American exorcist god.

Chapter 165 Nightmare Bones!capture!

Chapter 165 Nightmare Bones!capture!
Hunter held the semi-sacred weapon and rushed towards the nightmare deformed man. The bloody magic circle under his feet gave him strength and weakened the opponent at the same time.

With this semi-sacred weapon and magic circle, he firmly suppressed the nightmare monster.

The dagger pierced into the skeleton, and the ashes flew into oblivion.

The nightmare monster has no flesh and blood, but these ashes are the source of the opponent's power. Ordinary weapons cannot affect the ashes, but the semi-sacred weapon in his hand can.

The less ashes there are, the weaker the nightmare monster will be. At that time, it can be captured and brought back to the Holy Cult.

Hunter stopped for a moment to rest, his face was pale and his breathing was rapid. Using these methods would cause a serious burden on his body.

He clenched the dagger in his hand, and suddenly felt something was wrong. The dagger seemed to become heavier.

He jerked his head and looked around, with a ghostly look on his face.

There was actually a faint trace of rust on the golden dagger!

The material used to make the dagger is very special. Even if it is placed in a humid environment for hundreds of years, it will not rust. What is going on?

Xu Yi was equally surprised. Cultists do not have the power of evil gods and cannot perceive divinity, but he can.

On the inside of the hand bones of the nightmare deformed man, the gray bones were covered with a light golden color.

The nightmare monster is actually absorbing the divinity of the dagger!
After Xu Yi was surprised, he suddenly understood something.

Things that can absorb divinity are perfect carriers for the evil god to descend, so the evil god of the Gongyang Church ordered the capture.

Since the evil god of the Gongyang Church can make the Nightmare Bone into a descending medium, why can't he make it into an "evil god walking"?

Strictly speaking, he is also considered an "evil god".

Xu Yi's heart was about to move.

As the incarnation of the evil god, Butters does have many benefits. He can control the cat spirit tree and transform into a fire chief.

But the biggest drawback is that, as the incarnation of the evil god, Buster can only stay in the toy box most of the time, because he can't get too far away from the cat spirit tree.

This caused Buster to lose the most basic ability of the evil god's incarnation, which was the "substitute" function. Xu Yi understood this as a "vest".

As a human, he has to be careful every time he uses the evil god's authority, for fear of being discovered, but if he has an "evil god vest", many things will be much easier.

The battle continued. Xu Yi looked at the battle with mixed emotions.

Of course, what I am happy about is the power of the nightmare deformed man. The stronger the nightmare bone, the stronger the evil god's vest will be.

What is worrying is that he originally planned to use the hands of cultists to weaken the power of the nightmare deformed man, but now that the other party has absorbed divinity, it is likely to be beyond his control.

Although Hunter couldn't feel the divinity of the dagger being sucked away, he still felt something was wrong. The bone monster in front of him became more and more weird.

Although he didn't even have eyes, he seemed to be able to feel the teasing look in his eyes.

He knew he couldn't wait any longer, so he backed away suddenly and gritted his teeth to make a decision.

Hunter's next move stunned Xu Yi for a moment. The other party aimed the dagger at his heart, and then stabbed it in without hesitation.

The cultist released his hand from the dagger and let the dagger rest on his heart. He slowly closed his eyes, as if his life had been taken away by the dagger.

But the ram's head on his chest grinned and smiled strangely. The head began to squirm, moving upwards, aiming at the face of the cultist.

"The cultists want to sacrifice themselves and let the evil god's projection come briefly!"

Xu Yixin was in suspense for a moment. Although it was just a projection of the evil god, it was still an existence that was difficult to defeat for him, the "evil god reserve".

The other party must be stopped!
He pulled the trigger repeatedly, and the exorcist bullets came out of the chamber. Unfortunately, the bullets melted before they got close to the target.

Xu Yi's body could not withstand the power of the bloody magic circle, and the dark mist could resist it, but he was afraid that if he got close to it, the evil god's authority would be affected by the Nightmare Bones.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately found a way.

Black figures emerged from the forest, covered with black scales. They were all demonized deformed people, four in total.

They were covered in blood, and the fleeing freaks were no match for them and were almost slaughtered.

