American exorcist god.

Chapter 184 The intersection of fate

Chapter 184 The intersection of fate
The town of Blue.

The peaceful and peaceful town in the past was now completely in ruins. People from the city hall were rushing back and forth on the ruins, collecting all useful clues.

The church's great exorcist finally arrived. He looked at the "canyon" in front of him and took a breath of air.

The "canyon" runs through the entire town of Bru and spreads to the mountains in the distance, splitting a hill in half.

"Is this really just a slash?" The great exorcist couldn't believe it.

He had already read the on-site report and had no doubt about the intentions of the New York City Hall. He asked out loud just to express his surprise.

At the same time, he was also a little lucky. Fortunately, he arrived late. If he were to face this kind of enemy, he would probably be in trouble.

"Have you found out the details of the ghost warrior?" the great exorcist asked.

One of them is undoubtedly the evil god of the Gongyang Church. Now that the old nests of the Gongyang Church have been wiped out, the other party that can kill the Gongyang Evil God is undoubtedly more dangerous.

"The Ghost Warrior was first discovered in the small town of Bru. After investigation, it was found that the person killed by the other party was also a cultist of the Gongyang Church. So we guess that the Ghost Warrior and the evil god of the Gongyang Church are likely to be old enemies!" the officer replied. explain.

"Are there any other clues?" The great exorcist was not satisfied with this answer.

"Someone said they saw similar armor in the Warrens' collection room."

The great exorcist suddenly became energetic and asked, "Do you have any pictures?"

The two pictures were handed to him. The great exorcist just took one look at them and returned them with a speechless face. "Is this the similarity you said? Is Audrey Hepburn also similar to your grandmother, because they are both woman."

Xu Yi had already considered the issue of exposure, so when the virtual reality was transformed, he deliberately changed the appearance of the ghost warrior armor. Even if Ed came here in person, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize it.

After the magic sword Honglian was calcined by the power of faith, it changed even more, so there was no need to worry about being recognized.

"The report says that we were not the only 'snoopers' at that time, but there was another person, right?" In order to avoid high blood pressure, the great exorcist could only change the question.

"That's right, the ghost warrior's last sword was aimed at the opponent! That guy was really strong. He was able to dodge an attack of that magnitude... We only found a severed hand on the spot. "The officer sighed.

"We may be able to find useful clues from this person."

"Don't worry! We have strictly controlled the import and export of New York. The other party has broken another hand. The characteristics are obvious. I believe there will be news soon." The officer said softly.


Land of Kailis.

The doctor accompanying the team was examining Xu Yi, and Ed was pacing anxiously. After a while, the doctor finished the examination, and Ed quickly asked, "How's it going?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment, "It's strange. There is nothing wrong with his body, and his breathing is steady. It's more like... falling asleep."

Fell asleep?Ed was stunned for a moment, a little in disbelief, "But he slept for almost two days and two nights?"

The doctor was also a little confused. He was about to answer, but suddenly he raised his head and looked at the horizon, "Is this aurora changing?"

Ed also looked up, his eyes bursting with surprise, "It's not changing, it's dissipating. When the aurora dissipates, we can leave here soon!"

"Mr. Ed, Archbishop Norton came to see you for something, saying that there is something wrong with the River Styx?"

Rapid footsteps suddenly sounded, and people from the church came to report. Ed suppressed the excitement in his heart.

As soon as he arrived at the river, he noticed something was wrong.

"The water in the River Styx has risen!"

The water in the River Styx was indeed rising. He only stood by the river for just half a minute, and the water rose by two inches. At this rate, this "island in the middle of the river" would soon be submerged.

The Gongyang Church has been here for so many years and has always been peaceful. Why did the river suddenly rise?
Ed couldn't figure it out. He turned his head and looked upstream of the river, and was stunned.

Where the river flows in, a small black shadow appears.

A golden light flashed across Ed's pupils. He saw the black shadow clearly, and his face suddenly turned pale.

"Run! It's the ferryman! The ferryman is here!" Ed roared.

Bishop Norton also realized the seriousness of the problem. The ferryman only picked up dead people. If they bumped into each other, the consequences would be self-evident.As he ran back, he looked towards the sky. "Most of the aurora has dissipated. The passage between the land of Kailis and the real world has been opened. Let's leave immediately!"

"But the aurora has not completely dissipated, and the passage is in chaos at this time." Ed frowned.

Bishop Norton was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood what Ed meant.

The passage is chaotic, and the worst they can do is not be able to return to Buffalo town and appear somewhere else, but compared to running into the ferryman, it is undoubtedly a minor problem.

Ed was worried about Xu Yi. With the passage in chaos, even if someone pulled Xu Yi in together, the two of them would most likely not be in the same place.

Normally, things would be fine, but now Xu Yi is in a deep coma, and the exit must be a river or lake. Xu Yi is likely to drown in the water.

"Pour black water into Xu Yi and stuff two blood orchids into his mouth at the same time, so that he can last at least one day even if he is soaked in the water." Bishop Norton quickly figured out a way.

Ed's eyes lit up. They could leave a tracking weapon on Xu Yi. One day should be enough for them to find Xu Yi.

Ed jumped into the pool with Xu Yi in his arms and swam towards the bottom of the pool. He felt the suction of the underwater vortex and held Xu Yi firmly.

The world was spinning for a while, and Ed felt that he was about to suffocate, and he swam desperately to the surface of the water.

He jumped out of the water, gasping for breath, and looked around,

Unexpectedly, he was so lucky that he returned to the waterhole in the small town of Buffalo, but he was the only one there.

He stared blankly at the rag in his hand, which was torn from the sleeve of Xu Yi's clothes. He desperately tried to hold on to Xu Yi, but he didn't expect that he couldn't resist the suction of the passage.


New York, Queens.

The gang boss named "Jack" stood in front of a huge wooden box. He waved his hand, and the men next to him quickly opened the wooden box.

Lying in the box was a samurai armor. The black and red armor was engraved with golden lines. A skeleton was stuffed into the armor, which was full of ferocious beauty.

"Where did this armor come from?" Jack asked curiously.

"Two pickpockets sold it to us. They said they found it in the forest. I guess it was stolen from the house of the fallen nobleman. The appraiser said the quality is very good and it is estimated that it can be sold for a lot of money." The man replied.

Jack nodded, "This thing is relatively rare. I guess I have to go to Japan to sell it at a good price."

"I understand, boss. We will put it on the container and send it to Japan today."


New York Airport.

Fike, who was wanted by New York City Hall, actually appeared here in a grand manner, accompanied by a tall woman.

"Fike, how does the newly reattached arm feel? Will it feel more comfortable to use it for gluing?" The woman winked at Fike.

Fick remained silent. This woman's codename in the organization was "Succubus" and her reputation was pretty bad. He didn't want to get involved with this woman.

Besides, he is feeling depressed now and doesn't want to talk at all.

"Fick, are we going to leave New York in despair? Or should we blow up the New York City Hall, or kill that guy named Xu Yi that you hate?"

The woman obviously doesn't want to let it go.

Fike was a little moved, not to blow up the city hall, that would be meaningless.

If Xu Yi could be killed, he might be able to make up for his mistake.

But for some reason, he suddenly thought of the terrifying flame giant and the flaming sword energy that almost killed him.

He shuddered slowly and shook his head, "Forget it, let's leave quickly! The organization has been preparing in Japan for so long, and the big plan is about to be launched, so we'd better hurry over and help!"

(End of this chapter)

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