American exorcist god.

Chapter 188 The perfect blood of werewolves and vampires

Chapter 188 The perfect blood of werewolves and vampires

In the small room, Xu Yi read under the dim lamp.

The "Secret History of the Rhine" given to him by Daniel mainly tells the story of werewolves and vampires.

The first half of the story is a love story. The female werewolf fell in love with the handsome male vampire and decided to be with him regardless of the opposition of the group.

The scenes in it were very familiar to Xu Yi. "Vampire Romeo" and "Werewolf Juliet" both died in love because of a feud.

The difference is that after they united, they actually gave birth to a baby.

A werewolf can combine with another werewolf, or even a human, but it is impossible to have offspring with a vampire, because vampires have no reproductive ability at all.

That baby was Ryan, and he actually perfectly inherited the abilities of werewolves and vampires!

The style of the story changes in the second half of the story, telling how Ryan avenges his parents, how he unites the werewolf and vampire tribes, and finally establishes his own kingdom in a remote area.

"This story is pure fiction!"

When Xu Yi saw the last page of the book, he found that there was a line of words, and his face was speechless.

When he found the author of the book behind the book, he became even more depressed.

"By Daniel Finn!"

So did this book really happen, or was it just made up by Daniel?
Xu Yi took out a piece of blackened flesh and blood from the toy box and placed it on the table for observation.

This flesh and blood came from the legendary "Ryan". When the treasure chest was in his hands, he secretly asked Annabelle to dig out a small piece.

Of course he wouldn't dare to steal them all. Then both the werewolf, vampire, and the great exorcist Mia would come to trouble him.

But there’s no problem in digging a small piece secretly.

"A-level blood" has reached his lowest expectations. If the Blood God Throne can be promoted to the "Red Rare" level, it will be considered a very powerful entry.

But the "2%" fusion success rate is really a headache, and it basically means failure.

"Is there any way to increase the success rate?"

Xu Yi frowned and thought hard. He knew that this guess was very possible, but he couldn't think of a way for a while.

Ruoyouruowu's voice reached Xu Yi's ears. It was the sound of Carlisle talking to his aunt.

The soundproofing of the room was poor to begin with, and Carlisle's aunt didn't try to avoid it. It could even be said that she let him hear it on purpose.

"Carlisle, tell the truth, is that boy your classmate or your boyfriend?"

"Aunt, don't think too much. Xu Yi fell into the water and lost all his money. He's just staying here for one night." Carlisle tried his best to lower his voice.

"What did you fall into? I think he came to stay at our house because he was too poor to live in a hotel. He probably had ulterior motives! Carlisle, your aunt has been here before. Let me tell you, be careful when looking for a man. Don't be fooled by those poor boys. I was deceived by my sweet words..."

The chattering sound continued for a moment, and Xu Yi's door was suddenly pushed open, and Carlisle appeared at the door with a depressed look on his face.

"Xu Yi, don't take my aunt's words to heart. That's how she is. She's not forgiving with her words!" Carlisle apologized.

"Of course not, besides, your aunt was right!" Xu Yi looked at Carlisle with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Carlisle was stunned for a moment.

"I have ulterior motives for you!" Xu Yi replied with a chuckle.

Carlisle's face turned red instantly, and he didn't care to say anything. He slammed the door and left in a hurry.

"Did the other party misunderstand something?" Xu Yi put down the book in his hand. He had been using the book to block Ryan's flesh and blood on the table.

The moment Carlisle approached, Ryan's flesh and blood actually came to life.

Countless black tentacles stood up and surged in the direction of Carlisle. Anyone could detect the desire of Ryan's flesh and blood for Carlisle.

"Is there any connection between Carlisle and Ryan's flesh and blood? Or does Carlisle have some special physique?" Xu Yi looked puzzled.

It was late at night, and Xu Yi, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look out the window. A slender figure was cast on the window.

"He's here!" Xu Yi turned over and sat up. Through Annabelle's symbiosis eyes, he noticed the situation outside the window.

A figure stood on the window sill, as light as nothing, with a black cloak dancing in the wind.

