American exorcist god.

Chapter 190 Occult Genius

Chapter 190 Occult Genius

The team members are cleaning the fish tank, sorting out the carcasses of the small fish that died in the explosion, and preparing for comprehensive testing.

Xu Yi walked to the monitoring table and gently touched Xiaoyu's body with his hand.

[Olivedo’s Blood, “Quality: A”, “Fusion Success Rate: 23%”, “Promotion Potential: Red Rare”]

Xu Yi was slightly stunned. The blood of Ryan, which was also of A-grade quality, had only a 2% fusion success rate, but the blood of Olivedo in front of him actually had a 23% success rate!

What is the reason for this?
"What's wrong? The flesh and blood of these mutated creatures cannot be touched directly. Remember to wear gloves next time!" Daniel discovered something unusual about Xu Yi.

Xu Yi looked at Daniel, his eyes lit up. Isn't the best puzzle solver here?

"Professor Daniel, I would like to ask, how can we improve the success rate of fusion of biological creatures and Olivedo's blood?" Xu Yi looked like he was eager to ask for advice.

"There are usually three types. One is purification. In this regard, we have basically achieved the ultimate. The current blood of Olivedo contains very few impurities."

Daniel led Xu Yi to another workbench, which was filled with strange items. It didn't feel like a high-end laboratory, but more like a wizard's workbench.

"The second method is blood fusion. In fact, the blood of Olivedo was created using this method, fusing the blood of about 12 kinds of creatures." Daniel explained.

Xu Yi suddenly felt something in his heart. Could he use the same method to synthesize higher quality blood?
"Our current research direction is to try to integrate more blood and solve the sequelae."

Daniel let out a long sigh, "This is very difficult, because when different bloods are mixed together, a strong rejection reaction will occur. In order to find a suitable neutralizing agent, we have tried thousands of methods."

Xu Yi made the right choice to join this laboratory. With the laboratory's data as a foundation, he could avoid many detours.

But it also involves a big problem. These professionals have been studying it for so long to come up with this result.

As a layman, even with the blessing of scholars' entries, can he really surpass these people?
"What about the last one?" Xu Yi asked when Daniel didn't continue.

"The stronger the physical fitness of the injection target, the stronger the tolerance, and the higher the success rate. But our final target is people, so this method can only be used as a reference." Daniel said.

Xu Yi thought thoughtfully. Logically speaking, if he could obtain the super-accelerated regeneration entry, wouldn't it mean that he could increase the success rate of each type of blood?
Someone came to Daniel and said something, and Daniel frowned slightly.

"After joining the fifth group, you will be responsible for the blood purification work first! Ollie, please lead the newcomers!"

After Daniel finished speaking, he left in a hurry, as if there was something wrong with the experiment.

Xu Yi certainly had no objection to this arrangement. Blood purification technology was what he wanted to learn.

Aoli is a young man with some freckles on his face. He always has a smile on his face and seems to be easy to get along with.

"Brother, your relationship is really strong! I don't know how much effort it took to join this experimental group! Fortunately, I just entered the freshman year and had this opportunity, and I also met Professor Daniel." Li looked envious.

Xu Yi smiled and said nothing more.

He seemed to have easily joined the fifth research group, but in fact there were many tricks involved.

The church's introduction played a part, and Xu Yi's status as a student also played a part.

But these are not the most critical. The most critical thing is his identity as a "New York Hero".

Of course, MIT would investigate his identity. If it hadn't been for the glorious work of "Save New York," even if the church had brought it together, it would not have been possible for him to join.

"These are introductory books. You usually study theoretical knowledge like an ordinary student. If you have time, come to the laboratory to help out."

Aoli brought a large box of books, "This way you should be able to do some simple experiments by your junior year."

Xu Yi looked at the heavy tome in the box and nodded.

For him who has a scholar's entry, it doesn't take that much time at all.But what troubled him was that these were just introductory knowledge. Even if he mastered them all, it would be impossible to fuse something of the level of Olivedo's blood.

Should I ask Daniel for help?

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Xu Yi trembled and subconsciously rejected it. He vaguely felt that this approach would be very dangerous.

"It's safest to keep technology in your own hands." Xu Yi can only take one step at a time.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry, it's dinner time now, let's go eat first!" Aoli comforted him.

He thought Xu Yi was distressed because he had too much to learn.

Xu Yi had just left the door of the laboratory when he met a familiar figure outside the door. It was Mia, the great exorcist whom he had seen on the plane. The person was carrying an insulated box and stood under the shade of the tree, looking forward to it.

"Let's go! Singles like us don't enjoy this kind of treatment. The other party is here to deliver food to Professor Daniel." Auli patted Xu Yi on the shoulder and sighed.

"So they are husband and wife?"

Xu Yi suddenly understood something. Even if Daniel was the person in charge of an important scientific research project, he wouldn't be so luxurious as to have a great exorcist personally protect him, right?

Now the answer is revealed.

"Not yet, but it's almost there. They are planning to get married in two months." Auli looked envious.

Mia also spotted Xu Yi. After being stunned for a moment, she nodded as a greeting.

"If nothing else, the food in our school cafeteria is absolutely outstanding, especially the one near Building [-]..." Before Aoli could finish his words, he was suddenly interrupted by Xu Yi.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry now. I'll treat you to dinner next time!" Xu Yi finished speaking and left in a hurry.

Aoli looked at Xu Yi's back, a little confused. Could it be that his plan to kill the wealthy junior student was discovered?

Xu Yi walked quickly, feeling a little excited.

[The fruit of the evil god is ripe, should it be fused immediately? 】

For the sake of safety, Xu Yi did not open it in public, but returned to his nearby residence. Arent had arranged everything for him in advance.

The door to the room is locked, the curtains are drawn, and everything is ready.

The Evil God Fruit appeared in Xu Yi's hand. With a thought, the Evil God Fruit merged into his body from the palm of his hand.

His body trembled suddenly and his eyes became hollow.

His sight appeared in the endless deep space, and he caught a glimpse of the huge figure in the shadow. A series of words such as grand, majestic, weird, etc. were not enough to describe him.

That is the true form of the Gong Yang Evil God!Xu Yi understood instantly.

The peek only lasted for a moment, and Xu Yi returned to the room, breathing heavily.

After a long time, he finally recovered, but he was a little confused.

After fusing the Evil God Fruit, is this the only effect?
He subconsciously looked at the system panel, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

[You get "Full Value Entry: Occult Genius (Green Epic)"! 】

[You get the "entry synthesis path: Master of Occultism = Scholar x3 + Genius of Occultism"! 】

(End of this chapter)

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