American exorcist god.

Chapter 179 The Ghost Warrior will protect us

Chapter 179 The Ghost Warrior will protect us

Land of Kailis.

Xu Yi looked solemn, and the images coming back from the Evil God's Nest made him suddenly understand a lot of things.

The previous Gongyang cult was like a rat crossing the street. It could only hide in dark corners and did not dare to meet the church at all.

But now, not only has the church been tricked, but it has also quietly allowed the evil god to successfully descend.

If the other party has this kind of ability, why can he only survive for so many years?

Now he understands that there is a mysterious force secretly controlling all this.

"What organization does Fick, the God-Deceiver, come from?"

"Xu Yi, how do you know that the evil god came to the town of Blue?" Ed asked the doubt in his heart.

"The aura of the evil god has appeared in the town of Bru before, and there are also a lot of cultists."

Of course Xu Yi couldn't say it was because of the surveillance of the Evil God's Nest.

Previously, the ghost warrior went to the small town of Blue to kill the perverted murderer, but was besieged by cultists.

He originally thought it was a trap set by the Gongyang cult, but looking back now, he found that there were a lot of things wrong.

The target of the Gongyang Evil God is the souls of those demonic murderers, and the cultists do not need to set up ambush there for protection.

Now I think it may be because the evil god's descending place was nearby. They were worried and came to check, and then bumped into the ghost warrior.

Ed was still a little confused, but he didn't ask anymore because Xu Yi's eyes began to become empty.

Xu Yi's mind has been divided into three parts, each controlling three "evil god walks".

The Oni Samurai Armor and the Demonic Sword Guren passed through the pool almost at the same time, but unexpectedly they appeared in completely different places.

The Oni Samurai Armor and Nightmare Bones both had good luck and appeared around New York.The Demon Sword Red Lotus had the worst luck, appearing directly in the waterhole in the town of Buffalo.

Even after the Evil God walks in virtual form, his speed is astonishing, and it takes about half an hour to cross a city.


The town of Blue.

This was originally an ordinary town, but now it was surrounded by the army.

Entos looked at the entrance of the town. Fierce gunfire continued. Small missiles streaked across the sky, and their long flame tails lit up the dark night sky.The missile fell, flames shot into the sky, the earth shook, and the explosion sounded like thunder.

"Target found! Start saturation fire strike!"

The voice of the army commander came from Entos's earpiece.

"I hope the army can destroy that monster!" Entos sighed and turned around to direct the residents of Blue Town to retreat.

Most of the residents of the town were wearing pajamas. Not long after they fell asleep, soldiers suddenly came to the door and urged them to evacuate.

They didn't take it seriously at first, but they didn't know the problem was serious until they felt the ground shaking in the distance.

Even if terrorists invade, they won't make such a big fuss, right?They were very confused.

"Little Alice, do you need help?" Entos knelt down in front of a little girl.

The little girl is pretty, only five or six years old. At this age, she should be the most lively, jumping around and making trouble.

But the other party walked extremely slowly, because the other party only had one leg and was walking slowly with a cane.

When the little girl was three years old, a car accident took away her legs and her parents. She later lived with her grandma. Unexpectedly, her grandma also passed away half a year ago.

Such a young child should have gone to a workhouse to live, but little Alice was unwilling and kept guarding her grandma's house, saying that if she left, her grandma's house would soon be dilapidated, and she wanted to protect her grandma's house. And Xiaomi.

Xiaomi is a stray cat raised by Alice. She is also lame in one leg and seems to be a bit sympathetic to the same illness.

Faced with Entos' inquiry, little Alice shook her head, "Thank you, sir, but I can do it alone."

Everyone here carries their valuables in large bags, but little Alice only carried a cloth bag, which contained a family photo and the white cat named Xiaomi.There is a stuffed doll squeezed next to the white cat. The stuffing of the stuffed doll is very rough. It is not difficult to tell that it was made by the little girl in front of me.

