American exorcist god.

Chapter 176 Chainsaw Massacre

Chapter 176 Chainsaw Massacre
Getting closer and closer to the Blood Orchid, the Nightmare Bones ran wildly.

There were not many cultists guarding the Blood Orchid anymore. They all rushed to the river to deal with the suppression team.

Xu Yi is now a skeleton and cannot use the power of the entry, but it does not affect his fighting skills.

In fact, there is no need to use any skills, the Nightmare Bone itself is the most powerful weapon.Ordinary exorcism weapons can't harm him at all, but his bone hands can easily penetrate people's bodies.

The cultists who tried to stop them all fell into a pool of blood. The Nightmare Bones trampled on the corpses on the ground and headed towards the Blood Orchid.

The blood orchid is right in front of you, and its delicate flowers exude a peculiar fragrance.

The nightmare bone went straight to the center of the flower bush, where the main root was.

Each kind of holy object is a unique existence. The blood orchid in front of you does not have an independent soul like the cat spirit tree, it only has instinct.

It was born in the primeval forest of Borneo and instinctively used blood orchids to attract pythons. The falling petals were swallowed by the pythons, and the pythons evolved and guarded around the blood orchids.

Now that the "guards" have disappeared, the blood orchid's main root trembles slightly.

Xu Yi turned a blind eye and controlled the nightmare bone to rush forward. The nightmare bone was full of cracks. If it could not be supplemented by powerful vitality, it would collapse immediately.

The Nightmare Bone grabbed the blood orchid's main root, and the bone body shook suddenly.

He suddenly felt that the divinity in the main root of the blood orchid was weak, but extremely unique, and "purer" than other divinities.

His bones were shaking slightly, not because he was about to collapse, but because he was excited.

The blood orchid is also known as the flower of transcendence. The emergence of "transcendence" miracles is due to this special divinity.

The nightmare bone began to absorb the weak divinity, and the flesh and blood attached to the surface of the bone began to squirm, wrapping around the main root like a snake, and climbing in all directions along the root.

Large tracts of blood orchids withered and withered, and a solemn aura rose into the sky.

The two parties fighting by the River Styx stopped in unison, turning their heads to look in the direction of the Blood Orchid, with fear on their faces.

"Bishop Norton, you will command the battle, and I will stop that monster!" Ed suddenly retreated, trying to prevent the resurrection of the Nightmare Bones.

But a more powerful aura suddenly descended, and a bloody beam of light in the distance penetrated the sky and the earth. The cultists showed ecstatic expressions on their faces, shouting that the Holy Lord would live forever.

Ed's face turned pale instantly, because the evil god's coming ceremony was about to be completed!
"Take me over quickly!"

A familiar voice came from behind. Ed turned his head suddenly and said in surprise, "Xu Yi? Are you okay!"

After the refining of the Red Lotus Demon Sword was completed, Xu Yi rushed over immediately.

Red Archbishop Norton threw out the magic carpet in his hand, and Xu Yi rode the magic carpet across the River Styx. He started killing as soon as he landed.

The two parties rarely use firearms in battles. It's not that firearms are not easy to use, but that the exorcists are powerful enough to have ways to deal with ordinary firearms.

The world is changing, and of course exorcists are making progress. If an ordinary person with a gun can threaten the life of an exorcist, wouldn't it be too frustrating for the exorcist?

But the gun in Xu Yi's hand is not in this category. The Alchemy Revolver Messiah and the Bad Blood Silver Bullet have a sharp increase in lethality against the Exorcist.

He is also a master of spear skills, and he can basically hit the mark with every shot, and the battle quickly becomes one-sided.

"Let's go!" Xu Yi had no time to contend with these cultists. After breaking through the cultists' defense, he rushed towards the bloody light beam in the distance.

He could already feel the terrifying aura of the evil god.

Ed also knew this and followed them. After Archbishop Norton stabilized the situation, he also led some people to follow the two of them.

When passing by the Blood Orchid Sea, Ed hesitated slightly. "Don't worry about this! It's important to prevent the coming ceremony!" Xu Yi pulled Ed away.

The archbishops at the rear did not pay attention to the monster in the blood orchid. Bishop Norton knew that now was not the time to cause trouble.

Other exorcists have ideas about the blood orchid, but they also know that the skeletal monster is difficult to deal with, and they dare not act rashly without the help of the church.

Xu Yi finally arrived at the location of the advent ceremony. A complex magic circle was carved on the altar. Cultists shrouded in black robes stood around the magic circle. In the center of the light pillar was a huge coffin.

The beam of light suddenly shrank, and the bloody light converged on the coffin in the center. Xu Yi took out the holy water gifted by the archbishop and slammed it into it.

The moment the holy water came into contact with the blood-colored light pillar, the glass bottle shattered, and the holy water spread out, creating a large hole in the light pillar.

Archbishop Norton's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.He took out a crown and threw it through the hole of the light pillar.

The crown entered the magic circle, and a bright golden light burst out instantly. Under the light, the blood-colored magic circle fell apart, and the light pillar soaring into the sky turned into a shadow and disappeared.

The exorcists present all breathed a sigh of relief. Since the church decided to destroy the coming ceremony of the evil god, how could it not be prepared? The crown is the trump card against the coming ceremony of the evil god.

The ceremony was interrupted midway, and the cultist who presided over the ceremony died suddenly and fell to the ground bleeding from his orifices.

Ed strode towards the coffin, preparing to destroy the evil medium inside. Only in this way would the ceremony be completely destroyed.

He stood in front of the coffin, his expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously stepped back.

A whining sound suddenly came from the coffin, and the next second the coffin burst, and a cold light flashed across Ed's waist.

Ed's clothes were torn and he was covered in cold sweat. The thing that scratched his waist turned out to be a rotating chainsaw!

If he had been delayed a second longer, he would have been disemboweled.

A tall figure walked out from the debris of the coffin, wearing a suit and tie, with a butcher's apron in front of him. He looked elegant, but if you saw the chainsaw in the other person's hand and the leather face covering his head, , I wouldn’t think so.

The smell of cursed objects filled the air, and the chainsaw was covered in rust, but it was still able to turn. It was not a chainsaw in the traditional sense at all. The vines penetrated deep into the inside of the motor, and the oil used was as thick as blood.

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre!"

Information about the cursed object flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

The Alchemical Revolver Messiah aimed at the opponent's head. Xu Yi was about to pull the trigger, but he suddenly found that he couldn't move. His body seemed to have turned into a statue, and he couldn't even blink.

A powerful realm was created, centered on the Chainsaw Massacre, and enveloped all the exorcists present.

The place was so quiet that only the buzz of the chainsaw was left, like the roar of a wild animal.

Ed was the closest to the chainsaw murderer. Seeing that the chainsaw was about to cut Ed's body into two sides, the golden light in Ed's eyes burst out, the power of the holy body was fully activated, and he forcibly broke free from the suppression of the domain.

He retreated quickly, panting heavily and covered in cold sweat.

The prey ran away, but the cold pupils of the chainsaw killer did not waver at all. He strode forward, strolling leisurely, as if he was inspecting his own slaughterhouse.

The exorcist who was locked in place turned into a pig and a sheep. The chainsaw cut across, blood spurted out, and his organs flowed all over the floor. The exorcist died with strong unwillingness.

"It's the evil god!" Xu Yi suddenly understood.

Of course, it is impossible for an ordinary murderer to possess such powerful strength. Although the evil god's coming ceremony was interrupted, part of the evil god's power still entered the murderer's body.

(End of this chapter)

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