American exorcist god.

Chapter 178 Darkness is coming

Chapter 178 Darkness is coming
As Bishop Norton spoke, Xu Yi's expression also changed slightly.

The land of Kailis is a dark place. Once the aurora appears to dispel the darkness, it means that the passage between here and the outside world will be closed.

The aurora will appear at a certain time every year, but before they come, they have calculated that there are still two full months until the aurora arrives.

This can only mean one thing, the early appearance of the aurora is caused by the cultists!

Xu Yi climbed up the towering pillar next to the altar and used the eyesight of the Dark Eye to search for the cultists.

"Over there! They want to escape!"

He quickly discovered the clues. In the northeast corner of the altar, the cultists jumped into a pool one after another. There was no doubt that that pool was the entrance and exit.

"Stop them!" Ed roared.

Everyone rushed in the direction indicated by Xu Yi, and they all knew that this was all a trap.

It was too late to stop the Aurora from appearing. All they could do now was to leave the land of Kailis before it closed.

Everyone broke out at extreme speed. Xu Yi raised his head and glanced at the sky. The aurora was about to penetrate the land of Kailis.

He knew it was too late and was slightly behind the others.

The moment he flashed into the ruins of the building, two clouds of black smoke flew out from his body. They were the ghost warrior armor and the demon sword red lotus.

The evil god can walk much faster than him, and there may be a chance to pass through the portal and return to the real world.

Bishop Norton jumped on the magic carpet at lightning speed. He had a chance to jump into the pool, but the cultists gave up the chance to leave and blocked him.

This is the scary thing about cultists. In order to complete their mission, they can give up their lives at any time.

A battle broke out between the suppression team and the cultists again. The battlefield was in chaos. No one noticed that two black smoke quietly entered the pool. They were the ghost warrior and the demon sword red lotus.

Before the aurora penetrated the sky, another black smoke penetrated into the pool. It was the Nightmare Bone that came from the Blood Orchid.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. The evil god walked away. He could at least still have the ability to intervene in the real world and would not be completely blind.


Brooklyn, New York.

Xu Changrong handed the seriously injured murderer to the policeman who came to hand over the hand, and hid the injection in his pocket with a guilty conscience.

"Has the body been found?" Xu Changrong spoke to cover up his guilt.

"We found it. It's really a brutal murderer. He actually sealed the body into a cement wall." The policeman sighed.

He was suddenly startled, and quickly reached out to check the murderer's pulse. The murderer, who was still breathing just now, suddenly stopped.

The small town of Lennacho, England.

Led by Black Carp, Lisa found Harry hiding in the mine tunnel.

This murderer, who had massacred more than 20 people, was in very bad condition. His chest was sunken, his left hand was fractured, the gas mask he was wearing was pierced, and his breathing sounded like a broken bellows.

Lisa took out the injection containing the soul-stealing seed, walked up to the miner Harry, and injected the injection into the man's body from the neck.

Miner Harry still wanted to resist, but Lisa suppressed him casually.

After the injection was completed, Lisa was about to end the other person's life, but she didn't expect that the other person suddenly fell down, and she felt an extremely weak soul wave.

Paris France.

The lights were still on in the Jos sculpture studio late at night. Human wax figures were scattered in the studio. The white wax on the outer layer of the statues was broken, revealing the horrific corpses inside.

Two figures were fighting between the wax figures. Ailan caught the opponent's flaw, cut off the opponent's left hand with a knife, and then retreated to avoid being counterattacked by the opponent.

But she suddenly froze, Jos's pupils turned dull, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

Ailan sensed something was wrong, rushed towards Joss, and injected the injection into his body before his pupils dilated.

Only halfway through the injection, the other person's heart had already stopped beating.

Ailan frowned and stared at the corpse. After a moment, he took out a small notebook and opened it.

Seven or eight bright red crosses had been drawn on the notebook. She moved the pen to the back of the last name and made a cross.

Ailan let out a long sigh of relief as he closed the book.

She was running around here and there these days, and sometimes she had to take four or five flights in one day. Now that things had finally come to an end, she could finally rest a little.

