American exorcist god.

Chapter 181 Weeping Storm

Chapter 181 Weeping Storm
Fick stared blankly at the Ghost Warrior armor. He finally discovered the abnormality. It was bones!There is an extra skeleton inside the armor!
There was fresh flesh and blood clinging to the surface of the skeleton, and the flesh was actually golden.

The golden flesh split into countless tiny tentacles, which wrapped around the remains of the armor and put them back together.

The armor has received a new life. The golden flesh and blood repairing the cracks are like some kind of strange lines. The whole armor reveals a strange beauty.

The skeleton is naturally the Nightmare Bone. When blocking the evil god Michael, the Nightmare Bone finally arrived.

What Xu Yi didn't expect was that the evolved Nightmare Bones found the broken ghost warrior armor and had a desire for fusion, which is why the scene before him happened.

Michael suddenly turned around, impatience revealed in his cold pupils.

He appeared in front of the newly born ghost warrior and repeated his old trick, piercing the armor with his dagger.

This dagger specially prepared for him by the Gongyang cult was not a holy weapon, but it could still be called a divine weapon. It was extremely strong, but when it collided with the Nightmare Bone, it broke apart directly.

The evolved Nightmare Bones are not as strong as before.

Xu Yi punched hard and used the fighting skills of the new ghost warrior, which was hundreds of times more powerful than the human body.

The target of the fist was the chest of the evil god Michael, which had been injured by the Great Exorcist and was the opponent's weak point.

The fist collided with the opponent's chest, making a loud noise.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly. With this punch, even an iron plate more than ten centimeters thick could blast a big hole, but the opponent was unscathed. He took two steps back because of the force of the shock.

Fike looked at the battle in the distance. It was a fight between two ferocious beasts, with fists bombarding and bone hands slashing horizontally. Large buildings collapsed during the battle, and the ground was covered with deep pits.

Fights between supernatural beings are usually weird and obscure, but both the evil god Michael and the ghost warriors have chosen this most primitive fighting method, which is also the most dangerous.

Fike was very irritated. Whether it was strength or speed, the evil god had the upper hand. The ghost warrior had no power to resist and could only be beaten. He was knocked to the ground by the evil god again and again.

But the opponent was like an unkillable little strong man, getting up again and again, and becoming more and more courageous as he fought.

He really couldn't understand, what was the meaning of this kind of fighting?
Time passed, and Fike's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Although the evil god still suppressed the ghost warrior and beat him, he was still keenly aware that something was wrong.

As the battle progressed, the ghost warrior's momentum became stronger and stronger, but the force of Evil God Michael's punches became weaker each time.

In the end what happened?Why does it feel like the power of the evil god has been sucked away by the ghost warrior!

Fick became increasingly irritated and stomped on Hunter's body to vent his anger.

Xu Yi controlled the ghost warrior and rushed towards Michael again, the black-gold flames that replaced the pupils revealed a sense of excitement.

It is worthy of the high hopes placed on the Nightmare Bone. The Nightmare Bone has the ability to absorb divinity. It is simply a natural god slayer!
The ghost warrior is indeed no match for the evil god Michael, but as time goes by, the nightmare bone continues to eat away at the opponent's divinity, and Michael will eventually be killed by the nightmare bone.

Michael's wisdom had not yet awakened, but he instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and for the first time a color of fear appeared in his pupils.

He knocked back the ghost warrior with one punch. In the past, he would immediately rush forward to pursue him, but not this time. He stood there blankly.

Xu Yi felt something was wrong and had a creepy feeling.

He suddenly heard wailing, as if 1 demons were wailing in his ears, and the sound swept in all directions.

The vehicles carrying the residents of Buru Town had already driven far away, but they were still affected by the crying. The people in the vehicle felt as if their brains had been hit hard. Some people passed out on the spot, and some people died in pain. He was holding his head and bleeding from all his orifices.

There is no one controlling the military vehicle. If you are lucky, you will just collide with the car in front. If you are not lucky, the vehicle will roll over with all the people in it.

The black-gold flames in the ghost warrior's pupils flashed, and he struggled to resist the cry. Xu Yi became more and more uneasy, because this terrifying cry was just a precursor to the opponent's attack!
The blood-colored air flow rose from the evil god Michael and rotated around Michael, getting faster and faster.The hurricane took shape. At first it just enveloped Michael, but as time went by, the hurricane became bigger and bigger and taller.

The senior officials of the city hall who were looking at the battlefield in the distance silently put down their binoculars and looked at the scene in front of them with a dull expression.

The bloody hurricane towered into the clouds, connecting the sky and the earth. The clouds were reflected red by the bloody hurricane, and sand and rocks were flying everywhere. It was simply the end of the world.

The hurricane swept away everything, whether it was the town's buildings or the forest outside the town.

The vehicles that escaped from the town of Blue were also affected. They were on the edge of the hurricane and were not directly pulled into the hurricane, thus avoiding the fate of being directly crushed.

However, the huge suction force swept the vehicle high into the air, and then dropped it heavily with a loud bang.

"Is this the power of the evil god?" The worldview of New York's senior officials was severely impacted.

Even from such a distance, they could feel the strong wind. The temporary camp was almost blown up, and the clothes on their bodies rustled.

A piece of steel plate flew into the center of the hurricane, but in the blink of an eye, the solid steel plate was annihilated into powder.

It’s hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if you were in the center of a hurricane.

Xu Yi was at the center of the bloody hurricane at the moment. The hurricane summoned by the evil god was originally aimed at him.

The hurricane is not just a terrifying crushing force. Those bloody airflows have a powerful "annihilation" characteristic. Even if they are as strong as the Nightmare Bones, they cannot withstand it.

The ghost warrior was in danger in the bloody hurricane. The outer armor shattered, the golden flesh and blood was annihilated, and the gray bones were exposed, with cracks running on the bones.

Black-gold demon-suppressing flames filled the air from the ghost warriors, trying to fight against the bloody hurricane. The flames flashed suddenly and were eventually blown out.

I don't know how long it took, but the bloody hurricane slowly dissipated. The ghost warrior was swept out by the last ray of wind and fell heavily to the ground.

Those things that were swept high into the sky by the hurricane also began to fall. The remains of the buildings, only the trunks of ancient trees were left... These wrecks were only on the edge of the hurricane, so they were not completely destroyed.

Debris fell around the ghost warrior, and even hit the ghost warrior's head directly, but the ghost warrior remained motionless.

The ghost warrior is covered in armor, but now his original appearance is no longer visible.

Most of his body was crushed, leaving only a broken arm attached to his left chest, and the rest of his limbs were missing.

Only the head was still intact, but the fire in the pupils had gone out.

The ghost warrior lay quietly in the debris, as if dead.

"Sir, do you want to launch a missile?" On the temporary observation platform, the officer found the person in charge and asked softly.

"Do you think small missiles can deal with that monster? If it were replaced by large missiles, do you know how many towns are around and how many people have not had time to move?" The person in charge looked at the officer with cold eyes.

The officer was speechless and retreated in shame.

"Have you contacted the church? This kind of matter still needs professionals to solve it." The person in charge asked the liaison person next to him.

"The church people are rushing here, but they won't be able to get there for a while."

The person in charge was silent for a moment and sighed, "Let's move the people in the surrounding towns first! If it doesn't work, we can only try to launch large missiles...or contact the people of that organization."

(End of this chapter)

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