American exorcist god.

Chapter 168 The Lair of the Gongyang Cult

Chapter 168 The Lair of the Gongyang Cult
As soon as the nightmare bones fell into the cultivation chamber, the squirming flesh and blood swarmed up like a group of hungry snakes.

Xu Yi used the Evil God's Nest to observe the changes. After the special flesh and blood swallowed the "holy blood", it was like gasoline meeting Mars, and the activity in the cells was fully activated.

Tiny granulations grew from the ends of the flesh and blood, burrowing desperately into the cracks in the bones, wrapping around the skeleton, trying to fuse with the nightmare bones.

The rotting of flesh and blood no longer occurs, because these flesh and blood already have divinity, and their divinity makes them not afraid of the "death" of the nightmare bones.

The powerful pressure of the nightmare bone appeared again, and Xu Yi subconsciously took a few steps back.

wrong!It can no longer be called "bones". Fresh flesh and blood are attached to the skeleton, outlining a human shape with blurred flesh and blood.

Powerful vitality is injected into the nightmare bone, but it seems to reject this "rebirth" and wants to die.

Xu Yi took a deep breath. He knew that in order to fuse the two together, a "glue" was needed.

He walked to the petri dish and cut his own artery in one breath. A large amount of blood leaked into the medicine. At the same time, the power of the evil god was activated, and a shadow enveloped Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was just an ordinary person, but after his blood was fused with the power of the evil god's authority, it turned into fake evil god's blood.

The blood injects new life into the bones and merges into the Evil God's Nest.

After the Evil God's Nest clinging to the bones was nourished by Xu Yi's blood, it began to exert its "intervention" ability to the greatest extent, reducing the repulsiveness of the nightmare bones.

Flesh and bones began to fuse, Xu Yi's eyes sparkled.

The dawn of victory appears!No more new cracks will appear in the Nightmare Bones!
And with the injection of blood, the Nightmare Bones gradually became tainted with his aura and slowly became his property.

In order to completely control the Nightmare Bone, Xu Yi made a bold decision.

The Evil God's Nest clinging to the bones was completely "liberated" and turned into countless tiny vines, penetrating into every corner of the Nightmare Bones.

The liberated Evil God's Nest can no longer be recycled, which means that he will lose one Evil God's Nest forever.

But some of it was worth it. Under the influence of his blood and the Evil God's Nest, the flesh and blood and nightmare bones were completely fused together.

Xu Yi almost wanted to cheer loudly, as the Nightmare Bones showed no signs of collapse.

But reality tells us that we cannot be happy too early.

Everything that was done just now was carried out on the premise that the nightmare bone slowly absorbed the divinity. As time passed, the divinity on the human skin scroll was absorbed and turned into ashes falling down.

Signs of collapse appear again!
Xu Yi's heart almost collapsed along with it. Could it be that after spending so much effort and consuming so much precious resources, it was just in vain?
But fortunately, the collapse speed of the Nightmare Bone was much slower than before. He quickly replaced the medicine with a new one, and the collapse trend completely stopped.

"According to this situation, it is enough to replace the medicinal solution once a day, which means three leaves of salvation need to be consumed a day."

Xu Yi sighed, not to mention that there were not many leaves of redemption left, even if he had a large number of leaves of redemption, it would not be a long-term solution.

His original goal was to make the Nightmare Bones into an "evil god walking".

In this situation, you can't even do it without leaving the petri dish, let alone kill the enemy.

Xu Yi left depressedly, without taking the Nightmare Bones with him.

Because the rules of the Toy Heart will affect the effect of the liquid medicine, the Nightmare Bones can only be left here.

For safety's sake, he had the cat spirit patrol the area, and the Annabelle doll stayed here to guard it.

"If you want the Nightmare Bones to be fully revived, you must find something with more powerful vitality!"

Xu Yi locked the door of the warehouse.


Xu Yigang returned to the exorcism studio and saw an incredible figure in the hall.

"Why are you here? Are your injuries healed?"