.........The land of Kailis.

The church staff squatted on the altar, added various mysterious incantations to the original magic circle, and placed the exorcism tools they brought on top.

"Although we are trapped here, it does not mean that we can't do anything. I plan to use the evil god's coming ceremony to reversely carve the Holy Light Array."

Bishop Norton explained softly.

Xu Yi nodded, expressing understanding.

But he didn't pay much attention to the so-called Holy Light Array.

You must know that what they are dealing with is the incarnation of the evil god in the human world, and it is also a long-range magic circle. How powerful can it be?
Bishop Norton stroked Kangnai's magic carpet with a look of reluctance, "In order to bring out the true power of the Holy Light Array, I plan to use the magic carpet as the center of the array."

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment and suddenly looked forward to the Holy Light Array.

Bishop Norton is planning to sacrifice Conai's magic carpet and use an exorcism artifact to enhance the power of the magic circle.

"Your Majesty, the headquarters is asking us, do we know the true location of the evil god's arrival?"

The church staff suddenly turned around and asked. In his hand was a crystal ball used to communicate with the church headquarters.

Bishop Norton sighed and shook his head helplessly.

After spending so much effort, he didn’t even know where the evil god had descended.

"In New York! The small town of Blue outside New York!"

Xu Yi's voice suddenly came from the side. Bishop Norton turned his head in surprise. Xu Yi looked up at the aurora in the sky, his eyes empty.


The outskirts of New York, the small town of Blue.

Cultist Hunter knelt down in front of the huge coffin. He felt the chilling atmosphere in the coffin and trembled with excitement.

He kept bending down and kneeling down, "Great Holy Lord, may you walk in the world, spread your glory, and all rebels will die by your sword."

In the process of kneeling and worshiping, the chains on his body were moved, making a clanging sound of metal.

"Hunter, aren't you a traitor?"

A deep voice came from behind, and a tall figure was shrouded in black robes, making his face unclear.

"Lord Fick! Please believe me, I will never betray the Holy Lord!" Hunter kept kowtow and begged.

Fick stared at Hunter quietly, and after a moment, he spoke slowly, "The Holy Lord needs blood to wake up from his slumber. In order to prove your loyalty to the Holy Lord, are you willing to help the Holy Lord and let him What about actually coming to earth?"

There was a lot of movement in the ordinary advent ceremony, so they opened the main magic circle in the land of Kailis, and the secondary magic circle in the present world.

At the same time, they put the evil god's incarnation into a temporary slumber. In this way, the noise of the advent ceremony would be minimized and would not be discovered by the people of the church.

A dagger was thrown in front of Hunter. Hunter picked up the dagger without saying a word and stabbed himself in the heart. Blood spattered out and splashed on the coffin.

Hunter slowly fell to the ground, his eyes gradually blurred, but the coffin still did not move.

"I lied to you! You really believed it!" Fick suddenly showed a successful smile on his face.

"Fick, the God-Deceiver, your taste is as bad as ever!" A slender female voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Fike didn't speak or even look back, but kept a smile on his lips.

"Since Hunter has no problem, it's the problem with that guy named Xu Yi... The existence of the other party is likely to affect our plan." The woman's voice sounded again.

"It doesn't matter, the other party has been targeted by the Ram Evil God. After the Evil God's incarnation wakes up, he will naturally deal with the other party." Fick said nonchalantly.

"In that case, let everything go according to plan!" The woman's voice gradually drifted away.

Fick walked towards the coffin and poured an unknown liquid on the coffin lid. "Gong Yang evil god, it's time for you to wake up. This town in front of you is your baptism place. After you are baptized, do what you should do." Let’s do it!”

Fick said carelessly, without any admiration for the Ram Evil God in his words.The people of the Ram Cult could not have imagined that Fick, whom they admired, was actually a liar.

But what Fick didn't expect was that in Hunter's body, the Nest of Evil Gods had faithfully recorded this scene and passed it on to Xu Yi.

 Sorry, friends, I have something to do today. I don’t know if I can update two chapters tonight. If not, I will make up for it in the future~ I wish you all well~

(End of this chapter)

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