American exorcist god.

Chapter 175 Blood Orchid Appears

Chapter 175 Blood Orchid Appears
Xu Yi climbed to the top of the "Snake Well" and looked around. There was no trace of the python anymore. He didn't know if it was dead or if he was afraid of the breath of the red lotus sword and fled here.

A violent explosion came from a distance, and Xu Yi looked far into the distance. The explosion occurred in the lair of the Gongyang cult. A large number of buildings were blown up. After the dust and smoke cleared, the contents of the building were exposed.

Xu Yi's pupils dilated, unable to conceal the excitement in his heart.

With the powerful power of the Eye of Obscure, he saw a large area of ​​red, which was particularly conspicuous among the black building debris.

That is the blood orchid. The cultists transplanted the blood orchid from the primitive forest to this place.

The river spreads over, the river surface opens up, and they form a circle around the island where the blood orchid is located, firmly protecting the blood orchid.

The river water is pure black, and there is not even a weed in the river.

The members of the clearance team stopped in front of the river. Everyone was injured. It seemed that their battle was not easy.

The cultists stood on the other side of the river, watching the suppression team fearlessly.

Ed casually picked up the body of a cultist and threw it into the black river.

With Ed's strength, he could easily throw the body into the center of the river, but as soon as the body reached the edge of the river, a strong suction force suddenly acted on the body, and the body fell straight into the river.

When the corpse came into contact with the river water, it melted at a speed visible to the naked eye. The members of the suppression team subconsciously took a step back, and their faces turned pale.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Xu Yi also frowned and murmured, "Styx water!"

How did these cultists lure the water from the River Styx?He really couldn't understand.

The cultists in the "River Island" can indeed be confident, because the water of the Styx is the best protection.

The water of the Styx flows, forming a huge circle. Anything passing by the Styx, even the weightless human soul, will be pulled in and melted in a moment.

This is also the meaning of the Styx ferryman's existence.

"If you want to cross the River Styx, ordinary methods will definitely not work!" Xu Yi knew this very well.

He jumped down the "snake well", came to an open space, and took out the Nightmare Bone.

If there was anything on him that could potentially cross the River Styx, it would be the Nightmare Bones.

He needs to protect the demon sword Honglian and wait for Honglian to complete his promotion. He can't go anywhere. He plans to use this time to refine the nightmare bone into an evil god to walk.

There are risks in refining the Evil God to walk. There is no problem with the Nightmare Bones surviving the transformation of virtual reality, but this will accelerate the collapse process of the Nightmare Bones, so Xu Yi has never dared to do it.

Now that I finally see the Blood Orchid, whether I can save the Nightmare Bones depends on how I perform next.

Xu Yi took out the mature Fruit of Faith and pressed it hard on the Nightmare Bone.

Because the Nightmare Bone has already been watered with his blood, there is no need to repeat this step. The evil god's authority drives the fruit of faith, and the black flame engulfs the Nightmare Bone.

The Nightmare Bones were refined into walking evil spirits, and the Demonic Sword Red Lotus was slowly being promoted. All Xu Yi had to do now was to wait quietly.


By the Styx River, the red archbishop hesitated for a moment, took out a piece of cloth, and spread it on the ground.

The piece of cloth was about two meters long and one meter wide. It was very thick, like some kind of blanket. It was all purple and had countless figures praying on it.

The cardinal bit his finger, dripped the blood on the blanket, and chanted softly.

A magical scene happened. The blanket actually flew up and floated in front of the cardinal.

"Exorcist artifact? Kangnai's magic carpet!" The person next to him exclaimed in surprise.

The cardinal stretched out his hand and tapped the magic carpet. The magic carpet seemed to be alive and flew towards the River Styx. The powerful suction force appeared again, trying to drag the magic carpet downward.

But the magic carpet suddenly shook, dispelling the suction force. Seeing this scene, the red archbishop finally breathed a sigh of relief.The magic carpet returned to him. The red archbishop was the first to jump on the magic carpet, Ed was the second, and the third was the elite exorcist of the church.

The magic carpet carried the three people across the River Styx. The elimination team kept a close eye on the flying magic carpet. The cultists' expressions changed slightly and they launched attacks one after another, trying to shoot down the magic carpet.

But the magic carpet is too flexible and too strong. Bullets can't leave any marks on it, and magic exorcists are useless.

The magic carpet carried the three men across the River Styx and fired the first shot of the "Normandy Landing".

The three of them faced the surging cultists, like a small boat in a violent storm, which could be overturned at any time.

Fortunately, the magic carpet keeps bringing reinforcements, and each one of them is an absolute elite.

The war between the church and the cultists has begun again, and the same scene has been played out for thousands of years.

This is an all-out fight!

Time passed, and Ed was covered in blood, panting and looking around the battlefield.

The two sides can be said to be evenly matched. The individual combat effectiveness of the suppression team is stronger, but the Gongyang Cult has more people.

A smile appeared on Ed's lips. The members of the suppression team came from all over the world, and many of them were strangers to each other. However, as the battle progressed, they gradually became familiar with each other and spontaneously formed a team.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the elite team will be qualitatively improved, and the final victory will belong to them.

At this moment, he noticed movement behind him. The water of the Styx was being stirred, and something was crawling out of the Styx.

His pupils suddenly shrank. It was a tall skeletal monster, with hot black smoke rising all over its body. The flesh and blood clinging to the skeleton was surging, which was particularly terrifying.

The one who reacted more strongly than Ed was the red archbishop. He waved the magic carpet in his hand to meet the enemy. The magic carpet was rolled into the shape of a spear. Every time it was thrust out, a cultist would fall to the ground.

But his expression suddenly changed. He felt something tugging at the sacred vessel in his hand, and the divinity within the sacred vessel was turbulent.

He retreated suddenly, away from the skeletal monster, with shock and anger on his face.

"It's over!" Ed noticed this scene and sighed in his heart.

The red archbishop and the holy weapon were the strongest combat forces on their side, but they were actually restrained by the skeletal monster in front of them.

He was horrified. Where did the Gongyang cult find this kind of monster?That ominous aura makes people feel uneasy.

The suppression team seemed to be facing a formidable enemy. Ed glanced at the cultists out of the corner of his eye and was stunned for a moment.

its not right!Shouldn't the cultists smile and then stare at them with a sneer of success?
Just like them, they all stared at the skeleton monster with wary expressions.

Could it be?A possibility came to Ed's mind.

The skeleton monster rushed into the crowd. It neither paid attention to the elimination team nor attacked the cultists. It rushed straight towards the blood orchid in the distance.

The church and the Gongyang Cult were wary of each other, and both were afraid of the skeleton monster. They actually watched the skeleton monster leave without anyone stopping it.

The skeleton monster is of course the Nightmare Bone, and the person controlling the Nightmare Bone at this moment is Xu Yi.

He waited beside the "Snake Well", but he did not expect that the Nightmare Bones would be refined earlier than the Demonic Sword.

This made him, who had been watching, feel a little ready to make a move. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to let the Nightmare Bone come over first.

When he forced himself to cross the River Styx, the Nightmare Bones almost collapsed. Fortunately, the River Styx was only diverted and the water was not deep, so he was able to climb up.

He seemed to smell the fragrance of blood orchids in the air, and the flesh and blood all over his body, as well as the bones that were about to collapse, all revealed full desire.

(End of this chapter)

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