American exorcist god.

Chapter 187 Grade A Blood

Chapter 187 Grade A Blood

The female exorcist looked gloomy when faced with the siege of vampires and werewolves.

Xu Yi stared at the metal box in the opponent's hand. The metal box was much larger than an ordinary briefcase. Unknown runes were engraved on the surface. The chain extending from the box was connected to the female exorcist's bracelet.

There is no doubt that the contents of the box are extremely valuable.

The female exorcist began to recite again, her voice urgent and fast, but she was forcibly interrupted just in the middle of reciting.

Some of the werewolves pounced on her unconscious companion, and the female exorcist didn't hesitate, waving the metal box in her hand and swatting the werewolves away.

Apparently, men are more important to her than metal boxes.

The first-generation vampire released his suppression, and the sharp dagger slipped out of his sleeve. He caught the gap between the female exorcist's attacks and cut off the chain on the box with one knife.

The extremely strong werewolf was already ready to attack. He rushed out from the side, roared and threw himself at the metal box in the female exorcist's hand.

Seeing that the metal box was about to be taken away by the werewolf, the female exorcist subconsciously withdrew the box.

The werewolf jumped in the air, but his head hit the corner of the box. The huge force came and the female exorcist couldn't hold it at all, and the box flew away.

Xu Yi was stunned because the box happened to fly towards him, so he subconsciously caught it.

Everyone turned their heads and focused their attention on Xu Yi. The vampires who fell on the ground even stood up and rushed towards Xu Yi.

"Hey, hey! If you have something to say, please say it!"

Xu Yi originally wanted to throw the box out directly, but he suddenly hesitated because the smell of blood conveyed new information.

[Blood of unknown creature, "quality: a", "fusion success rate: 2%", "promotion potential: red rare"]

The blood of the first generation vampire can only be rated as B grade. What kind of creature is in the box?Xu Yi looked surprised.

In the moment of hesitation, the vampire pounced, and Xu Yi decisively pulled the trigger.

Vampires do not dodge. Even if they are hit by bullets, they will only feel pain at most, but their expressions suddenly change and they fall to the ground screaming.

After a while, their bodies turned into ashes and scattered.

"Brother! Times have changed!" Xu Yi blew the muzzle of his revolver. When he saw the hordes of vampires coming out, he had already replaced it with bad blood silver bullets.

Although the bad blood silver bullet restrains vampires, it will not kill them with one shot. The main reason is that these vampires have been injected with anti-yang factor drugs so that they can move in the sun.

At this moment, the bad blood silver bullet destroyed the effect of the potion. The vampire could not withstand the burning of the sun and was burned alive to ashes.

The vampire retreated in horror, but the werewolf rushed forward. Xu Yi repeatedly pulled the trigger to repel the werewolf.

But after all, the Alchemy Revolver only has six bullets. No matter how fast he reloads, there will inevitably be gaps.

The werewolf's sharp claws fell, and Xu Yi used the box to block it, regardless of how precious the contents were.

Huge force acted on Xu Yi along the box, and Xu Yi's face changed slightly.

Even though he broke out the fog of darkness, he was still far away from supernatural creatures like werewolves in terms of power.

Other werewolves rushed from behind. Seeing that Xu Yi could not dodge, the silly girl Carlisle actually stepped forward and tried to stop the werewolves with the bag in her hand.

Although Xu Yi was very moved, he still wanted to say that it was unnecessary. He could completely handle this situation. On the contrary, if Carlisle did this, he would expose himself to danger.

The Annabelle doll swayed around her waist, ready to join the battle.

At this moment, a lightning-like figure rushed over and kicked away the werewolves who were sneaking up on them.

The first-generation vampire glanced at the werewolf coldly and ordered in a deep voice, "Don't cause trouble! Grab something!"

Xu Yi frowned slightly. Although the first-generation vampire never glanced at Carlisle from beginning to end, what the other person did just now was obviously to protect Carlisle.

Could it be that Carlisle knew this vampire?
Xu Yi looked at Carlisle, but didn't think it was the case. Carlisle looked confused and obviously didn't know what happened.

