American exorcist god.

Chapter 173 How did I become a hero?

Chapter 173 How did I become a hero?
There was a lingering rancid smell in the air, and long black grass two feet tall danced in the wind like a black blood frenzy.

The suppression team marched through the grass, and no one wanted to touch the dead black grass.

These black dead grasses that grow in the land of Kailis contain corrosive toxins. Long-term exposure will cause skin rot and necrosis.

But the black dead grass grew too densely, and they could only wrap themselves tightly in thick clothes, which looked like squirming maggots.

This scene seemed a bit ridiculous, but no one could laugh except Xu Yi.

The church staff held up a crystal ball the size of a fist, and the light blue light illuminated the surrounding area.

Everyone wanted to stand in the light source, but Xu Yi didn't care and kept wandering outside the light source and blending into the darkness.

They had been trekking in the land of Kairis for three days and three nights. Although they were mentally prepared for the vastness of this place, they still couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

The church's magical tools guide them and let them know that they are on the right path. Otherwise, wandering aimlessly can easily make people feel hopeless.

"You have such a good attitude!"

Aide came to Xu Yi and sighed softly.

Everyone looked tired, and it was hard to see a smile on their face, except Xu Yi.

Even in such a bad place, Xu Yi always had a faint smile on his lips, looking more like he was going on an outing.

How could Xu Yi be in a bad mood? There is no sun or moon here, and there is no light in the sky and earth. It is simply the perfect place to practice sneaking in the dark.

After entering here, he has been using the ability of dark stealth. After three days of long journey, the progress of dark stealth has reached a higher level.

[Dark Stealth, current progress: 68/100]

Maybe after walking for two or three days, the entries will be full.

"We have an old saying in the Xia Kingdom: A calm mind will naturally cool down. It means that as long as you maintain a good attitude, you can face the worst situation calmly." Xu Yi replied softly.

"A calm mind naturally cools down!" Ed muttered softly.

When Xu Yi said this sentence, he used Chinese language. Although Ed didn't understand every word, he still felt the far-reaching artistic conception of this sentence.

"There is indeed something wrong with my mentality recently. Even if I know that the Gong Yang Cult is about to hold the evil god's coming ceremony, I should stay calm!" Ed took a deep breath.

Xu Yi's body suddenly tensed up, his expression became solemn, and there was no trace of a smile on his face.

"What's wrong? Isn't it said that a calm mind naturally cools down? Even if you know that the Gongyang cult is about to hold a ceremony, you don't have to react so much, right?" Ed was a little confused.

"We also have an old saying in the Xia Kingdom, which is that those who know the current affairs are heroes. It means that if the opportunity is not right, you must retreat decisively." Xu Yi was already ready to run.

He suddenly shouted angrily, "Be careful! There is something in the grass!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ferocious black shadow jumped out from the grass and bit at everyone. It was a black python with a diameter of more than one meter and an unknown length.

When Xu Yi saw the giant python, he immediately thought of the blood orchid. In the virgin forests of Borneo, the giant pythons there mutated in size due to the blood orchid.

But the mutated python in front of me was not just caused by the blood orchid. The snake had three pairs of pupils, which were distributed on the python's face, which was creepy.

Exclamations came from the other direction. There was more than one giant python, and more and more giant pythons jumped out of the grass. These two-meter-high black dead grass became their perfect cover.

Xu Yi drew his gun and fired. The blessed exorcism bullet hit the giant python, and the black snake scales cracked and sparks appeared.

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly. The python was hit by a bullet, but only its outer scales fell off.

A giant python rushed towards him from behind. With quick eyes and quick hands, Ed took out a Holy Cross mace from his waist and struck the side of the giant python's head violently.The python's head looked like it was hit head-on by a large truck, and the snake's head turned sideways.

"Change bullets, use bad blood silver bullets!" Ed's eyes have turned pale gold, especially conspicuous in the dark space.

Xu Yi decisively unloaded the bullet from the gun and loaded it with the bad blood silver bullet produced by the church.

Pulling the trigger again, the bad blood silver ejected from the chamber, penetrated the python's scales, and hit the opponent's head, causing cold snake blood to splash out.

Xu Yi was slightly stunned.

"Isn't the Bad Blood Bullet pretty powerful?" Ed thought Xu Yi was stunned because he was amazed by the power of the Bad Blood Bullet.

Although it is just an imitation of the Bad Blood Silver Bullet and is not as good as the original version, its power is indeed unexpected after being shot through the Alchemy Revolver Messiah.

But the reason why Xu Yi was stunned was not because of the silver bullet.

Just now, the snake blood splashed on the back of his hand, and he instantly felt the strong vitality in it, mixed with a lot of resentment.

"The living beings wash the knife pool", this is the third condition for repairing the sacred red lotus. The important thing is not the "pool", but the living liquid in the pool.

In Japan, if you want to make a living liquid, you usually put a liquid rich in vitality in front of a shrine and receive the blessings of everyone to absorb the thoughts of living beings.

However, the biological liquid produced in this way is not suitable for the sacred red lotus. This is because of the evil god Latma. Ordinary biological liquid will eliminate the divinity on the rat teeth.

But the python in front of him is different. Resentment is also a kind of living thought. The living fluid created with resentment perfectly matches the evil god's skeleton.

Xu Yi looked around and saw that they were indeed an elite suppression team. After a moment of panic, he quickly organized an effective counterattack.

Everyone showed their magical powers, and the giant pythons fell down one after another, with blood flowing on the ground and seeping into the black soil.

Xu Yi felt his heart bleed when he saw this scene. This was all his biological liquid!
"Everyone, slow down, be careful not to get hurt!" Xu Yi roared loudly... Stop bleeding these giant pythons, they are so pitiful!

A female exorcist turned her head and glanced at Xu Yi, feeling moved in her heart. This person is so good!

A rich blood-colored light suddenly rose into the sky, and everyone looked into the distance in surprise. The blood-colored light illuminated the area and also illuminated the building under the light pillar.

"Found it!" Everyone shouted in surprise.

When they discovered these giant pythons, everyone had already expected it. Sure enough, the Gongyang cult's headquarters was nearby.

Ed was equally surprised, but he suddenly thought of something, and his face instantly turned pale, "No! It's the coming ceremony of the evil god, and they have advanced the ceremony!"

"Go and stop the ritual! I'll lure these giant pythons away!"

Xu Yi sprinkled large amounts of realgar powder. Not only was this special realgar powder unable to drive away the giant pythons, it actually made them furious.

"Mr. Xu Yi, this is the original liquid of holy water. These giant pythons are also dark creatures and are also afraid of holy water." The cardinal of the church hesitated for a moment, took out a bottle of holy water and handed it to Xu Yi.

"This is my remaining bad blood bullet, please be safe!" Ed stuffed the entire box into Xu Yi's arms.

"If we could meet in the real world, I hope I could buy you a cup of coffee." The beautiful female exorcist stepped forward.

"Have a nice trip, friend!" Another exorcist patted Xu Yi on the shoulder.

Xu Yi was a little confused, feeling that he should be lying in a field of lilies at this moment, with a peaceful expression on his face, and a black and white photo on the table above his head.

These friends who came to commemorate him looked at the photos with admiration for the hero in their eyes.

Ah!What the hell is going on here? He just wants to collect the blood of these giant pythons to repair the sacred artifacts. He doesn't want to die!
(End of this chapter)

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