American exorcist god.

Chapter 167 The Nightmare Bone Collapse is in Progress

Chapter 167 The Nightmare Bone Collapse is in Progress

In the outskirts of New York, huge warehouses reflected metallic light in the sun.

This is the abandoned warehouse of Ernst Pharmaceutical Company. Because the company developed rapidly and a larger warehouse was built, this small warehouse was abandoned here.

In the basement of the warehouse, Xu Yi looked at the nightmare bones in front of him with a serious expression.

The Nightmare Bones were stuffed into the huge cultivation chamber, and the green liquid swirled along the cylindrical bulkhead.

These culture chambers were previously filled with formalin, but now they are filled with medicinal solutions made by Redemption Leaves. Three Redemption Leaves were used for the medicinal solution in this cabin.

The Nightmare Bones were suspended in the liquid and became extremely safe. Xu Yi now hoped that the Nightmare Bones would suddenly burst out and exude that ominous aura again.

"I knew it wasn't that simple!"

Xu Yi let out a long sigh, no matter how special the heterochromatic pupil deformed person is, no matter how lucky he is, he is still a monster that can swallow divinity.

The disadvantages of this "god-defying" ability do exist.

After the deformed man's soul dissipated, the ashes inside the Nightmare Bones also disappeared. The Nightmare Bones, which had lost its source of power, would soon collapse.

Xu Yi activated the observation ability of the Evil God's Nest to try to find a solution.

But his expression suddenly changed, and he didn't have time to study it slowly.

The light green liquid medicine suddenly became transparent, and the Nightmare Bones absorbed all the medicine's power, and the cracks that had stopped spreading spread again.

At this rate, I am afraid that in 2 minutes, cracks will be spread throughout the skeleton, and then it will collapse and scatter.

"What should I do?" Xu Yi was sweating slightly on his forehead and his brain was running rapidly.

The Evil God's Nest observed the strangeness of the Nightmare Bones. There were no cracks in the hand bones, and the spreading cracks stopped there.

Divinity can resist collapse!
Xu Yi understood instantly. No wonder Nightmare Bones had deliberately taken the semi-sacred weapon before. It turned out that it was all to save himself.

The rusty dagger was taken out and thrown into the petri dish.

Xu Yi slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the most important ability of the Nightmare Bone has not disappeared, slowly absorbing the divinity of the dagger.

After being absorbed into the divinity again, the effect was immediately apparent. The collapse of the Nightmare Bones had stopped, and some of the cracks were being slowly repaired.

There was no smile on Xu Yi's face, because he knew very well that the divinity of the dagger would be absorbed soon, and it would not last long.

After rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, he took stock of all the divine things in his body.

Three pieces of blood-stained glass shards, the human skin roll on Mary Xiao's body, the ghost warrior armor, and the broken exorcism sacred weapon Red Lotus.

Except for Latma's rat teeth, which are in the basement of the apartment building, everything else is here.

The divinity on the ghost warrior's armor was of no avail, the mysterious blood stains were too precious, and he was reluctant to part with the sacred red lotus. The only option was Marishaw's human skin scroll.

This thing has been in his hands for a long time. He had never been able to see through the mystery of the human skin roll before. It was not until he obtained the authority of the evil god that he understood what it was.

This is the legendary contract with the evil god. As long as the contract is successful, you can get the power of the evil god as a gift, but in contrast, you need to sacrifice your soul and become a devout believer of the evil god.

Xu Yi picked up the scroll of human skin and walked towards the Nightmare Bones.

In the training cabin, the dagger was covered in rust, and it was not even visible as a dagger. The divinity inside was completely swallowed up.

Xu Yi threw the human skin roll into the training cabin.

The human skin scroll actually "alive", squirming and trying to escape, and low murmurs appeared in Xu Yi's ears.

Xu Yi was unmoved. The evil god behind Mary Xiao was probably just a little stronger than Latma, so there was really no need to be afraid.

Obtaining the authority of the evil god means having this benefit, fearing it, becoming it, and then transcending it.

In the end, the human skin scroll failed to escape the fate of being absorbed into the divinity. Xu Yi looked at the stabilized nightmare bones and breathed a sigh of relief.

