American exorcist god.

Chapter 183 1 knife!Kill the God!

Chapter 183 One knife!Kill the God!
Xu Yi stared at the magic sword Honglian that was very close at hand. This sword that was farthest from the town of Bru finally arrived at this moment.

Baptized divine remains, calcined by heavenly fire, and washed in the creature's knife-washing pool with the blood of a giant python. The red lotus sword that has gone through these three steps has already surpassed the level of an exorcism holy weapon.

He had absolute confidence that he could use this knife to break through the defense of the evil god Michael, but it was a pity that he no longer had the hands to hold the knife.

A gust of wind blew by, and little Alice suddenly let go of her hand hanging on the steel bar, and the ghost warrior doll in her hand fell in front of Xu Yi.

There are actually two words embroidered on the back of the doll, "Strong" and "Hope."

Little Alice has been holding the Ghost Warrior doll, not only hoping to get comfort from the doll, but also using the doll to remind herself not to lose hope in life and to learn to be strong.

Xu Yi turned to look at little Alice, and suddenly felt that for such a cute little girl, he should touch her little head and give her some encouragement.

It's a pity that he no longer has any hands.

A shocking scene happened. With the emergence of strong will, the golden flesh and blood that had been silent suddenly began to squirm, wrapped around the armor, and continued to spread in all directions.

Flesh replenished the missing armored arms, constructing new flesh and blood armor, even including the skeleton beneath the armor.

"It's Blood Orchid!"

Xu Yi suddenly understood that the nightmare bone had swallowed up the special divinity of the blood orchid and gained transcendence. The "immortality" characteristic contained in the golden flesh and blood was activated at this moment.

The "flesh ghost warrior" took shape, and the golden color on the flesh gradually receded, changing into the original color of the armor.

Xu Yi did not pull out the magic knife Honglian immediately. He turned around and came to little Alice, broke the steel bar that pierced her chest, laid her flat on the ground, and touched her little head. .

He actually felt a warmth, as if the little girl came to life and rubbed her head against his hand, but he knew that all this was just his illusion.

Fick, who was watching, felt like he was going crazy. The ghost warrior actually came to life again, and his momentum became even more terrifying than before!
Xu Yi turned around, strode towards the evil god Michael, and at the same time pulled out the magic sword Honglian.

Michael, who had been moving forward bravely, actually flinched and quietly stepped back. His body's instinct told him to stay away from the ghost warrior in front of him.

Black-gold flames rose from the ghost warrior's body, and the demon-suppressing realm descended. Evil God Michael felt that his body weighed a thousand pounds and it was difficult to move.

Last time he borrowed the ghost warrior's body, Xu Yi could only barely use the demon-suppressing flame. At this moment, he only felt that it was very handy.

The demon knife red lotus also rose in flames. The red lotus karma fire and the demon-suppressing flame merged together to form a huge fire wind that shot straight into the sky.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could the other party be so powerful!"

Fike roared hysterically, clenching his fists but unable to hide the fear in his heart.

The feeling that the flames gave him was actually more terrifying than the evil god's wailing storm before.

On the observation station in the distance, the person in charge was talking to people from the church on the phone. He felt the fire wind approaching behind him and turned his head sharply.

He froze, staring blankly into the distance, letting the phone in his hand slip down.

His eyes were dull, and he couldn't help but murmured, "God! What the hell is that!"

The fire wind that reached the sky began to deform, and in just a blink of an eye, it had turned into a towering giant. It was a giant wearing samurai armor, the same shape as the ghost warrior, holding a flame that spanned hundreds of meters. Long knife.

Xu Yi originally just wanted to bring out the power of fire, whether it was the demon-suppressing flame or the red lotus karma fire.

Unexpectedly, the combination of the two actually produced a wonderful chemical reaction, melting and catalyzing each other, and turning into the flame giant in front of them.

He was holding the magic sword Red Lotus, as if all living beings were falling in front of him. This was an illusion caused by mastering too much power.

Xu Yi felt as if his body was about to burn. The power of the flame giant was so explosive that he couldn't wait to release it.

He raised the red lotus demon sword, and the flame giant also raised the flame sword several hundred meters away.

Evil God Michael's blood-colored air flow rose up from his body, and he broke free from the demon-suppressing realm. However, the opponent's first reaction was not to resist, but to turn around and run away. "So you can be afraid too!" Xu Yi murmured softly.

Michael burst out at an unprecedented speed, almost like a red lightning.

But his body suddenly froze in mid-air and roared like a beast.

"Eating randomly will ruin your stomach!" Xu Yi looked at Evil God Michael indifferently.

Black branches suddenly grew out of Michael's body, and those branches penetrated Michael's body and were firmly nailed into the ground.

There were more and more branches, and Michael seemed to have become the main root of the vine, protected by the branches and hanging in the air.

In order to be able to descend, the evil god devoured the souls of too many evil killers.

At this moment, the soul-stealing seeds lurking in the opponent's body exploded. The seeds took root and sprouted, growing into dense god-stealing vines.

Michael was first attacked and killed by the Great Exorcist, then burned by the Holy Light Array, and his divinity was absorbed by the Nightmare Bones. The use of the Wailing Storm also required a high price.

At this moment, Michael was already strong on the outside but weak on the inside, so he was taken advantage of by the soul-stealing seed. While the soul-stealing seed took away Michael's power, it trapped the opponent tightly and made him a target.

Xu Yi slashed with his sword, a simple strike, but it triggered a tsunami-like reaction.

The flame giant's long sword then slashed down, and all the flames surged together and converged towards the long sword. The flaming sword energy spread for several kilometers and penetrated the town and the evil god Michael.

Everything that stood in front of the flame sword energy was annihilated, whether it was the town's poured road, or the sturdy God-stealing vines...or things called "gods"!

The raging firelight illuminated the pupils of the Evil God Michael. His cold pupils were only filled with the desire to kill. At this moment, only fear remained.

"No!" Fike roared angrily. He could not accept the reality that the evil god had been defeated.

"Prepare the large missile! Lock the target and launch it immediately if you find that the target is out of control!" The people in New York City Hall were frightened by the ghost warriors and even wanted to use large missiles directly.

Evil God Michael was annihilated in the flames, and a sense of boundless fatigue suddenly swept over him. Xu Yi's body trembled and he almost fell down.

At the same time, most of the flame giant behind him disappeared in this stagger.

Sleepy!So sleepy!

Xu Yi has never felt so sleepy and just wants to sleep to death immediately.

But there was one thing he hadn't done yet.

He forced himself to turn his head and look in Fick's direction, using up the last bit of strength in his body, he swung the knife sharply.The Fire Giant also swung his sword, and after swinging the last sword, the Fire Giant completely dissipated.

The flame sword energy appeared again, but it was hundreds of times less powerful than before, but it was still an irresistible force for humans.

"No! I can't die yet!"

Fike, who could deceive the evil god calmly, was like a panicked wild dog at this moment, running madly, trying to avoid the flame sword energy.

Xu Yi simply didn't have the energy to pay attention to the fate of Fike, the deceiver of gods. He subconsciously activated the evil god's virtual walking ability and flew towards the outside.

He had only one thought in his mind at the moment, and that was that he must not pass out here and let the ghost warrior fall into the hands of the government.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

"The evil god walks and kills the target, but he can also swallow the entry!" This was his last thought before he fell into coma.

 A little late~
  (PS: The last matter has not been dealt with yet. There may be two chapters tomorrow. Sorry, friends~)

(End of this chapter)

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