American exorcist god.

Chapter 189 The power of prosperity

Chapter 189 The power of prosperity
As soon as Xu Yi opened the door, he saw a refreshing scene.

The sun shone on Carlisle through the skylight. The slender and soft girl stood on one leg in a ballet style. The other person began to stretch her body. Every line was so youthful and smooth, and every inch of skin was as gentle as jade.

If you get up every day and see this scene, it will definitely be a beautiful enjoyment.

"Morning!" Xu Yi greeted.

Carlisle hadn't finished today's morning class yet, so he just answered with a sweet smile on his lips.

A huge figure suddenly blocked Xu Yi's sight. Carlisle's aunt stood in front, staring closely at Xu Yi.

"Sorry, I got up too late today and didn't make breakfast. You can go outside to eat!"

He said he was embarrassed, but his tone was firm, like stones hitting Xu Yi's head. These words were tantamount to giving a farewell notice.

"Someone will pick me up later. I was really disturbed last night!" Xu Yi's good mood was not affected by the other party at all, with a faint smile on his face.

Aunt Carlisle's tense face gradually relaxed, and she had to admit that the other party's handsome young man's temperament was indeed pleasing to the eye.

But she knew that just being good-looking was useless. She was a living example that it was too hard to have to rely on yourself for everything.

So she said nothing.

The doorbell rang suddenly, and Xu Yi saw a car parked outside the door.

"Carlisle, it's time for me to go!" Xu Yi said.

"I'll see you off!" Carlisle quickly ended his morning exercise and hurried back to his room to change clothes.

Carlisle's aunt opened the door and was stunned when she saw the car parked outside the door. It turned out to be a Maybach, which was undoubtedly a top-notch luxury car.

"Mr. Xu Yi, I bought all the gifts and put them in the trunk according to your instructions!" The driver in formal attire respectfully opened the trunk of the car.

"Please help me move everything into the house!" Xu Yi casually asked.

Carlisle's aunt was completely stunned. She could tell that Xu Yi was not pretending. There was no wave on his face when he casually directed the driver. It was obvious that he had been accustomed to this for a long time.

"I was so disturbed yesterday, so these little gifts are just an apology!"

Xu Yi finished speaking with a smile, got in the car and asked the driver to leave.

The two of them watched the Maybach drive away in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

"Oops! I forgot to say thank you!" Aunt Carlisle suddenly clapped her hands and said regretfully.

She turned to stare at Carlisle, her eyes shining, "Carlisle, how did you and Mr. Xu Yi meet? What does he do? What is his family situation like?"

Carlisle was stunned for a moment. After coming to his senses, his first reaction was not joy, but fear.

She suddenly felt that she was far, far away from Xu Yi's world.


MIT, Cambridge.

Xu Yi stood in front of a huge fish tank. The fish tank was obviously not made of ordinary glass. There were actually ferocious wild crocodiles inside.

"Pay attention to that little golden fish!" Daniel reminded from the side.

Xu Yi's eyes were instantly attracted to the small fish. The fish was only as big as two thumbs, with a slender body and golden scales that seemed to be made of gold foil.

The ferocious crocodile discovered the delicious dessert and took a bite of the golden fish.

The crocodile's bite force is terrifying, it can reach 12000 pounds, and can easily break bones, but the golden fish survived the crocodile's bite without any damage!

The little fish broke away from the crocodile's mouth, exposed a row of sharp teeth, and pounced on the crocodile.

The toughness of crocodile skin goes without saying, but it is more fragile than tofu in front of the teeth of small fish. The crocodile was quickly bitten until it was bloody, and the blood dyed the entire fish tank red.

Xu Yi looked at the unconventional scene in the fish tank and remained silent for a long time.After arriving at MIT, he first participated in the admission interview, and then was taken here to the "Mysterious Blood Research Group 5" located underground at MIT.

The place is heavily guarded, not only with modern protective measures, but also with a wide range of exorcism arrays.

Xu Yi had a vague feeling of familiarity, and after asking, he found out that MIT was involved in the research of Wushenku in New York.

"What are the results of our research?" Daniel asked proudly, standing in front of the fish tank.

Daniel is the leader of Scientific Research Group 5. Although it is a bit of a coincidence, it is also reasonable. After all, the other party has a PhD in biology from MIT.

Originally, the person who received Xu Yi was an ordinary team member. After Daniel saw it, he took the initiative to take over the job.

"Amazing! What kind of golden fish is this?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"It's just a common American snapper, but it's been injected with Olivedo's blood," Daniel explained.

"Olivedo's blood?"

"Olivido was an ancient Roman who lived in a village oppressed by the gods. He wanted to resist, but he had no strength until one day he encountered a dying dragon."

Daniel said softly, "After Oliverdo bathed in the dragon's blood, his body became indestructible. He later took revenge on the gods and slaughtered a large number of gods."

Xu Yi was skeptical about Daniel's story. He had read "The Secret History of Ryan" and wondered if this Olivedo story was also "written by Daniel".

"The research goal of our five groups is to reproduce the blood of Olivedo. To this end, we have studied a large amount of blood of mysterious creatures." Daniel moved his eyes.

Xu Yi followed Daniel's gaze, and his heart instantly became hot.

Rows of cryogenic storage cabinets are spliced ​​together to form five "high silver walls", and the blood of various supernatural creatures is placed in the cabinets.

Xu Yi looked at the blood and felt like his heart was about to move.

"So, our research was successful?" Xu Yi adapted quickly to his new identity and already regarded himself as a member of the fifth blood group.

Who says he is not a member of Blood Group Five? Who is he in a hurry with?
"Of course not! Otherwise we should open champagne to celebrate instead of doing experiments here." Daniel pointed at the fish tank, "You continue to watch."

The crocodile in the fish tank has stopped moving, and its brain has been chewed out.

The golden fish began to grow deformed tumors on its surface and became extremely ferocious. The dead crocodile could no longer satisfy its desire to kill. It began to hit the fish tank and tried to attack people outside the tank.

The fish tank vibrated, and Xu Yi was a little worried. The fish would directly break through the tank and escape, and then stage a classic biohazard scene.

Daniel looked calm. After the small fish hit it several times, its body suddenly exploded and turned into a pile of mud.

"Now there are two big disadvantages of Olivedo's blood. One is that after injection, it will produce uncontrollable distortion; the other is even worse. The effect can only last for seven or eight minutes, and then it will explode and die." Neil said.

Xu Yi's heart suddenly moved, and he remembered one of the effects of the Blood God Throne, the "Full Pose".

If the blood fusion is successful, the negative effects in the blood will disappear.

In other words, if he can successfully fuse with Oliverdo's blood, no matter whether he is deformed or dies due to explosion, he will cease to exist.

Xu Yi was delighted. He didn't pay much attention to this effect before, but now it seems that it is simply a "magic skill"!
Mysterious blood comes from all kinds of weird creatures. How could there be no negative effects when fused with their blood?

And the higher the quality of blood, the stronger the negative effects.

Like the blood of Olivedo in front of you, like the blood of a werewolf and a vampire, the werewolf will involuntarily transform on a full moon night, and its IQ will drop significantly after the transformation.

The disadvantages of vampires are even more obvious. They are afraid of sunlight, holy water, and silver magic weapons. They also have to live on blood. There are simply a lot of disadvantages.

But with the blessing of the "prosperous posture", these shortcomings will be removed.

Xu Yi felt that he still underestimated the term "Blood God Throne", and he secretly made up his mind that he would never fuse hastily.

The Blood God Throne only has one chance to fuse!
(End of this chapter)

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