But his brows were still furrowed, and according to the speed at which the Nightmare Bones absorbed divinity, he could last up to half an hour.

Where could he go to find more divinity in such a short time?
To completely reverse the collapse of the Nightmare Bones would require the divinity of at least a hundred human skin rolls, which is simply impossible.

Xu Yi circled in circles, feeling anxious.It is so rare to be able to devour divine things on your own. This ability is simply created for "god slayers".

It was impossible to find so much divinity in a short period of time, so we had to find another way.

"The only way now is to inject powerful vitality into the Nightmare Bones!"

The previous potion of the Redemption Leaf was able to delay the spread of the crack, and it continued to collapse only after the potion was absorbed, which showed that this method was feasible.

But where to find something with powerful vitality?
Not to mention that the leaves of salvation have been plucked in pieces, even if they are all there, it can only be delayed, not reversed.

Something powerful and vital?
An inspiration flashed in Xu Yi's mind. He walked to the training cabin next to him, took out a corpse from the treasure box space and put it into it.

That was Chen Lin's body.

Chen Lin's corpse was undoubtedly the most special thing he had ever seen. The evil god Ratma had taken out the heart, and his soul had been annihilated, but the cells could still retain their vitality!
The hole in the corpse's heart was filled with a small piece of fresh flesh and blood. Xu Yi saw the corpse trying to save itself last time, but he didn't expect it to be effective.

If the corpse is left alone, over time, it is likely to turn into a monster like the living dead.

The Evil God's Nest was integrated into the corpse, and the structure of this rare corpse appeared before his eyes.

"The cells of the body are actually constantly absorbing the energy floating in the air!"

Xu Yi was surprised and praised that this weird world is really full of wonders.

He thought for a moment, cut off a piece of flesh from the corpse's arm, and threw it towards the Nightmare Bones.

The fresh meat was floating in the liquid. Half a minute later, a surprising scene happened. The meat suddenly came to life, crawling towards the nightmare bones like worms.

The flesh and blood seemed to have discovered the power of the nightmare bones, wrapping around the bones, getting in through the cracks, trying to merge with the bones.

Xu Yi's original idea was to let flesh and blood provide strong vitality to the bones and allow the cracks in the bones to heal.

Now the crack has indeed "healed", but I didn't expect it to be in this way.

The flesh and blood suddenly began to rot. The "death tendency" of the nightmare bones was too strong, and the flesh and blood with strong vitality could not resist it.

"Just having strong vitality is not enough!"

Xu Yi took out three pieces of glass stained with mysterious blood stains.

To this day, the information revealed by these blood stains undoubtedly points to one place, and that is Jesus.

Of course, it cannot be the blood of Jesus' body. It is most likely the "Holy Son", which is the body that Jesus came to.

He has already seen the power and preciousness of the golden entry, and he has long given up the extravagant hope that he can obtain the "Saint Descendant" entry with just this blood stain.

One of the glass fragments fell into the culture chamber. Through the thick metal glass, Xu Yi could feel the cells' desire for that little bit of blood.

Xu Yi activated the Evil God's Nest and gave hints to the body.

A shocking scene appeared again. Countless flesh sprouts grew out of the corpse and caught the glass fragments floating in the liquid.

The granulation instantly enveloped the glass fragments, greedily sucking the blood on the glass.

Through the observation of the Evil God's Nest, Xu Yi could detect that the cells that had absorbed the "holy blood" were undergoing an astonishing transformation.

"It's not enough!"

Xu Yi knew that this little "holy blood" alone was not enough, so he threw down another fragment.

However, judging from the information sent back from the Nest of Evil Gods, it is still not enough. It seems that there is still a little catalyst to usher in the transformation.

He gritted his teeth, and with a cruel heart, he threw down the last fragment.

The amount of "holy blood" is undoubtedly very small, but it is like a catalyst in a chemical reaction, and a violent reaction occurs.

Chen Lin's body "exploded" instantly, and flesh and blood spurted out like a spring. They were entangled in the liquid, forming "flesh snakes" that twisted crazily.

Xu Yi knew it was time. The Nightmare Bones were taken out from another cultivation chamber and thrown into the squirming flesh.

"Whether there is a chance of reversal depends on this step!"

(End of this chapter)

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