American exorcist god.

Chapter 164 The Evil God Robbery

Chapter 164 The Evil God Robbery
In the forest, Hunter hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to attack Anna.

He has repeatedly confirmed that there are no ambush around, and he plans to leave here immediately after taking back the cursed object.

As soon as he walked out of the darkness, he was attacked by a female deformity, which made him so angry that he couldn't even chase down a weak woman, but now he wanted to kill him.

He knew that he had nothing to say to these mentally ill freaks and dealt with them neatly.

Taking advantage of this time, Anna had already run far away, but Hunter did not panic at all. He accelerated suddenly and took out the pistol from his waist.

The gunshot rang out, but did not hit Anna. The bullet passed over Anna's head.

Hunter became even more depressed. The opponent actually stepped on the haystack and fell down, just dodging the bullet.

He aimed again, and this time the opponent fell to the ground. There was no way he could dodge his bullet, right?
But he was suddenly stunned. The other person actually smiled. The smile was sweet, reminiscent of sunflowers under the spring sunshine.

Hunter was unmoved. Everything he had had long ago been dedicated to the Holy Lord. No matter how beautiful the other person was or how sweet his smile was, it would not make his heart fluctuate.

Just when he was about to shoot, his body tensed suddenly, and he realized something was wrong, because the girl was not smiling at him.

Following the girl's gaze, he spotted the person hiding in the shadows.

"Is it really a trap?"

He immediately scanned around and failed to find any ambush. Could it be that the ambusher was hiding it too well?

When he was stunned for a moment, Anna had been rescued, and the person just glanced at him and left.

Isn't it a trap?Is it all just him being too cautious?
Hunter recalled the look in the man's eyes just now, which was the look of "asking for happiness".

The sound of dense footsteps came, and Hunter saw the person clearly. His tense body gradually relaxed, and it turned out that he was just a deformed person.

He breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't an ambush by the government.

Before being discovered by the government, he had already made plans for his soul to return to the embrace of the Holy God. Unexpectedly, the other party actually wanted to play a long-term game to catch a big fish, which gave him a chance to escape.

Hunter quickly realized something was wrong, because those deformed people didn't seem to be hunting him specifically, but instead seemed to be driven over by something.

He didn't care at first, but his expression soon changed.

Behind the deformed man, a "skeleton monster" kept approaching, with almost all the flesh and blood falling off, and lingering ashes floating around.

"How could there be such a monster in this place?" Hunter really couldn't understand.

He turned around and wanted to run away. Although he didn't know the monster's true strength, the ominous aura made him feel vaguely uneasy.

But before he had even taken two steps, a gunshot suddenly rang out. He subconsciously dodged and dodged the first bullet, but failed to dodge the second one. The flesh of his thigh was scratched by the bullet.

An absolute master of marksmanship!
Hunter quickly realized this. The opponent knew that the first shot would not kill him, so the first shot was just to "secure the position", and the second shot was the opponent's purpose.

The other party doesn't want him to leave!

The skeleton monster was approaching. It was originally chasing the deformed man, but it suddenly turned and rushed towards Hunter.

Hunter did not fire, because he knew that ordinary bullets were ineffective against the monster. He dug out a glass vial from his pocket and threw it at the skeleton monster.

The glass vial shattered, and red powder was splashed on the skeleton monster. A scene that shocked Hunter happened. The powder was enough to corrode the alloy, but when sprinkled on the monster, it had no effect, as if it was just dust on the roadside.

Hunter was shocked, then turned and ran away.

In the shadow of the woods, Xu Yi aimed his gun at Hunter. He could not let him escape. After all, it was a fish he had finally caught, and there were clues about the Ram Cult in him.

He suddenly put down his gun and looked at Hunter in surprise. Hunter, who was about to leave, suddenly left and returned, rushing towards the nightmare deformed man.

When he was surprised, the evil god's power on Xu Yi suddenly moved.He felt the aura of other evil gods. This aura was very familiar. It was the great evil god behind the Gongyang Church.

The evil god's gaze appeared again, but it was not directed at Xu Yi, but at the deformed person after turning into a nightmare.

After a moment, the evil god's gaze disappeared, and Hunter's face had veins exposed due to excitement. He stared at the nightmare deformed man with full longing in his eyes.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment and suddenly reacted.

"The great evil god behind the Gongyang Church is also targeting the nightmare deformed people!"

His heart was slightly flustered. This kind of thing was completely beyond his expectation. If he had known about this scene earlier, he might not have thought about "killing someone with a borrowed knife".

But it's too late to regret now.

At the same time, he became more and more curious and eager for the nightmare deformed people.

Can the things that the Great Evil God is targeting be ordinary?

Hunter tore his shirt, exposing his entire upper body. The other person's body was engraved with black spells, as if it were shrouded in black thorns.

The weirdest thing is the head of a ram on the chest. The head is not big, only the size of a fist, but it is lifelike, with two ram horns protruding ferociously.

Hunter chanted an unknown spell in his mouth. He took out a dagger and slashed his chest, which was covered with scars made by the dagger.

Blood poured on the black ram's head. The ram's eyes, which had been closed, suddenly opened their eyes, and the cold pupils contained no emotion.

Blood dripped from his chest and fell straight to the ground.

The moment the blood touched the soil, a strong blood light erupted. The blood light spread in all directions, forming a huge magic circle in the blink of an eye, covering the nightmare deformed man.

Xu Yi pulled the trigger, and the specially made exorcism bullet came out of the chamber and flew towards Hunter's head.

The bullet penetrated the magic circle, but the bloody light in the magic circle kept wearing away the bullet. Before it reached Hunter, the bullet had melted away and turned into silver liquid metal dripping.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly. Metal can be melted, let alone the human body.

The nightmare deformed man didn't seem to be affected much. Ashes were flying in its empty eye sockets as it strode towards Hunter.

Hunter's face turned pale. He didn't expect that the magic circle given by the Holy God could not subdue the monster.

He hesitated for a moment, then reached out his hand to the ram's head on his chest. The head automatically opened its mouth and swallowed the palm in one gulp.

When the palm reappeared, it had been rotted to the point of disgrace, but there was something in it. It was a small dagger, no bigger than a palm, and the blade was only one finger long.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly, he felt divinity on the dagger over there.

Objects that are not divine are exorcism artifacts. For example, the ghost warrior armor collected by Xu Yi only has a weak divine nature.

The divinity of the dagger is far stronger than the Oni Samurai armor, but it is not as good as Saint Ohagang, so it can only be called a "semi-sacred weapon".

But no matter what, items with divine properties are far beyond what ordinary exorcism tools can match.

All the flesh and blood on the body of the nightmare deformed man has fallen away, leaving only a skeleton. The bones are not the white color of a newly deceased person, but an ominous gray color, and dense ashes are floating in the skeleton.

There are traces of fine vines clinging to the spine, which is the nest of the evil god possessing the body of the nightmare deformed person.

The nightmare deformed man took two steps back, as if he was afraid of the semi-holy weapon.

Xu Yi was stunned, because according to the news sent back through the Evil God's Nest, the emotion of the nightmare deformed man at this moment was not fear, but desire, full of desire!

(End of this chapter)

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