American exorcist god.

Chapter 172 Arriving at the Land of Kailis

Chapter 172 Arriving at the Land of Kailis

Late at night, Holy Flame Exorcism Studio.

Xu Yi looked a little tired. Because of the "Evil God and Ghost Warrior" incident last night, he met with government personnel, and then he went non-stop to find Ailan for training.

Don't get me wrong, it's a very formal special training, not the kind that goes to a hotel.

The content of the special training is swordsmanship. In order to better utilize the combat power of the ghost warrior in the future, he has been equipped with the entry of "Master of Swordsmanship".

[Master of Swordsmanship, current progress: 11/100]

This is the result of a long day of special training, which is quite effective.

He came to the conference room on the second floor, where someone had been waiting for him.

With a desk lamp and four cups of strong coffee, Xu Yi walked straight to the empty seat, picked up the coffee and prepared to speak, "You are all the people I trust most, I have important things..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"Son, I'm just an ordinary chef, and I don't understand what you're doing!" Xu Changrong sat directly opposite Xu Yi, with his shoulders slumped and a look of helplessness on his face.

He was holed up in Xu's restaurant in Chinatown, trying to develop new dishes, but unexpectedly he was suddenly captured by Xu Yi.

"Ordinary chef? Are you sure that ordinary chefs can cook with ghost hands?" Xu Yi stared at the other party closely.

"I was making shredded pork with green pepper, but the shredded pork was gone, so I chopped up the ghost hands to replace it. Is this reasonable?" Xu Changrong looked innocent.

The corner of Xu Yi's mouth twitched slightly. Isn't the Dark Chef entry too suitable for the other party?

"In short, in a word, I'll leave the matter to you!" Xu Yi didn't give Xu Changrong a chance to argue.

Xu Changrong shut up obediently. On his left was Lisa and on his right was Maria. In his opinion, from now on she would be the daughter-in-law of the old Xu family and she could not disgrace the old Xu family.

"Don't worry, Dad, your job is the easiest. You will be responsible for this area of ​​New York. I have already negotiated with the government people and you will act with them."

Xu Yi took out a metal box and after opening it, there were injections arranged neatly, with green liquid floating inside.

There was nothing special about the liquid medicine itself. What was important was the soul-stealing seeds inside. He injected twelve soul-stealing seeds into each injection.

He took out the book containing the information about the Demonic Killer and scanned the crowd, his eyes lingering on Lisa and Maria for a moment.

"I need you to help me find these murderers and inject injections into their bodies before killing them."

Of course, it is impossible for all murderers with evil thoughts to be in New York. According to records, a large number of murderers are in other cities or even other countries.

Lisa and Maria can only help with this.

"Remember, try not to expose the existence of the injection. Even if it is destroyed, it cannot fall into the hands of others!" Xu Yi warned again and again.

There are soul-stealing seeds in these injections. If you encounter powerful beings, such as some great exorcists, you may detect the clues.

That’s why you need to find someone you trust.

Just after the "Devil Hunting" conference ended, Xu Yi received a call from Ed.

"The way to enter the land of Kailis has been found. We will meet at the Buffalo Airport tomorrow."

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, not expecting that the action would come so quickly.

"I'll be there on time!"

Xu Yi did not hesitate and immediately gave an affirmative answer.

Most of the time, Ed looked confident, but now he could hear the anxiety in Ed's words, and something must have changed.

Xu Yi hung up the phone and drove to the villa in the suburbs of Queens overnight.

Most of the people monitoring the area around the villa were reduced because the strange fluctuations that erupted from time to time suddenly disappeared two days ago.

The guarding soldier noticed Xu Yi and stood firm at his post, only saluting from a distance. Xu Yi nodded in response.

Xu Yi returned to the basement again. The black moss had died, and the evil energy gushing out had also disappeared.This is a normal phenomenon, different spaces are moving.

An exorcist engaged in research once made a metaphor that a different space is like an island floating on a river. One moment it coincides with the real world, but the next second it may float away.

The undead spell was still the same as before, and the cat soul never noticed anyone approaching.

Xu Yi came to the location of Latma's rat teeth before, and pushed aside the dry black moss on it. The dark mist clung to his fist and slammed into the ground. The ground cracked, revealing the two rat teeth inside.

Rat Tooth's hand was heavy and had a bone-chilling chill. If it weren't for the dark mist protecting his palm, his palm would have been frostbitten.

A smile appeared on Xu Yi's face, because Latma's rat teeth had been baptized!

He has already figured out the other two conditions for repairing the sacred weapon Red Lotus, "Sky Fire", and only the last "creature washing pool" is left!

After taking out Latma's rat teeth, Xu Yi rushed to the warehouse in the outer suburbs without stopping.

Nightmare Bones can only be placed in the toy box.

It is conceivable that after entering the land of Kailis, he will be greeted by a fierce battle, and he must take Annabell with him.

He wouldn't worry if the Nightmare Bones were not protected by Annabelle.

Moreover, the Blood Orchid is in the land of Kailis, and the Nightmare Bones may have the opportunity to directly devour the Blood Orchid.

In order to solve the problem of the effect of the toy space medicine being affected, he could only apply a high concentration of Redemption Leaf solution to the nightmare bone.

Doing this will inevitably lead to a waste of Redemption Leaves, and you will need to consume double the Redemption Leaves every day, which is six Redemption Leaves, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Throughout the night, Xu Yi was busy preparing weapons, food, and various tools that might be used.


Buffalo, in this city close to New York, Xu Yi met the candidates for the suppression team.

In addition to elite-level exorcists, there are also special operations soldiers, wilderness survival experts, and even doctors accompanying the team, which can be said to be well prepared.

A special bus was waiting at Buffalo Airport early to take them to a remote town.

The team was stationed next to the waterhole, and the church's priest arranged a magic circle around the waterhole.

"This pool happens to be connected to the land of Kailis. The formation of the magic circle can expand the entrance. Otherwise, it will be difficult to accommodate so many of us." Ed explained next to him.

Xu Yi nodded, expressing understanding.

There are almost 200 people in the clearance team, and it is indeed difficult to find such a large entrance.

Since the entrance is not big, why not go in one by one?
The reason is simple, only by entering at the same time can they appear in the same place.

Otherwise, being scattered in the vast land of Kailis would be a hundred times worse than being alone in the center of the Sahara Desert.

At night, the church's exorcists finally set up the magic circle, but they did not enter immediately. Instead, they spent the night recharging their energy.

"Let's go!"

In the voice of the cardinal of the church, everyone entered the deep pool, and the water was cold.

"Everyone swam to the bottom first, and after seeing the signal, they held hands and entered together."

Everyone arrived at the bottom of the pool, and those who couldn't swim swallowed black water in advance. It was a liquid refined from the evil spirits in the water, and they could breathe briefly in the water.

As a large ball of red material exploded at the bottom of the pool, everyone swam towards the whirlpool at the bottom.

In the swirling vortex, Xu Yi fell rapidly. He did not resist the force and allowed the current to pull him downward.

His eyes were getting darker and darker, his consciousness was getting more and more confused, and his stomach was churning. When he wanted to vomit, he suddenly felt that his body was empty and falling downwards.

With a "bang", he landed.

(End of this chapter)

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