American exorcist god.

Chapter 186 "Surprise" on the plane

Chapter 186 "Surprise" on the plane

"Why are you here?" Carlisle Hamilton looked at the seat next to him, confused.

"I bought a ticket for this flight, and I happened to be assigned this seat, so here I am!" Xu Yi shook the ticket in his hand.

Carlisle and Xu Yi spent three days in Spolero. It is indeed an ancient city with a long history in Rome, and there are many sights worth seeing.

Carlisle used "thank you for your savior" as an excuse, and the two of them walked around Spolero for three days.

Xu Yi was finally able to take a break, firstly to relieve his injured soul, and secondly, to wait for the return of the Annabelle doll.

When they came out of the land of Kailis, they were forcibly separated by the chaotic space passage.

Fortunately, Annabelle got excited and immediately put the alchemy revolver around Xu Yi's waist into the toy box after realizing something was wrong.

Although they were both in Rome, they were separated by several cities. It took them three days to find the Annabell doll.

"I remember this flight. It doesn't seem to be to New York?" Carlisle wanted to take out the ticket and take a look. She remembered that Xu Yi said that he lived in New York.

"I didn't say I was going to New York? My destination is Cambridge, Boston." Xu Yi answered truthfully.

"What are you doing in Boston?" Carlisle was looking forward to it.

"I'm going to attend the admissions interview at MIT." Xu Yi answered softly.

The so-called admissions interview is just a process, not only because of his grades, but more importantly because the church has already contacted the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to allow him to join the "Mysterious Blood Research Group."

Last time we went to the land of Kailis, the church made a promise that all participating exorcists could make a request that was not too excessive. This was Xu Yiti's request.

The "Blood God Throne" requires high-quality blood to complete its promotion. Where can I get a large amount of mysterious blood?Of course they are various research laboratories.

This world is full of weird things. As the most exploratory and crazy scientist, how could he not study these things?
In fact, every high-end college has cooperative relationships with organizations such as churches and exorcists.

"Then will you stay in Boston to go to school in the future?" Carlisle felt happy.

She came to Rome to apply for the ballet academy here, but unexpectedly she backed down because she was too timid.

Now I can only settle for the next best thing and apply for the Boston Dance Academy.

"Maybe it would be good to go to school in Boston!" Carlisle glanced at Xu Yi secretly.

She has been dreaming recently at night, and her dreams are all about that scene in the theater, where Xu Yi is like a magic weapon descending from the sky, saving her from fire and water.

"By the way, when we parted before, you said that if we could meet again, you would tell me a secret. Can you tell me now?"

Xu Yi moved closer to Carlisle and carefully looked at the other person's innocent and charming face.

"There's no secret? I'm just talking nonsense." Carlisle quickly turned his head to avoid Xu Yi's sight, his face was already red to the back of his ears, and he felt like a deer was pounding in his heart.

Xu Yi didn't ask any further questions. He looked away and looked around.

His eyes were involuntarily attracted to a person, who was in front and right of him. She was a woman in her 30s, with wavy hair and slightly dark skin. She was probably of mixed race.

The other party also noticed him, turned around and gave Xu Yi a cold look.

Xu Yi silently withdrew his gaze. The reason why his attention was attracted to the other party was because the other party was an exorcist, and an extremely powerful one.

That powerful magnetic field is hard to ignore.

"A great exorcist?" Xu Yi muttered to himself.

There are almost 2000 great exorcists in the United States, which seems like a lot, but if they were scattered across the vast United States, it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

I didn't expect that I could meet a great exorcist just by taking a plane. I don't know whether to call this luck good or bad.

"Hello dear passengers, our airline has prepared a rich lunch for you to choose from?"

The flight attendant pushed the dining cart over and stopped next to the female exorcist.

Xu Yi glanced at the flight attendant casually. This was a subconscious action, but he suddenly froze and felt chills all over his body.

The flight attendant took out a grenade from under the dining car and pulled out the fuse. She didn't throw it at the female exorcist, but at her companion.

