American exorcist god.

Chapter 177 The worst has already happened

Chapter 177 The worst has already happened

The sound of chainsaws roared, and the exorcists of the extermination team were slaughtered like livestock. Ed's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared and rushed towards the chainsaw murderer.

The sacred magic carpet on Archbishop Norton's body shook suddenly, and he broke away from the suppression of the domain. He held the magic carpet rolled up into a spear and rushed towards the murderer.

The two were forced back again and again, and jumped on each other again and again, because as soon as they got out of the way, the exorcist behind them would die under the chainsaw.

Xu Yi tried to break free from the restraints on his body. The power of darkness exploded and the restraints loosened, but only for a moment. The fog of darkness he controlled was not enough to break free from the realm.

Ed was forced back again, and his arm was in burning pain. Because he couldn't dodge just now, he was scratched by the edge of the electric saw.

Bishop Norton's condition was even worse. His face was pale and he was sweating profusely.

Although the opponent can control the holy weapon and has more combat experience, he is old after all, and does not have the special physique of the Holy Body, so he may not be able to last long.

Sweat soaked into his eyes, and Bishop Norton's eyes were sore for a moment. He screamed in his heart that it was bad, and subconsciously dodged, but still took a step slower.

The electric saw grazed his waist, the outer layer of skin and flesh was cut open, and blood flowed uncontrollably.

Bishop Norton covered the wound with one hand and held the Magic Carpet Spear with the other. He gritted his teeth and persisted, with blood staining his robes red.

The situation of the two was in danger. Bishop Norton suddenly knocked Ed away, allowing him to avoid a fatal cut. Bishop Norton roared at Ed, "Run!"

Ed's pupils were blood red. He did not listen to Bishop Norton's words and rushed towards the chainsaw murderer with a cross nail hammer.

Chainsaw Massacre seemed to be tired of this kind of game. Bloody smoke rose from his body, and his breathtaking breath swept the entire place.

The chainsaw suddenly turned, and the cross hammer in Ed's hand was blown away by the huge force. His flesh and blood body was about to face the terrifying chainsaw.

At this moment, the purple-red air curtain suddenly unfolded, covering the exorcists who could not move. The exorcists were surprised to find that they could actually move.

The exorcist's anger has been accumulated to the extreme, and they have taken out their trump cards, and various powerful attacks have rained down on the chainsaw murderer.

Ed looked at the center of the red air curtain, which was the direction of Xu Yi.

"Xu Yi, it was my best decision to persuade you to join the team!" Ed's face was full of joy.

"Hurry! I can't hold on long!" Xu Yi roared.

The Dark Mist could not break away from the shackles of the realm. He suddenly thought of Annabelle's toy treasure box. When the toy treasure box was unfolded, it also belonged to a realm.

He just tried it, but he didn't expect it to work.

The two realms clashed, and the suppressive realm of Chainsaw Massacre was neutralized, allowing the exorcists to resume operations.

The Chainsaw Massacre was unable to face so many exorcists. His body was soon covered with scars, his powerful aura was weakening, and he was about to die.

Xu Yi knew it was time, so he spilled a large ball of soul-binding thread, and the soul-binding thread tightly bound the chainsaw murderer.

The soul-binding thread continued to tighten, the chainsaw murderer's body was cut open, and his soul was pressed into a soul jade.

Xu Yi felt the aura of the evil god on the soul jade, and joy flashed in his eyes.

He did not feed the soul jade to Annabell right away because the occasion was not right.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Chainsaw Master (White Ordinary)"]

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Body of Wild Beast (Green Rare)"]

Xu Yi was a little disappointed when he saw the entry he had swallowed.

However, he was relieved when he thought that the evil god's coming ceremony was destroyed and the chainsaw murderer only inherited some of the evil god's power.

Xu Yi looked around. Some exorcists were bandaging wounds, and some were silently collecting the corpses on the ground. Although everyone was sad in their hearts, there was a look of relief on their faces.

Xu Yi frowned involuntarily.

Although the arrival ceremony of the evil god was interrupted and the exorcists also tried their best, was it too easy for the evil god's medium to solve it?
He has seen the evil god Ratma and knows how difficult things like the evil god can be.Xu Yi's heart suddenly moved slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because he felt that after the nightmare bone swallowed the main root of the blood orchid, he finally completed the promotion!

But such good news only made him happy for a moment, but he was still worried.

"What's wrong?" Ed noticed Xu Yi's abnormality and asked softly.

"Don't you think it's too easy to solve the evil god?" Xu Yi said it directly without any intention of hiding it.

Ed's brows also furrowed. Although he felt that this operation was not easy and the entire army was almost destroyed, out of his trust in Xu Yi, he still calmed down and thought.

"Listening to what you said, it seems that something is wrong. Are there too few cultists guarding the ceremony?" Ed said softly.

As soon as they finished speaking, Bishop Norton suddenly called them over.

"Bishop Norton, have you discovered anything?" Xu Yi saw that Bishop Norton looked wrong and asked directly.

"It feels a little bit wrong, but you won't know until you remove this stone slab first."

Under the broken coffin, there was a heavy stone slab, and the exorcists worked together to remove the stone slab.

There is actually a magic circle hidden under the stone slab, only two meters in diameter. It is so densely engraved with incantations that there is almost no gap.

Bishop Norton squatted beside the magic circle to check. His face suddenly turned pale, and his hand pointing at the magic circle trembled slightly.

"We were deceived! This is not the real place where the evil god descended!"

Everyone around them had shocked expressions on their faces, except Xu Yi. He had long sensed that something was wrong, not just because the Chainsaw Massacre was solved so easily.

He has always had a question in his mind, where are the souls of those demonic killers?

The Soul Stealing Seed was put into the soul of the Demonic Killer, but he never felt the presence of the Soul Stealing Seed.

"But the momentum of the magic circle just now was so huge, and the evil god's sinister aura cannot be faked. How could the advent ceremony be fake?" Some exorcists were unwilling to believe this fact.

"I didn't say that the advent ceremony was fake." Bishop Norton explained, "This ceremony is divided into two parts. One part is responsible for energy transmission, and the other part is responsible for energy reception. The real evil god medium is on the other side."

"Then quickly destroy this magic circle!" the exorcist blurted out subconsciously.

Bishop Norton shook his head, his face full of misery, "Do you know why the Apocalypse Crown destroyed the blood array but did not destroy the magic circle under the stone slab?"

He spoke sadly, "Because the magic circle has already been activated, the real advent ceremony may have been completed a day or two ago, and the bloody light pillar was just used to confuse us."

Everyone's faces turned pale. They didn't expect that after working hard for so long, they were just doing useless work.

Xu Yi silently released his hand from the alchemy revolver. If it had only been more than ten minutes ago, he might have stopped all this with the resurrection coin.

But a day or two ago, there was nothing he could do.

"Could it be that there is a traitor among us and his actions have been exposed long ago?" Someone said suspiciously.

"Not necessarily! Although our actions are secretive, with so many people gathered, it's impossible for no news to leak out." Ed hurriedly spoke up to calm the panicked people.

"Since the evil god has arrived a day or two ago, why haven't we received any news?" Some asked doubtfully.

Although there is no way to use mobile phones here, the church has a special instrument for communicating with the outside world.

The words woke up the dreamer, and the people in the church reacted instantly. They quickly took out the magic weapon and tried to contact the church headquarters.

At this moment, the bright aurora spread from the horizon, beautifully illuminating the dark land of Kailis.

When Godfather Norton saw the beautiful aurora, his expression suddenly changed.

"Not good! The other party wants to close the entrance and exit of Kailis!"

(End of this chapter)

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