazing.

Both the survivors and the deformed people fled in confusion. Xu Yi followed the deformed people and subdued them quietly.

He fed each deformed person with soul jade and the Nest of Evil Gods, trying to replicate the previous miracles, but without exception, they all failed.

"Sure enough, the reason why a miracle is a miracle is that it will probably only happen once!"

Xu Yi looked at all the demonized deformed people and sighed.

He looked at the battlefield on the other side, where the nightmare demons were killing people.

Xu Yi knew very well that he must not let the other party be idle, otherwise the other party would definitely force him out of the Evil God's Nest again.

He was ready to join the fight. The one-sided situation was not in his interest. He had to consume the power of the nightmare demon first in order to increase the success rate of capture.

At this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the jungle behind him, with a smile on his lips.

“The fish actually took the bait!”

He thought for a moment and decisively changed his plan. He hid in the shadow of the forest, and at the same time activated the intervention ability of the Evil God's Nest, and through hints, let the nightmare deformed man move to the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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