American exorcist god.

Chapter 169 The Evil God Walks

Chapter 169 The Evil God Walks
"So, the blood orchid is also in the land of Kailis?" Xu Yi thought for a moment and asked Ed the most interesting question.

Ed nodded, "Yes, according to our guess, the Ram Cult is looking for the Blood Orchid, most likely for the coming of the evil god."

Xu Yi looked at Ed thoughtfully.

"People in the church are already studying ways to enter the land of Kailis. I believe that a breakthrough will be made soon. The church will organize a team to enter the land of Kailis and eliminate them."

Ed suddenly raised his head and looked into Xu Yi's eyes, "I came here specially to invite you to join."

Ed then sighed, "To be honest, you were not among the candidates for the extermination team at the beginning. But news came from New York, and the Archbishop asked me to persuade you. Great Exorcist, how fast are you growing? It’s amazing!”

"The rumors are not credible, they are just exaggerated!" Xu Yi shook his head.

He was not surprised by Ed's invitation. He had already had a premonition when the other party mentioned it.

He did not answer immediately, but asked, "Can you tell me about the land of Kailis?"

"Although it is only on the edge of the underworld, it is definitely a place of death. The air is filled with the death energy of the Styx. When ordinary people inhale it, their life span will be shortened, or they will die directly from a serious illness."

Ed did not choose to hide it, "Even an exorcist will be affected if he stays in that place for a long time. The worst thing is that fighting will accelerate the process."

Xu Yi was silent. They entered the land of Kairis just to fight, which meant they would definitely be affected by the death energy of the Styx.

I am afraid that the exorcists who enter the land of Kailis are already mentally prepared.

"How to distribute the blood orchid?" Xu Yi asked the most important question. The exorcist risked his lifespan to enter the land of Kailis, naturally for the blood orchid.

As long as you get the blood orchid, you can not only offset the influence of the death energy of the Styx, but also gain extra life.

"Whoever gets the taproot of the blood orchid first will get it, but the prerequisite is that the other exorcists need to compensate each of the other exorcists with two blood orchids."

Ed continued, "In addition, the church will also give each exorcist a certain amount of compensation. The conditions are negotiable, and the value is about two high-quality exorcism tools."

Xu Yi nodded, "Very reasonable!"

Ed was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, "You agreed?"

"Why don't you agree? If I don't go to Gongyang Cult, Gongyang Cult will come to me sooner or later. I prefer to hold my destiny in my own hands." Xu Yi said with a chuckle.

Whether it was to deal with the Gongyang cult, to steal the power of the evil god, or to fight for the Blood God Flower, he had no reason to refuse.

Ed came and left suddenly, and he didn't even finish his coffee.


late at night.

Xu Yi came to the warehouse in the suburbs again. The Nightmare Bones were still the same, maintaining a fragile balance under the influence of the Redemption Leaf.

This made Xu Yi relieved at least, but he knew very well that once cracking occurred again, the Nightmare Bones would collapse quickly like dominoes and could no longer be saved.

Xu Yi took out the ghost warrior's armor from the toy box. The black and red armor looked ferocious and majestic, full of strange beauty.

The purpose of his coming here today was to prepare the "Evil God Walking".

He was about to head to the lair of the Ram Cult, which was still in the dangerous land of Kailis.

If you can have a walking body of an evil god, it will be very beneficial whether it is to preserve yourself or to seize the opportunity.

Originally the best choice was the Nightmare Bones, but the current situation of the Nightmare Bones can only be improved after obtaining the Blood Orchid.

"There is a high failure rate in refining the walking body of the evil god. It would be a good idea to practice with the ghost warrior armor first!"

Xu Yi walked towards the ghost warrior armor, opened his palms together, and let the blood drip on the armor.

The evil god's ability is so bad that he needs to use his own blood as a medium at every turn. If it weren't for the Redemption Leaf that could fill up the body a little, he would have been hospitalized due to excessive blood loss.The evil god's power was activated, and shadows surged from Xu Yi's feet, wrapping the ghost warrior armor.

Many wronged souls gathered on the ghost warrior's armor, but they were scattered like dust when struck by the power of the evil god's authority.

Xu Yi vaguely felt that he had established a connection with the ghost warrior. He turned off the evil god's authority and began to enter the second step.

In the toy space, there are three small fruits on the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree. Except for the devout William, the other two are "ownerless fruits", one is mature and the other is still growing.

William's "Fire Leader Potion Plan" is still advancing, and the power of faith is pouring in, and the amount is greater than before.

Xu Yi chose the unripe fruit of faith.

Whether the fruit of faith is mature or not will not affect its effect, but the amount of power of faith is different.

Xu Yi held the walnut-sized fruit of faith in his hand and stood in front of the ghost warrior armor.

The mature Fruit of Faith is reserved for the Nightmare Bones. The ghost warrior armor in front of me is rare, so this one that was just born is just right.

Xu Yi threw the Fruit of Faith at the armor. The Fruit of Faith disappeared into the armor in the blink of an eye, like a drop of water merging into the sea.

The evil god's authority was activated again, and the Fruit of Faith was activated, turning into a blazing black flame that enveloped the entire armor.

The Fruit of Faith can only refine divine items and has no effect on ordinary items.

The flame calcination lasted for 3 minutes. The evil god transformed into Buster and suddenly appeared behind Xu Yi. He transformed into a fire chief and quietly stared at the ghost warrior armor in front of him.

"Let's start!" Xu Yi ordered softly.

Buster didn't hesitate at all. While his soul body penetrated Xu Yi's body, it also penetrated the ghost warrior armor.

Xu Yi's eyes slowly closed, and instead the "eyes" of the ghost warrior opened. Black-gold flames lit up in the black holes of the eyes, illuminating the evil ghost mask covering his face.

"This feeling is really strange!"

Xu Yi tried to raise his hand, but the main body's hand did not rise, but the ghost warrior's hand was raised. The finger cots were empty, and there was no such organ as a hand at all.

This is one of the functions of the fruit of faith, the transfer of thoughts.

His soul still remains in his body, so there is no need to fear "rigor mortis".

As for why the body is lethargic, if a person has no thoughts, what else can he do besides being lethargic?
He slightly let part of his thoughts return to his true body, which slowly opened his eyes and stood upright unsteadily.

The more thoughts left in the Oni Samurai armor, the stronger the control over the armor. The main body is protected by Annabelle, and enough thoughts are left to stay awake.

"The next step is the important inspection!"

Whether the evil god's walking body is successfully refined still needs to pass a level to verify.

Black mist floated from the armor, and the mist became thicker and thicker, covering the entire armor. After a moment, the armor disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the thick fog floating in the air.

Reality transformation!

This is the ability obtained by refining divine items through the fruits of faith.

The dispersed thick fog began to gather and turned into the ghost warrior armor again. Xu Yi heard the "click" breaking sound, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom.

At the same time, the Evil God's Nest in cultist William also eavesdropped on important information.

"The cursed pig head mask was successfully released at Vincent Farm in the suburbs of New York City."

A new evil killer appears.

(End of this chapter)

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