Although his face had changed a lot, Xu Yi could still recognize him at a glance as the first-generation vampire he met on the plane.

He could feel the blood information recorded by the "Blood Smell" even from a long distance away.With Xu Yi's resources, he only needed to make a call to Allente, and any hotel in Boston would treat him as a guest.

He specially came to Carlisle's relative's house just to wait for him.

When he was on the plane, he had a hunch that the other party would not give up, and now it is indeed here.

Next door is Carlisle's room. This vampire stayed up late at night and wanted to sneak into a girl's room. He obviously had ulterior motives.

As a good young man, Xu Yi certainly couldn't let it go. He picked up an orange from the table, walked to the window, and threw it violently.

Orange was easily dodged by the opponent, and the vampire stared at Xu Yi coldly.

"Keep staring at me, your eyes won't work? Do you mind if we go over there and talk?" Xu Yi pointed outside.

Aunt Carlisle's house is close to a park. The park is quiet and deserted late at night, which is perfect for a battlefield.

Xu Yi jumped out of the window and walked towards the park. The first-generation vampire hesitated for a few seconds and followed.

"Can I know your name?" Xu Yi asked as he walked.

"Barton!" The vampire cherished his words like gold.

Xu Yi suddenly stopped, turned to face the vampire, and moved his wrist, "Then Mr. Barton, can you tell me the purpose of coming here?"

Without saying a word, Barton rushed towards Xu Yi. He was ready to fight quickly and get rid of this annoying guy before going back to business.

His expression suddenly changed slightly because a doll suddenly blocked his way.

The doll exudes an ominous aura, especially the pair of pupils, with dense bloody spells crowded in the pupils, making people feel creepy.

As a spell puppet, Annabell only controls the "Spirit Ascension Curse", a spell seal, and cannot display her true strength at all.

But things are different now. As time goes by, Annabelle finally fills up the "Curse of Evil".

"Evil Curse" and "Necromantic Spell" can be combined into the "Curse Eye" entry. Annabelle is currently staring at Barton with the "Curse Eye" with a weird smile on her lips.

Barton suddenly felt his body sink and his breathing became slightly rapid. The strength in his body was being continuously deprived of him.

This is one of Curse Eye's abilities, "Evil Curse".

The evil curse will randomly impose a curse effect on the target. The most terrifying thing is that this curse can be superimposed. The curse can be superimposed every half hour.

In other words, the longer the battle lasts, the greater Xu Yi's chances of winning.

The red spell wrapped around Xu Yi's body, and the "Spell of Ascension" was activated, and Xu Yi's combat power was strengthened.

With one increase and one decrease, most of the physical gap between the two was erased.

The most important thing is that Xu Yi has also prepared special methods to deal with extremely fast opponents like vampires.

Xu Yi sprinkled a lot of red silk threads, and the strong golden threads tightly wrapped this area.

"Okay, the stage is set up, let's get started!" Xu Yi took out the alchemy revolver and looked at the other party with a smile.

As time passed and the moon was obscured by dark clouds, the battle finally ended.

"What a pity!" Xu Yi looked at the figures escaping in the forest and sighed to himself.

In the end, the other party escaped, but the other party was seriously injured and would not dare to come back for a while.

"It's not like there's nothing gained!" Xu Yi threw the syringe in his hand.

While fighting, he drew a syringe of the opponent's blood, and obtained the blood of the first-generation vampire.

He threw the syringe into the treasure box space and at the same time checked the situation of the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree.

There is a small dark purple fruit on the cat spirit tree. It is not the fruit of faith, but the "fruit of the evil god".

This fruit comes from the soul-stealing seed. When he used the soul-stealing seed to deal with the evil god Michael, he just wanted to imprison the opponent, but he did not expect such an unexpected surprise.

As the core power of the "Evil God of Thieves", he still underestimated this ability.

[The Fruit of the Evil God is growing, estimated remaining time: 19:23. 】

"I wonder what abilities can be stolen from Gongyang Evil God?" Xu Yi was a little curious.

(End of this chapter)

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