It was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 30s. He wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses and looked very elegant and handsome.After the man got on the plane, he held a book and read it. He was so fascinated that he was still immersed in the book when he saw that the grenade was about to blow him to pieces.

However, the female exorcist rushed out and blocked the man with her own flesh and blood. At the same time, the jewelry on her body glowed with cyan light.

"Hide! Don't move!" Xu Yi held down Carlisle's head with one hand to prevent him from looking out of curiosity.

His other hand reached for Annabell at his waist, and the next second, the alchemy revolver appeared in his hand.

The "grenade" exploded in front of the female exorcist. There was no explosion, but only a rich red mist. The female exorcist was caught off guard and accidentally inhaled a breath of mist.

It was more suitable to be called a smoke bomb than a grenade. Xu Yi knew that it was no ordinary smoke. He unbuckled his seat belt and pulled Carlisle away to avoid the spreading red mist.

Under the red mist, most of the people on the seats fell asleep.

The reason why not all of them was because more than ten people jumped up suddenly. They ignored the influence of the red mist and rushed toward the female exorcist.

When they were in mid-air, they opened their mouths and roared, spitting out two fangs ferociously.

"Vampire!" Xu Yi was suddenly startled.

Vampires are very rare. Even exorcists rarely have the chance to see vampires. But now more than ten people have appeared all of a sudden. Could it be that they have entered the vampire's lair?

The female exorcist's eyelids became heavy, and she was obviously affected by the red mist.

But she was a great exorcist after all. She was chanting an unknown language, and strange fluctuations swept the whole place. The vampire who pounced on him flew backwards in an instant, and his body was pierced by invisible forces, and blood spattered out.

The great exorcist didn't dare to pursue the victory. He held the metal safe in one hand and protected his unconscious companion on the seat with the other.

Sporadic vampire blood splashed onto Xu Yi's hands, and his "blood smell" ability was activated again.

[The blood of the next generation vampire, "quality: c", "fusion success rate: 21%", "promotion potential: blue epic"]

Xu Yi quickly glanced at the information, protected Carlisle and walked towards the cab.

He suddenly felt like a light on his back and turned around suddenly to look.

A slender figure slowly walked out of the aisle. It was a very handsome man, with light blond hair combed meticulously and a slightly pale face.

Xu Yi quickly pulled Carlisle out of the way.

People who can still deal with it calmly in such a terrible situation know with their toes that they cannot be ordinary people.

So it's better for them not to block each other.

Although this group of vampires were crazy, they still retained a trace of reason and did not actually use grenades. Otherwise, if the plane crashed, few people would survive.

The man suddenly started to speed up, and Xu Yi's pupils suddenly dilated. The other man's speed was astonishingly fast, like lightning.

Even with his super-dynamic vision, he could only see an afterimage.

There is no doubt that the man is also a vampire, and he goes straight to the female exorcist.The female exorcist rang the bone bell in her hand, and strange fluctuations appeared again. The rushing vampire was frozen in the air, like an insect sealed in amber.

The female exorcist waved her hand, and the silver bracelet in her hand turned into a snake and sprang out, instantly piercing the man's heart.

Xu Yi looked at the blood splashing on the aisle, hesitated slightly, and reached out to touch it.

[The blood of the first generation vampire, "quality: b", "fusion success rate: 8%", "promotion potential: red ordinary"]

The man is probably the leader of these vampires, the powerful first generation vampire.

The quality and promotion potential of the opponent's blood have skyrocketed, reaching the "red" level, but the fusion success rate has dropped horribly, to less than [-]%.

A roar suddenly sounded, and the passengers who were sleeping in their seats suddenly opened their eyes and rushed towards the lockbox in the hands of the female exorcist.

Those passengers began to undergo drastic changes. Their strong bodies burst their shirts, rough hair spurted out from their bodies, and their heads transformed into beasts, turning into ferocious wolf heads.

Xu Yi was so surprised that he was speechless. There were not only groups of vampires on this plane, but also a large number of werewolves.

The most shocking thing is that these two "enemy" races are actually joining forces to deal with a human being!
(End of this chapter)

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