American exorcist god.

Chapter 185 Blood God Throne

Chapter 185 Blood God Throne

North of Rome, Spolero.

Xu Yi slowly opened his eyes. Everything in front of him was blurry. A woman's face came close to her. The face was pure and flawless, dyed with a warm light color.

Did he go to heaven after death, with an angel sister in front of him?

Xu Yi was a little surprised. When did the welfare benefits in heaven become so good?This angel sister is a bit too beautiful!
His lips felt soft, and then a strong air flow blew into his mouth. His throat felt scratchy, and Xu Yi coughed violently, spitting out the water in his lungs.

wrong!He has resurrection coins!

Even if you die, you should enter the resurrection space, not go to heaven.

A violent cough woke Xu Yi up, and the memory in his brain revived.

He remembered that he should be in the land of Kailis now. Where is this place?

Xu Yi sat up suddenly and pushed the girl in front of him away. The girl was indeed beautiful, and anyone who saw her would feel their eyes light up.

But he felt the demonic aura on the other person's body.

He reached for his waist and found nothing. The Alchemy Revolver Messiah and the Annabelle doll were gone!
A young man happened to be passing by and saw the girl falling on the grass. He hurriedly stepped forward and helped the girl up, "Carlisle, are you okay?"

The girl named Carlisle looked at Xu Yi blankly for a moment, then stood up silently.

She was soaked all over, and a gust of cold wind blew, making her body tremble uncontrollably. She hugged her body tightly, lowered her head and walked forward.

Xu Yi looked around and saw a huge lake behind him. His clothes were also soaked by the lake water.

He gradually realized that the girl was not performing any evil ritual. The other party found him floating on the lake, so he jumped into the lake and rescued him, and gave him artificial respiration.

The devil's aura on the opponent's body is very weak. He must have been in contact with devils and is not a devil himself.

But Xu Yi had just woken up, and his brain was still confused. Everything was done subconsciously. Unexpectedly, he was over-stressed and scared the other party.

Xu Yi realized this and wanted to apologize, but unfortunately the other party was already gone.

"What happened after that? The Oni Samurai Armor looks like this now. Has anyone from New York City Hall discovered it?"

His mind was filled with questions, and he subconsciously wanted to contact the ghost warrior to confirm the situation, but there was a sharp pain in his brain and he quickly terminated the connection.

First, he suffered the evil god's "Weeping Storm", and then he forcibly connected with the ghost warrior to drive the terrifying power of fire.

His soul has been traumatized, which is why he fell asleep for so long.

There was something tingling on his chest. He took it out and saw that it was a metal card with a message from Ed engraved on it.

He understood the ins and outs of the matter and was about to call Ed to report that he was safe.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Xu Yi shivered.

Although his body was transformed by the fog of darkness, his soul was damaged and already weak after being soaked in the water for so long.

With his stomach growling, Xu Yi understood that it was more important to find a hotel to take a hot bath and have a full meal than to report that he was safe.

Hotel Kennato.

Carlisle tossed and turned for a long time before finally falling asleep. In her daze, she seemed to hear the sound of the door being pushed open.

She wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and she couldn't open them, nor could she move her body.

Vaguely, she felt someone beside the bed.

There were indeed two people standing beside the bed, a valet in his sixties, and a well-dressed aristocratic man.

"Natalie!" The man looked at Carlisle infatuatedly, but he called out another name.

The man leaned down and wanted to kiss Carlisle.

At this moment, a black shadow flew in from the open window and hit the man in the face accurately. The man's plan to kiss Carlisle was foiled.

Carlisle suddenly woke up and sat up from the bed. There was no one beside the bed, only an apple that had taken a few bites.Carlisle suddenly realized something and ran to the window with bare feet. A slightly familiar figure was sitting on a bench in the hotel courtyard, nibbling an apple.

She wanted to say hello, but a strong fragrance of flowers suddenly came, and Carlisle's pupils became dull.

"Can't you restrain yourself so quickly?" Xu Yi sat on the bench and murmured softly.

