American exorcist god.

Chapter 182 Bird on the Thorns

Chapter 182 Bird on the Thorns
The land of Kailis, the edge of the altar.

Xu Yi leaned against the pillar and closed his eyes to rest. His face suddenly turned pale and he fell to the ground in pain.

The bloody hurricane not only destroyed the ghost warrior, but his thoughts attached to the armor also suffered serious damage.

It was also for this reason that the connection between him and the ghost warrior was forcibly disconnected.

His brain was groggy, and it felt like he had stayed up all night for three days and three nights in a row, without sleeping a full night. Now he just wanted to close his eyes and have a good sleep.

But he knew he couldn't, now was definitely not the time to sleep!
"Xu Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Aide noticed something strange about Xu Yi and hurried over with concern on his face.

Xu Yi didn't have the strength to answer, so he took out a dagger and pierced his thigh suddenly. The severe pain made him wake up instantly, and he connected with the ghost warrior again.


Outside the town of Bru.

In the bare forest, the soil suddenly began to squirm, and Fick crawled out of the soil.

The moment the bloody hurricane appeared, he realized something was wrong. He dug a deep hole in the ground and escaped in it.

"What an exaggerated power!" Fick sighed with a chuckle.

He was in a very good mood at the moment. The difficult ghost warrior was finally solved. After the evil god completed the blood baptism, this matter could come to an end.

But a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face, followed by unspeakable anger.

The already silent ghost warrior suddenly trembled, and the faint fire in his pupils lit up again.

He's not dead yet!What a vile thing!
Fike was furious. If he didn't go up now, he would be attacked indiscriminately by the evil god. He wanted to go up personally and crush the ghost warrior into ashes.

Xu Yi reconnected with the ghost warrior and began to feel the ghost warrior's condition.

It couldn't be worse, except that the remaining hand was still broken. How could he deal with the evil god Michael like this?Do you bite it with your teeth?

Xu Yi looked around, trying to find the remains of the ghost warrior among the ruins.

He didn't find the remains of the armor, but he saw other things. His rotating head suddenly froze, and the fire in his pupils stagnated, as if extinguished.

Among the ruins stood the remains of a building, where the beams should have been. The wrapped concrete dissipated in the hurricane, leaving the remaining steel bars exposed.

A small figure hung on the steel bar, and the sharp steel bar penetrated her left chest. She was like a bird hanging on thorns.

When the wind blows, the little girl's body sways swaying, and her only leg floats along with the white cotton skirt.

Little Alice, this strong little girl and the only believer of the Ghost Warrior, failed to escape the fate of death in the end.

The hurricane affected the escaping convoy. The little girl was swept high into the sky by the hurricane. Although she did not fall into the center of the hurricane, her body was pierced by steel bars when she fell from the high altitude.

Miraculously, the little girl still held a doll in her hands.

It is unimaginable how much strength a little girl needs to hold on to something in her hand when a hurricane is sweeping through it. I think that thing must be very important to her.

But what surprised him was that the doll was very crudely made. It took Xu Yi a lot of effort to recognize that it was actually the doll of the ghost warrior.

Why is the other party holding on to the Oni Samurai's doll?This thing isn't even worth a dollar, is it?He really couldn't understand.

But inexplicably, he felt empty inside, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

If Xu Yi knew the little girl's life experience, he might be able to understand why.For little Alice, after the death of her grandma, the only one who loved her, she had nothing to worry about in this world. The belief that supported her survival was to protect her grandma's house and take good care of the white cat. Xiaomi.

But Xiaomi is not only a stray cat, but also an old cat who will soon leave her.

Little Alice knew this. She originally planned to buy a coffin after Xiao Mi died, and she and Xiao Mi would lie in the coffin together.

She would leave a note and ask Uncle Hans next door to bury the coffin in the yard behind the house, because there was no extra money to buy a cemetery, and her grandmother was buried there.

In this way, she can always take care of her grandma's house, and she can live with Xiaomi and grandma forever, and they will be a happy family.

But the murderer's incident disrupted her plan.

She was not afraid of death, but she was a little worried about Xiaomi and a little regretful that she could not complete the plan of a happy family.

Just then, the ghost warrior appeared.

Others say that the ghost warrior is so terrifying and that he is an evil god.

But she knew that Lord Oni Samurai was a very gentle person. He not only took off the paper bag that made her breathing difficult, but also helped dig out the upper layer of soil so that she could use her hands to push the soil away from her body.

In fact, she wanted to call out the Oni Warrior that day, hoping that the Oni Warrior would touch her head, just like her grandmother.

But grandma said she couldn't cause trouble to others, so she didn't say anything and just prayed silently.

From that day on, she suddenly had the desire to live.

Because she wanted to grow up well, and then find Lord Oni Samurai and say thank you personally.

The sound of footsteps woke up Xu Yi, who was in a daze. The evil god Michael left and returned. The other party found that the ghost warrior was still alive and was ready to come and kill them all.

Xu Yi controlled the ghost warrior to turn his head and stared at the evil god Michael.

I don't know why, but he has never wanted to kill the other person so urgently as he does now!
In the shadows in the distance, a cheerful smile appeared on Fick's face. He even wanted to laugh loudly. The ghost warrior had no ability to resist at all, and the evil god could kill him immediately!
At this moment, a sonic boom suddenly came from the sky, Fick suddenly raised his head, and a ray of flame fell from the sky.

Is the government crazy enough to launch large missiles at this time?
Fike jumped up from the ground in shock, subconsciously trying to escape.

He deliberately chose this place because there were many villages and towns around, so it would be impossible to move everyone away in a short while, and the government would not be able to launch large-scale missiles.

After he ran a few steps, he suddenly stopped. It didn't seem to be a missile.

The flames fell straight towards the evil god Michael, and Michael dodged to avoid it. The flames fell to the ground. The earth did not shake, and there was no sky-high flame rising. The flames fell to the ground silently.

Fick saw clearly what was inside the flame. It was actually a knife. Black lines ran on the crystal red blade, and the thorn-like blade shone with a strange light.

The long knife was stuck diagonally on the ground, black and red flames wrapped around the long knife, and the fire wind blew away the dust on the ground.

What kind of knife is this?And why does it appear here?
Fick's mind was filled with questions, but his eyes suddenly widened and he saw a scene that shocked him.

The evil god Michael actually deliberately stayed away from the knife, fearing the flames on the knife.

He suddenly realized that the long knife was something more terrifying than the exorcism artifact.

"It doesn't matter! No matter how powerful the knife is, it's just a dead thing. People who don't use the knife can't exert any power!" Fick kept comforting himself in his heart.

His heart suddenly trembled. The ghost warrior lying on the ground actually used a severed hand to support his remaining body. The fire in his pupils was as blazing as lava erupting.

 I cut it off here and felt a little cold on my back, so I decided to wait and work hard and come out with another chapter~
(End of this chapter)

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