For others, banknotes and jewelry are the most precious, but for the little girl in front of her, the photos of her parents, the kittens and dolls that accompany her are the most important things in life.

"Aren't you afraid?" Entos asked curiously.

When the people around heard the rumbling gunfire, their faces could not hide the fear, but little Alice was different. She looked more like she had prepared fruit tea and was about to go on an outing.

Little Alice shook her head and hugged the doll in the bag tightly, "Don't be afraid! Because the Oni Warrior will protect me!"

Because of his poor craftsmanship in sewing dolls, Entos recognized that the doll in the opponent's cloth bag was actually the evil ghost warrior that had appeared before.

It is said that little Alice was kidnapped by a murderer and planted in the ground. It was the ghost warrior who saved her.

Entos was a little dumbfounded. How could the evil god save people? It was probably just a hallucination caused by the little girl being too panicked.

But he didn't say much. No matter what he did, he wouldn't argue with a poor little girl.

"Get in the car quickly! When we get to a safe place, there will be chocolate cake there!" Entos urged little Alice to leave.

He noticed something was wrong. Just now, he could still hear the commander giving orders through the earphones, but he didn't know when new orders stopped appearing.

He took out the communicator and wanted to contact the commander. A rustling busy tone came and Entos fell silent.

As the commander lost contact, the artillery fire in the distance gradually dropped, replaced by shrill screams.

"It doesn't matter! There is also the church's great exorcist! He will definitely be able to deal with that monster!"

Entos had a vague premonition in his heart, and he could only comfort himself in this way.

Time passed quietly, and most of the people got on the car. Because the car was too crowded, Entos took little Alice to the front of the car and wanted to put her in the passenger seat.

Something suddenly hit him in front of him. Through the moonlight, Entos could see clearly what was in the darkness. It was a corpse.

Entos felt that all the blood in his body was frozen, and he seemed to be unable to feel his breathing. The body was dressed in a gorgeous bright red robe. In the church, only the archbishop could wear this kind of robe.

Although he had only met him once, he recognized him at a glance. He was the great exorcist who came to support the church.

The other party was already dead. Everything from the chest down had been chopped off, his organs were flowing all over the floor, and the frightened expression of death still remained on his face.

Entos mustered up all his courage and turned around slowly.

He finally saw the legendary terrifying evil god clearly. He was tall and over two meters tall. He wore a white hooded mask on his head and a black and blue one-piece overalls. The dagger in his hand was still dripping with blood. .

The other person looked like an ordinary man dressed up in a strange way. On Halloween, he wouldn't even scare a child.

But Entos's eyes met with the other person's, and his heart suddenly stopped. He couldn't even describe how cold and violent those eyes were.

"Being able to meet the legendary evil god Michael before death is not bad!"

Entos didn't know where his sense of humor came from, and he actually joked to himself. Maybe he knew that he would die, and he had courage in his heart.

The real Michael Myers has long been missing, but the city hall does not know the name of the ram evil god. However, because the opponent is wearing Michael's cursed object, the evil god's nickname is "Michael".

Little Alice noticed the cold murderous intent on the evil god Michael, and her thin body couldn't stop trembling, but even at this time, she was still trying to calm the restless kitten.

"Xiao Mi! Don't be afraid! The Ghost Warrior will protect us!" Little Alice said softly.

Entos shook his head and smiled bitterly. The church's great exorcists had all died at the hands of the other party. What's the use of talking about the illusory ghost warriors at this time?

Evil God Michael walked slowly towards little Alice, while Entos stood in front of little Alice. His dignity made him not allow little Alice to die in front of him.

"Master Ghost Warrior!" Little Alice suddenly exclaimed.

Entos turned his head and looked subconsciously. He guessed that little Alice might have been frightened and started talking nonsense.

But he was suddenly stunned. In the darkness behind little Alice, a pair of black and red armor actually stepped out, with black and gold flames burning quietly in the pupils.

The ghost warrior is actually here!Entos's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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