He had already spoken with Ed on the phone and decided on the next plan.

But Carlisle had saved him, so of course he couldn't just walk away, at least he had to deal with the demon that was entangled with him.

It was late at night, and Carlisle appeared at the door of the hotel. A retro car was already waiting for her there. Carlisle got in the car, and the car started slowly, with Xu Yi following behind him unhurriedly.

Brucinto Theatre.

The ancient theater is brightly lit tonight, and a ballet drama is being performed on the stage. It is an adapted version of Swan Lake. The audience is full of people, and the clothes and decorations are extremely retro.

The audience's pupils turned red and they became more and more excited, because the climax of the drama was about to come!

Carlyle, who plays the White Swan, leaps on the stage. She is so beautiful, but this beauty will soon be a thing of the past. The devil incarnation, who plays the Black Swan, will pierce her heart with the dagger in his hand.

By then, the demon's sacrifice ceremony will be completed, and the evil spirits imprisoned here will be released.

Just as the dagger was about to fall, the demon incarnation playing the role of Black Swan suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

The evil spirit was stunned, not knowing what happened.

At this time, applause came from the stands overhead, and a man's magnetic voice said, "Wonderful! It's so wonderful! It's rare to encounter such a wonderful performance, and I have to help you out!"

The evil spirits opened their mouths wide, with unconcealable horror in their eyes.

The man was holding a huge black swan in his hand. The black swan was as tall as a person. It was the body of the demon who controlled and imprisoned them!
Xu Yi looked at the reaction below and was very satisfied.

It was not in vain that he sneaked into the theater quietly and found the demon body hidden under the theater. The person who controlled the theater was only a "little devil". With his current strength, he could easily deal with such a little devil.

The dark mist in his hand erupted, Xu Yi crushed Black Swan's neck and threw Black Swan's body away.

"No!" The evil spirit let out a shrill roar, but it could not avoid the end of being wiped out in ashes.

The devil imprisons them and is also the source of their souls. Once the devil dies, they will be annihilated immediately.

Xu Yi ignored the evil spirit below, and quietly looked at the blood of the black swan in his hand.

[The "Blood Smell" ability is activated, and the mysterious blood information retrieval is completed. 】

[Black Swan Blood, "Quality: e", "Fusion Success Rate: 75%", "Promotion Potential: Blue Normal". 】

This information comes from Xu Yi's newly acquired entry ability, the new entry devoured from the evil god Michael.

[Blood Throne: (Blue Normal - Red Epic)
Stage 1 - Blood Smell:
When the distance is close enough, you can perceive the information of the mysterious blood stain, including three items: "quality", "fusion success rate" and "promotion potential".

Stage 2 - Melting blood and ascending to the gods:

You can fuse with any mysterious blood, and your body will ascend to the "level of God." The higher the quality of the blood, the higher the level the entry can reach.

(PS1 - Failed Saving Throw: If the fusion fails, you will not die from body collapse.)
(PS2-Banzun: If the fusion fails, a "blue normal" level body strengthening effect will be randomly selected.)
(PS3-Golden Stance: If the fusion is successful, you can be immune to all negative effects brought by the mysterious blood.)]

This was his first time coming into contact with an entry with such a large level fluctuation.

When he saw the entry information for the first time, Xu Yi could hardly contain his excitement. The highest level the entry could reach was actually "Red Epic"!
You must know that super-accelerated regeneration and the power of evil gods are only at the "red normal" level.

The higher the level of the entry, the higher the quality of the entry, the greater the change.

"Rare quality" is almost three times more effective than "common quality".

If the "white entries" are compared to ordinary office workers, then the "red entries" are billionaires.

If an office worker's salary triples, that means several thousand dollars more. But if a billionaire's wealth triples, how much will it be?
The Blood God Throne, which can reach the highest level of "Red Epic", is really overbearing!
 My friends, I am very sorry. Due to force majeure, I have already missed three chapters. I will remember it first and work hard to repay the debt in the future~
(End of this chapter)

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