American exorcist god.

Chapter 180 Holy Light Comes

Chapter 180 Holy Light Comes
Xu Yi finally arrived, which was good news, but the bad news was that the first one to arrive was the ghost warrior.

The last time the ghost warrior used the demon-suppressing flame, it exceeded the endurance of the armor. Now it is in a semi-broken state and cannot exert its power.

Xu Yi stared at Evil God Michael. He didn't have a monstrous aura, but he clearly felt the terror of him.

There are many forms of power, including explosions like bombs, but also silent ones like lasers. In many cases, the latter is much more terrifying than the former, and Evil God Michael undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

The evil god Michael was attracted by the ghost warrior. He was a little confused. Why did the guy with the evil god's aura in front of him stand in front of him?
He has just arrived and wisdom has not yet awakened.

This is also a common problem when the evil god comes. He needs to undergo the baptism of blood before he can fully recover his thinking ability. The town of Bru in front of him is the place of his baptism.

Xu Yi controlled the ghost warrior and strode towards Michael.

The other party has completely become enemies with him. Whether it was the destruction of the advent ceremony last time or the snatching of the Nightmare Bones, when the other party regains his memory, I am afraid that he will be the first to be killed.

When he passed by Alice, he recognized her as the little girl he saved at Vincent's farm last time.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party was actually a believer of the ghost warriors, and a steady stream of power of faith rose from the other party and poured into the ghost warriors.

Entos was sandwiched between the two evil gods and felt like he was about to pee with fear. Fortunately, the two evil gods had no time to pay attention to his little ant, which made him secretly glad.

He picked up little Alice and ran towards the car in front of her.

The car has been waiting for them. The driver is a soldier after all, and he dare not leave easily without receiving orders.

The most important thing is that the driver did not notice Michael immediately. By the time he did, Entos was already running towards them. No matter how anxious he was to leave, he would only have a second or two left.

"Drive quickly!" Entos lowered his voice very low, but anyone could hear the anxiety in his words.

The vehicle started and suddenly sped out. Entos gasped for breath, feeling grateful to have survived the disaster. He stuck his head out of the car window and looked back at the battlefield.

In his opinion, the ghost warrior was far from being a match for the evil god Michael. He could only block him for more than ten seconds. It only took a few minutes for Michael to defeat the great exorcist.

But a surprising scene appeared. The ghost warrior stretched out his finger and tapped the evil god Michael from a distance.

This action seems harmless and even a bit playful, but the effect is extremely terrifying. A white beam of light suddenly falls down, reaching the sky and the earth.

The evil god Michael was shrouded in white light. He seemed to have fallen into the sun's radiation layer. The unimaginable high temperature burned his body, and Michael roared like a beast.

Entos was a little confused. Isn't the ghost warrior an evil god? Why does this white beam of light have a holy meaning?

This white beam of light that penetrates the sky and the earth is of course not the power controlled by Xu Yi. It is the power of the Holy Light Array.

His body is right next to the Holy Light Array, so he naturally knows when the array will be activated.

Xu Yi was secretly frightened. It was indeed a magic circle that had been sacrificed to the exorcism sacred weapon. It was incredibly powerful. If it was him who was shrouded in the holy light at this moment, the ghost warrior armor would definitely fall apart in an instant.

The high temperature of the holy light was only aimed at Michael, and the ground under his feet did not change at all.

But what frightened Xu Yi even more was the evil god Michael. Under such high temperatures, even Jason, who had super-accelerated regeneration, would probably be vaporized by half.

But Michael's outer skin was only charred. It was hard to imagine how strong the other party's body was!
Blood overflowed from the surface of Michael's body, and the blood flowed around his body, resisting the power of the Holy Light.

The power of the holy light is amazing, but this power is not without its shortcomings. After lasting for more than ten seconds, the holy light gradually dissipated.

Michael, whose skin was severely charred, opened his work clothes and exposed his chest.

Xu Yi instantly noticed something abnormal on the other person's chest. It was like a dry and cracked earth, with dense cracks spreading around.

He understood clearly that although the Evil God Michael had defeated the Great Exorcist, he was not unscathed, and his chest had been severely damaged. "The opponent is not invincible!" Xu Yi felt hope in his heart.

Strange blood overflowed from Michael's palm, floating in the air like tentacles.

He suddenly pressed his hand on the crack in his chest, and blood filled the gap between the cracks.

The pain of the evil god Michael was relieved, and he regained his indifferent appearance.

Without any nonsense, or even any forward movement, Michael suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the ghost warrior the next second.

The sharp dagger instantly penetrated the ghost warrior's armor, and the fist holding the dagger also struck the armor. The ghost warrior flew out suddenly and hit the building behind him, penetrating more than ten walls in a row before slowly stopping.

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly. With just one blow, the ghost warrior's armor almost collapsed. What a terrifying power it was!

He finally knew why the church's great exorcist died at the opponent's hands in just a few minutes.

Michael doesn't have as many methods as Latma, but the more abilities he has, the stronger he is. One strength can reduce ten abilities. Just this kind of huge power makes people unable to resist.

Xu Yi wanted to control the ghost warrior armor to stand up, but the armor made an overwhelming cracking sound. He instantly understood that if he continued to drive forcefully, the armor would definitely collapse.

Michael didn't give him any room to struggle. The instinct left in the opponent's soul was to kill them all.

Xu Yi was in a daze for a moment, and Michael had already appeared in front of him.

Compared with Juli, the opponent's speed is equally astonishing.

Michael raised his foot and stepped down suddenly. The ghost warrior's head cracked instantly, and an astonishingly large hole was trampled on the ground.

The black-gold flames in his head dissipated, and Michael could no longer feel the evil god's breath. He turned around and left, preparing to continue chasing the escaping people.

Fick hid in the forest and looked at the battlefield from a distance.

The situation was a bit beyond his expectation. The people in New York City Hall could react so quickly and organized an attack, but he didn't take it to heart.

It is impossible for a hastily organized team to deal with the coming Gong Yang Evil God, even if it is only part of the Gong Yang Evil God's power.

He was even more disdainful of the so-called evil gods and ghost warriors.

He could tell at a glance that the other party was just a trick, and a slightly more powerful exorcist could take care of him.

Sure enough, after the holy light disappeared, the evil god killed the ghost warrior, just like crushing an ant on the roadside.

Fike looked away from the ghost warrior.

What he thinks now is that the incarnation of the evil god can quickly complete the blood baptism and then do the arranged things, and their organization can also benefit from this.

But he suddenly turned his head and fixed his gaze on the ghost warrior again.

The shattered armor actually stood up crookedly.

Not only is it as simple as standing up, but also the aura. The aura of the armor has completely changed, revealing a creepy aura.

Fick's face was full of shock. What happened could cause such a big change in the opponent's momentum!

(End of this chapter)

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