American exorcist god.

Chapter 174: Red Lotus with the Demonic Sword

Chapter 174: Red Lotus with the Demonic Sword
Surrounded by a group of pythons, Xu Yi seemed to be in a sea of ​​snakes.

The exorcists' "memorial" gaze is not unreasonable. With so many pythons, it is indeed very difficult to stop them by oneself.

Xu Yi was unafraid, possessed by the dark fog, tossing and turning among the pythons, as if dancing on the tip of a knife.

Bad blood bullets were shot out one after another, many giant pythons fell to the ground, and the blood formed a small lake at Xu Yi's feet.

Xu Yi gasped for breath. He had to concentrate on the battle without making any mistakes. This was very draining.

But these are not the worst. After fighting until now, he has very little fog of darkness left.

Once there is no fog of darkness, his speed will drop sharply and he will be torn into pieces by a group of pythons in minutes.

"It's not enough!" Xu Yi glanced at his feet, and the snake blood had just covered the insteps.

The giant python saw Xu Yi standing still, with bloodthirsty light shining in his pupils. The prey could no longer hold on, and they swarmed towards Xu Yi.

But their heads suddenly flew high, and the snake body slowly fell to Xu Yi's feet. A large amount of snake blood gushes out from the fracture, soaking Xu Yi's body.

Xu Yi held a long knife in his hand. Snake blood slipped from the crystal red blade without a drop of blood on it.

The exorcist sacred weapon Honglian, this long knife that was about to be broken was taken out and used by Xu Yi for the first time.

The giant python was not afraid of death and continued to pounce on Xu Yi. Those snake scales that were strong enough to withstand exorcism bullets were as fragile as confetti in front of Honglian's blade.

The python's body was cut open, and blood was splashed like a violent storm.

But there were too many giant pythons, and Xu Yi's sword skills were only at the entry level. A flaw appeared behind him. A giant python was lurking there silently, opening its ferocious mouth, and was about to kill Xu Yi whole. Swallow it into your mouth.

The light red flame suddenly spread, and the flames passed over the head of the giant python. The next second, the giant python suddenly fell into a pool of blood.

The flames came from the red lotus sword, which slashed horizontally. The flames surged out, and a large python fell, and Xu Yi gained a brief moment of tranquility.

"it's time!"

Xu Yi took a deep breath, and the blood of the python had already covered his calf.

He plunged the red lotus sword into the blood. If you look carefully, you will find that small cracks have appeared on the front end of the blade.

Three conditions are needed to repair the red lotus of the long sword. Xu Yi took out the rat tooth of Latma, which is the "baptized divine skeleton". The lake where the snake blood gathers in front of him is the "sword washing pool for living beings".

Now there is only one final step left, "Sky Fire".

In ancient Japanese books, the description of heavenly fire is, "In a flash, the divine skeleton melts."

At the beginning, Xu Yi was puzzled.

Even if the divine body is put into a metal smelting furnace with an astonishing temperature, it will take several days and nights to melt the divine body.

Does the flame that can instantly melt the body of a god really exist?

Later, he discovered that he had thought wrong. The sky fire might not be a real flame. Something that could quickly "melt" divine items did exist.

A fruit of faith appeared in his hand. This was a "semi-ripe" fruit of faith.

After trekking here for three days and three nights, with the continuous infusion of the power of faith, there was such a fruit of faith on the Holy Cat Spirit Tree.

Xu Yi wiped his hand on Honglian's blade, watering the long knife with blood, and at the same time pressed the core of faith in his right hand on the handle of the knife.

The members of the suppression team have gone far away, and the Gongyang Cult is nearby. As the evil god's coming ceremony begins, the air is filled with the evil god's aura.

At this time, using the evil god's authority will not attract so much attention.

Under the urging of the evil god's authority, the core of faith turned into black flames. The flames enveloped the red lotus sword. Xu Yi threw the Latma rat teeth stained with his blood into the black flames.

The rat teeth gradually melted and turned into smoke, which was injected into the red lotus sword.Black lines began to appear on the crystal red blade, and the terrifying aura spread in all directions. If Xu Yi was not the owner of the long sword, he would not even dare to stay here.

The snake blood that submerged the blade suddenly boiled and washed against the blade. The moment it touched the blade, the thick blood instantly turned into clear water, and the vitality and resentment in the snake blood were absorbed.

Snake blood is constantly being absorbed, and new snake blood is being replenished, but the replenishment speed is far less than the speed that the long knife can absorb.

Xu Yi took out the alchemy revolver and created more wounds on the giant python, allowing more blood to flow out.

After the python outside hesitated for a moment, its bloodthirsty desire defeated its fear and attacked Xu Yi again.

But the pale red flame floated out from the long knife and red lotus, and the misty flame flashed past the giant python, and the giant python fell down.

More and more python corpses piled up around Changdao Honglian, forming a "well". Xu Yi stood at the bottom of the deep well, with a towering "snake wall" in front of him.

The cultists were originally responsible for monitoring the giant pythons, but when they saw the piles of python corpses, they finally couldn't help their curiosity and came to check.

They climbed over Snake Mountain, reached the top, and looked down.

When they saw the scene below clearly, their pupils suddenly dilated.

The gathered snake blood formed a bloody vortex, and the whirlpool drew more snake blood. The blood in the death python was drawn out, and the snake's body gradually shriveled up.

In the bloody whirlpool, a long knife stood there quietly, exuding astonishing power.

The cultists exchanged glances with each other and saw the desire in each other's eyes. Everyone knew that this was definitely a terrifying long knife. If they could get it...

They hesitated for a moment and jumped into the snake cave together. They did not see Xu Yi.

But their bodies suddenly trembled uncontrollably, and there was no trace of blood on their faces.

The ethereal red flame appeared again, sweeping towards the cultists, and the cultists felt their souls trembling.

They finally knew why these giant pythons died here silently. These pale red flames burned not the body, but the soul!

They wanted to escape, but it was too late. The flames passed over their bodies, their souls were burned away, and only their bodies fell into the blood.

Xu Yi launched a dark sneak and hid in the shadows.

He didn't look at the cultists at all. His attention was always on the red lotus sword, with a hint of fear in his eyes and an unconcealable excitement at the same time.

Is the method recorded in that ancient book really just as simple as repairing the sacred artifact?

The momentum of the Red Lotus Sword now scares even his master, and this momentum is still rising, and the Red Lotus Sword is still getting stronger!

Xu Yi didn't know whether the red lotus sword in front of him could still be called an exorcism holy weapon.

The rat fang of the evil god Latma has been integrated with the long sword. A large amount of snake blood full of resentment has been injected into it, and the shape of the long sword has changed.

The crystal red blade is covered with mysterious black lines, and the blade protrudes ferociously, turning into bloody thorns.

The Red Lotus Blade, which was originally neutral and peaceful, is full of weird and ominous atmosphere. It is simply a magic knife!

As an exorcism holy weapon, the red lotus fire that burns souls is its ability.

But now the red lotus karma fire began to mutate, the red color became darker and darker, like blood, and the flame became darker and darker.

Black-red flames suddenly erupted and rose toward the top of the "Snake Well", like a volcano erupting.

The suppression team was about to arrive at the lair of the Gongyang cult. They noticed the violent fluctuations behind them and suddenly looked back, with a look of uncertainty in their pupils.

"What a terrifying flame, what happened there?" someone murmured to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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