Under the hint of the Evil God's Nest, they rushed into the magic circle without hesitation. Their bodies instantly emitted bursts of black smoke, and the solid scales on the surface were obliterated by the blood-colored magic circle, exposing the flesh and blood inside.But they turned a blind eye and rushed towards the cultists.

The cultist has fallen into a coma. For a while, the ram's head failed to move to the cultist's face and gain control of the body. He could only glare at the demonized deformed people around him.

The demonized deformed man opened his mouth and bit the ram's head on his chest, and the blood that flowed out was black.

A huge shadow suddenly enveloped them. Due to the obstruction of the deformed man, Nightmare Bones was able to successfully approach the cultist. He stretched out his hand, grasped the dagger on the cultist's chest, and pulled it out suddenly.

Blood splattered, the sacrificial ceremony was interrupted, and the cultist fell limply to the ground.

Large areas of rust spread onto the dagger, and the demonized bone rapidly absorbed the divinity in the dagger.

Under Xu Yi's control, the deformed people suddenly changed their goals and rushed towards the nightmare bones, snatching the dagger from the opponent's hand.

The cultist was unconscious, and the magic circle naturally disappeared. Xu Yi quickly changed the ammunition, pulled the trigger repeatedly, and emptied the magazine.

The bullets flew in a straight line towards the Nightmare Bones, and each bullet accurately hit the third section of the spine.

That's the weakness of the Nightmare Bones!

Relying on the observation ability of the Evil God's Nest, he has long understood the opponent's weaknesses.

The weak point was hit continuously, and the nightmare bone became stiff and stood there.

The deformed people took advantage of this opportunity and swarmed up to seize the dagger in Nightmare Bone's hand.

The Annabelle doll appeared quietly behind the Nightmare Bones, the purple-red air curtain opened, and the Nightmare Bones were put into the space of the toy treasure box.

Xu Yi rushed towards Annabelle, his hand passed by the doll, and a "glass box" the size of a briefcase appeared in his hand.

That was the magic-forbidden box he obtained from the War God's library.

He opened the lid of the magic-forbidden box, and at this moment, the Nightmare Bone, which had shrunk countless times, fell from the air.

Once the Nightmare Bone regains mobility, it will inevitably cause huge damage to the space of the toy box, so it can only be used to control the opponent for a moment.

Because of the "Toy Heart" rule of the treasure box, things that just come out of the treasure box will temporarily retain the form of "toys".

This gave Xu Yi an opportunity to take advantage of!

He mobilized the power of the evil god's authority to maximize the intervention effect of the evil god's nest, preventing the nightmare bone from changing back to its original form so quickly.

The mouth of the magic-forbidden box is aligned with the nightmare bone. The moment it is put in, the lid is immediately closed and locked firmly.

Xu Yi stared at the Nightmare Bone in the box. The Nightmare Bone still maintained the size of a toy, and it flapped hard against the wall of the glass box.

The bone hand that could easily smash the skull of a deformed person in the past landed on the glass wall, but failed to cause any movement.

In addition to the strong strength of the magic-forbidden box itself, the main reason is that the Nightmare Bones are "demons-forbidden". Even if a demon as strong as Jason is put into the magic-forbidden box, it can only die out.

When Xu Yi chose the magic-forbidden box before, he had already thought of how to use it.

Annabelle's toy box and magic box are an almost perfect match.

The magic-forbidden box is too small, not much larger than a briefcase. Large magic-proof boxes are also "non-selectable" items.

"Slim" monsters are very rare, but the rules of the treasure box's Toy Heart can "compress" monsters.

Having both does not mean that Xu Yi is invincible. This "combination of skills" is actually very easy to get rid of.

If the monster contained in the toy treasure box is too powerful, it is likely to destroy the treasure box space.

But what is even more dangerous is the release process. A powerful monster can break free from the rules of the Toy Heart and transform back into its true form the moment it leaves the toy treasure box, without giving it a chance to be put into the magic-forbidden box.

Xu Yi dared to do this to deal with the Nightmare Bones because the Evil God's Nest had invaded the opponent's body and could affect the opponent, thus ensuring that the opponent could be put into the magic-forbidden box.

Xu Yi stared at the nightmare bones in the magic box with expectant eyes.

He already had a rough idea of ​​how to make the Nightmare Bones into an "evil god walking".

(End of this chapter)

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