He never expected to see Ed, one of the Warrens, here.

"As expected of New York's great exorcist, it's really not easy to meet you!" Ed sighed in a low voice, but with a smile on his face.Xu Yi and Ed hugged each other, "Why didn't you inform us in advance on the phone?"

"Thinking of giving you a surprise!" Ed took out a suitcase from the side of the table and handed it to Xu Yi.

"What is this?" Xu Yi took the box with a heavy hand.

"The person who sent the bad blood silver bullets you wanted was in a hurry, so they were delayed until now. There are a hundred bullets in them," Ed explained.

Xu Yi happily carried the box and took Ed to the room on the third floor. He locked the door and closed the curtains.

"You came all the way here not just to deliver bullets, right?" Xu Yi brewed a cup of coffee for Ed.

For a busy man like Ed, even if he was recovering from his injuries, he wouldn't have time to come over and deliver bullets to him.

Ed stirred the coffee gently, his tone was calm, but the news he said was like thunder.

"We found the location of the Ram Cult."

Although he knew that Ed could not lie to him, Xu Yi still asked in order to be completely sure, "Are you sure this is the main church of the Gongyang Cult, and not the branch churches that can be abandoned at any time?"

"The news is absolutely reliable! And you would never guess where the General Church is?" Ed sighed. He didn't show off and directly told the answer, "It's the land of Kailis."

"The land of Kailis? The junction of the underworld and reality? The legend is actually true!"

Xu Yi believed Ed's words instantly. Only in this weird place could the Gongyang cult escape the church's search and survive to this day.

"How did you find out?" Xu Yi was a little curious. The Gongyang cult had always been well hidden, so why was it suddenly discovered.

"This matter is related to a sacred object." Ed took out an album and handed it to Xu Yi, obviously prepared for it.

Xu Yi opened the album, and the first thing that caught his eye was a large blood-red flower, which was extremely beautiful, with the name of the flower next to it.

"Blood orchid? Is this thing also a sacred object?" Xu Yi suddenly raised his head and looked at Ed in surprise.

"Why can't it be a sacred object?"

Ed felt that Xu Yi's gaze was a little strange, as if the other party had seen this kind of flower before, but he didn't take it to heart. Maybe he had seen something similar in appearance somewhere.

"Last month ago, a strange mercenary appeared deep in the jungle of Borneo, where they encountered a huge python. After suffering a lot of casualties, they dug away the things the python was guarding, including the roots. , that is the blood orchid." Ed explained.

After Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, he accepted this fact. No matter how weird things are, it is easy to become reasonable in this world.

"We followed the clue of the Blood Orchid and finally discovered the hiding place of the Ram Cult." Ed said softly.

"Does the sacred object Blood Orchid have any effect?" Xu Yi's curiosity was aroused by Blood Orchid.

"This is not the first time that this holy object has appeared. It happens that the church has recorded it. Blood orchid, also known as the flower of eternity, can prolong life and has very few side effects."

Ed sighed, "Not only the executives and dignitaries, but also many people in the church are looking for the Blood Orchid."

"According to your statement, can you gain eternal life if you have a blood orchid?" Xu Yi didn't believe it.

"Of course it's impossible. Blood Orchid will lose its effect when used to a certain extent. It can extend your life by up to 20 years."

Xu Yi's interest in blood orchids suddenly dropped. His goal was not as simple as living 20 more years.

But Ed's next words made his body tremble suddenly.

"Many evil spirits who long for reincarnation also hope to get blood orchids, which can provide them with powerful vitality."

Ed's eyes were filled with yearning, "Not only evil spirits, but many dark creatures and even exorcists are also eager to get the blood orchid. The blood orchid also has another name, that is, the flower of transcendence, a flower that can create miracles."

Xu Yi's heartbeat began to accelerate. According to Ed, wouldn't the Nightmare Bones also be able to use blood orchids?

The powerful vitality of the Blood Orchid, even if it cannot make the Nightmare Bone transcend, can at least free it from the shackles of collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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