The situation became more and more complicated. Xu Yi had no time to think about this. The werewolf's sharp claws kept falling. Xu Yi used a box to block it. The huge force made his tiger's mouth crack.

But the box couldn't hold it any longer than Xu Yi did. The surface of the box was pierced by sharp wolf claws, leaving several deep claw marks.

Through the gap between the claw marks, Xu Yi glimpsed the contents of the box.

It was part of the body of some kind of creature, wrapped in a yellowed bandage. Under the bandage, the charred flesh and blood of the creature could be vaguely seen.The first generation of vampires also joined the battlefield, and Xu Yi's pressure increased sharply.

The opponent's speed can be described as ghostly. With the Dark Eye, he could barely see the opponent's movement trajectory clearly.

He didn't dare to shoot rashly. He had just fired to ensure that he would not hit the main body of the aircraft.

Moreover, the opponent's speed is too fast. Even with his superb spear skills, there is no guarantee that he can hit the opponent.

Only at this moment did Xu Yi realize the fact that his body was weak.

The fog of darkness strengthened his body, and he was indeed the best among humans.

But compared to real supernatural creatures, he is still too weak, both in terms of strength and speed.

Even if you get the super-accelerated regeneration entry, you can't make up for this gap.

The super-accelerated regeneration entry allows him to have strong vitality, but the enhancement of attributes such as strength and speed is not obvious.

Blood God Throne!
Xu Yi understood that if he wanted to make up for these shortcomings and even reach a higher level, this entry was the best choice at the moment.

He took a deep breath and refocused on the battle in front of him.

Although his strength is not as strong as a werewolf and his speed is not as fast as a vampire, it does not mean that he cannot deal with this situation.

But compared to Kuhaha's battle, there is actually a simpler way.

Xu Yi turned the box over and pointed the side with the claw marks towards his chest, using the good side to resist the werewolf's attack.

What no one noticed was that Annabelle on Xu Yi's waist had appeared in the box and then left quietly.

"Give it back to you!" Xu Yi suddenly threw out the metal box in his hand, and the metal box flew towards the female exorcist.

"Sorry!" The female exorcist apologized, leaped up, and caught the metal box.

Taking advantage of Xu Yi's delay, the female exorcist dispelled the red mist that invaded her body, and her combat effectiveness returned to its peak state.

The werewolves and vampires turned around and rushed towards the female exorcist. Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled Carlisle into the aisle of the plane with the mentality that it had nothing to do with him.

The "Treasure Chest Defense" broke out again, and the exorcist lost in the end because she not only had to protect her companions, but also avoid hurting innocent people.

He is no match for werewolves and vampires.

The first-generation vampire took the metal box and retreated from the rear hatch with a group of werewolf vampires. The parachute flashed past the clouds.

Parachuting and landing at such a high altitude would mean a narrow escape for ordinary people, but whether it was a werewolf or a vampire, it was just an exciting flying experience.

The shocked captain came to clean up the mess, and the female exorcist awakened his companions and came to Xu Yi together.

"My name is Mia. I apologize to you again for getting you involved in such a dangerous thing." The female exorcist bowed slightly.

Xu Yi was a little surprised by the other party's attitude. Some high-ranking exorcists didn't even bother to apologize to a "little guy" like him.

Just now, the other party deliberately protected those ordinary people. These actions can show the character of the other party.

Xu Yi shook his head and said you're welcome. He looked at the man next to Mia. He was deeply impressed by the man's "feat" just now.

"I don't know what this person's name is?"

"Hello, thank you very much for your help to Mia. My name is Daniel, and I am a biology professor at MIT." The man shook hands with Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was slightly stunned. He was about to join the Department of Biology at MIT. The person in front of him couldn't be his teacher, right?
"I would like to ask, what is in the box, and why did it attract werewolves and vampires to snatch it?" Xu Yi asked.

"We found that thing in an ancient tomb. If the records on the mural are correct, it should be the legendary Ryan." Daniel sighed.

"Lian?" Xu Yi wondered.

Daniel took his suitcase, opened it, found a book and handed it to Xu Yi, "If you are interested in this aspect, you can read this book."

Xu Yi did not refuse and took it.

(End of this chapter)

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