American exorcist god.

Chapter 166 Planting a seed for the evil god

Chapter 166 Planting a seed for the evil god

Xu Yi walked towards the demonized deformed people. After experiencing the destruction of the bloody magic circle, the lives of these demonized people were almost at an end.

He took out the alchemy revolver and pointed it at one of the demonized people, pulled the trigger, and pierced the other person's head.

The snatched semi-sacred weapon fell to the ground. Xu Yi leaned over to pick up the rusty dagger, but he suddenly turned his head and looked warily at the dead demonized deformed man.

A familiar evil spirit suddenly came. Xu Yi originally thought that the target was a cultist, but unexpectedly, it was a deformed person who was targeting death.

The soul of the deformed person was pulled out, as if there was an invisible thread tied to the soul of the deformed person. Now the other end of the thread began to retract, pulling the soul of the deformed person away.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and it was very subtle. You must know that when the deformed man died before, he didn't notice anything strange at all.

The reason why it can be detected now is because there is a nest of evil gods in the body of the dead deformed person for observation.

The evil god behind the Gongyang Church is specifically collecting the souls of these demonic murderers!Xu Yi suddenly had an enlightenment.

What to do with collecting these souls?

There is no doubt that it is to allow the evil god's projection to arrive successfully.

If Xu Yi guessed correctly, the cursed object should function as a medium, or to put it bluntly, a "sign".

The moment the evil killers died, their souls were immediately taken away. Obviously, the evil god's "anchor" had already existed in their bodies.

As for what's special about the soul of the Demonic Killer, Xu Yi doesn't know yet.

The remaining three deformed men could hardly hold on any longer and let out death wails on the ground.

Xu Yi stared at them, and after thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly stretched out a finger.

There is something invisible to the naked eye suspended on the finger, only the size of a peanut, like a black thorn ball, but the thorns are all wriggling tentacles, shining with a strange light.

With the successful refining and use of the Evil God's Nest, the next stage of abilities has been unlocked.

The black thorn ball in his hand is the "Seed of Soul Stealing". This ability can be said to be the essence of the "Evil God of Thieves".

So far, except for the unknown "Divine Leap", all the abilities of the Evil God's Authority entry have been unlocked.

Xu Yi threw the soul-stealing seed at the demonized deformed man, and the black thorn ball passed through the body and merged into the opponent's soul.

He took a deep breath and aimed his gun at the demonized man. The bullet penetrated the other person's head and brains splattered out.

The undetectable aura of the evil god appeared again, taking away the soul of the deformed man.

Xu Yi clenched his fists and waited quietly. One second, two seconds... half a minute passed, and nothing happened.

Success!Xu Yi pumped his fist excitedly.

Soul-stealing seeds, as the name suggests, are meant to steal certain things. As evil gods, what things are worthy of their spying?

There is no doubt that there are other stronger gods!

Latma's super-accelerated regeneration entry was stolen from other evil gods.

Seed of Soul Stealing seems to be similar to Entry Devouring, but in fact there is a very big difference between the two.

If you want to activate the Devouring Momentum, you need to kill the target first.

But the soul-stealing species is different. It can quietly lurk in the target's body, wait for the time to come, and suddenly burst out to steal the target's power.

At certain critical moments, the soul-stealing seed can also be used as a "nirvana".

The great evil god behind the Gongyang Church is far more powerful than him. If he uses the soul-stealing seed directly, he will definitely not be able to succeed.

But the soul-stealing seed is integrated into the soul of the deformed person, which is equivalent to an extra layer of protective shell, making it difficult to detect.

The souls of these deformed people are most likely used as "nutrition."If the evil god swallowed these nutritional supplements containing soul-stealing seeds... Xu Yi could not help but smile.

Repeating the same trick, Xu Yi also planted soul-stealing seeds on the remaining two demonized deformed people. The creation of soul-stealing seeds was very simple and only required a small amount of faith power.

Three soul-stealing seeds, carrying Xu Yi's hope, lurked in the souls of demonized deformed people, and were taken away by the evil gods of the Gongyang Church.

The more soul-stealing seeds you plant, the better the effect will be.

It's a pity that the souls of these demonized deformed people are too weak. Planting one soul-stealing seed is already the limit. If there are more, their souls will probably collapse.

The body of the deformed man suddenly began to squirm. Xu Yi squatted down next to the body. Four small insects crawled back into Xu Yi's palm, curled up, and transformed back into the appearance of the Evil God's Nest.

Of course the Evil God's Nest can be reused, otherwise only eight can be refined and cannot be used.

Xu Yi came to the cultist and was pleasantly surprised to find that the cultist was not dead.

That’s right, it’s a surprise!

He took out the Evil God's Nest and fed it to the cultist. In order to ensure that the other party could survive, he also gave him an injection of the Redemption Leaf.

"I hope you won't waste all my hard work!" Xu Yi sighed.

The observation ability of the Evil God's Nest can be used not only for experiments, but also as a monitor.

Xu Yi looked around to make sure nothing was missing. He walked back to the bushes and took Anna out from hiding inside.Anna was sleeping peacefully. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xu Yi had already used the fragrance of sleeping flowers to put her to sleep.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

[Congratulations on getting the blank entry "Juli (White Ordinary)"]

The same prompt appeared seven times in a row. Xu Yi was a little helpless. He killed many deformed people, but he didn't expect that all he devoured were "Juli" entries.

But it's understandable, after all, these mentally deformed people don't seem to have any other advantages besides being stronger.

White fish belly floated on the horizon, and the sound of cars rang in the forest again. Xu Yi drove Anna away from here.


Queens, New York.

The sharp phone rang, and William woke up from the sofa with his tired body and walked towards the phone on his desk.

Because of the Huokui Potion, he has been living directly in the office recently.

He picked up the phone and instantly brightened up when he heard the voice on the other side.

"A secret basement in the suburbs! Okay, I get it, I'm going to do it now!" William hurried out without even taking the coat from the hanger.

The call he just received was from Xu Yi, and his tone was very anxious. William was a little confused as to what happened to make the usually calm Lord of Shadows become so anxious.

On the suburban road, Xu Yi drove the Land Rover at high speed, with a magic box placed on the passenger seat.

Naturally, the magic-forbidden box cannot be put into the toy treasure box. Once it is put in, the magic-forbidden box will be compressed, but the nightmare bones will not. This is equivalent to directly releasing the nightmare bones.

More than ten minutes ago, he was driving while thinking about how to eliminate the deformed souls in the nightmare bones.

Although there are hints of interference from the Evil God's Nest, in order to completely control the Nightmare Bones, the souls of deformed people still need to be cleared first.

He frowned and thought hard, and at the same time glanced at the nightmare bone next to him, he was so shocked that he almost crushed the car steering wheel.

The soul of the deformed man was automatically annihilated. What's worse is that the nightmare bone also showed signs of collapse, and cracks appeared on the edges of the bones.

Faced with this situation, how could he not be anxious?
After entering the area with signal, he immediately called William.

(End of this chapter)

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