American exorcist god.

Chapter 191 Divine Miko

Chapter 191 Divine Miko

Xu Yi's eyes were fixed on the "occult genius". Apart from the fighting skills last time, he once again saw a full-value entry.

[Occult Genius: 100/100 (Green Epic)
Ability 1 - Occult Understanding:
You are a genius in mysticism and have extraordinary understanding of mystical knowledge. 】

A green epic-level entry has only one ability. It is simple but cannot hide its power.

Xu Yi equipped the entry for "Occult Genius" and then started rummaging through the box.

Among the books presented by Aoli, in addition to modern biological knowledge, there is also a book from a witch, "Preparation of Magic Vine Mushroom Potion", which is said to be an extracurricular reading for Xu Yi to relax.

Although it is a laboratory based on modern science, the object of research is mystical creatures after all. How could it be possible not to study mystical theories?

While in the laboratory, Xu Yi flipped through the books and found various symbols with unknown meanings all over the books, which were more abstract than children's graffiti.

After watching it, he felt a dull pain in his forehead.

But it's different now. He seems to have entered the perspective of the witch who compiled the books. Why are the words there written like this?What do the symbols in the corners mean?
The meaning that the books want to express is presented before your eyes.

"This entry ability is too powerful!" Xu Yi was amazed.

He felt that he was not reading and studying at all, but inheriting the witch's experience and memory!
The book was very thin and he read it quickly.

He closed his eyes slightly and sorted out the memories in his mind. After a moment, he opened his eyes and he completely understood the principle of configuring the Magic Vine Mushroom potion.

Xu Yi's eyes were as bright as two light bulbs. Compared with the power of the entry, the soul-stealing seed was not inferior at all.

The entries obtained from the soul-stealing seed are all full-value entries, and no hard-earned experience is required.

Moreover, the scope of stealing is wider. If it is devouring entries, it can only be stolen from the target that is killed. It is obviously impossible for Michael, the incarnation of the evil god, to have such an entry as "occult genius".

Only the evil god himself, a terrifying monster that has survived for who knows how many years, can possibly understand the mysteries of the occult and have them stolen.

[Entry synthesis path: Master of Occultism = Scholar x3 + Genius of Occultism! 】

Xu Yi stared at the synthetic path for a long time.

He had an inexplicable hunch that the "Occult Master" entry might be the key to his synthesis of high-quality blood.

"Scholar x3" means that the scholar entry is stacked three times. Now he has obtained it once and will soon be able to obtain it the second time.

[Scholar, current progress: 52/100]

During this time, he would take time out to study, and before he knew it, he was halfway through the entries.

“I don’t know what the effects of super-brain computing are?”

Xu Yi always remembered that when a scholar's entry ability is superimposed three times, he can use the power of super-brain computing.

It's a pity that he has been busy and has no time to write the scholar's entry. He can just take advantage of the opportunity of researching the mysterious blood to write the entry.

Xu Yi opened the thick "Introduction to Biology" and prepared to study, but he just read two pages and suddenly closed the book.

It's not because I contracted the terrible virus called "I'm already very tired today, I must study hard tomorrow!"

He was a little excited. He had never been able to establish a connection with the ghost warrior because of his soul injury. After so many days of rest, he was finally able to sense the ghost warrior.

Xu Yi closed his eyes slightly, and Cat Spirit Buster transformed into the Fire Chief. His thoughts escaped into the Fire Chief, and the ghost warriors far away in the horizon responded to the Fire Chief.


Xu Yi's thoughts merged into the ghost warrior. He slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became uncontrollable and could not be moved away.

The young and beautiful girl is wearing a complicated miko costume. At this moment, the miko costumes are falling off one after another, from the red scarlet hakama, to the white kimono coat, to the close-fitting undergarments.

The girl finally leaned over and took off her red straw sandals and kimono socks, exposing her perfect feet to the air.

The steamy wooden barrel was next to it. The girl stepped on the stool and inserted her slender and white legs into the wooden barrel. Maybe because the water was a bit hot, the girl's toes were slightly arched, and the shiny toes seemed to be transparent.

The girl was completely submerged in the water, and the brewing steam obscured her vision. Xu Yi looked away.

The reason why he kept staring at the opponent just now was not because he had just integrated into the ghost warrior and could not control it freely. He could only say, which cadre can withstand such a test?Xu Yi did not light up the "Eye of Flame" because he was not familiar with the surrounding situation. The best way was to maintain the status quo.

The ghost warrior armor sits in the shrine, with a vermilion beam above his head and a hemp rope hanging down. There are white charms posted on it, but they are basically just for decoration and do not have much exorcism effect.

Xu Yi looked around, becoming more and more confused. The architecture here did not look like the American style.

"Ya Butterfly..."

The person who shouted these words was not the girl in the barrel, but the old woman standing next to the pillar. Her thin body was shrouded in a wide black robe, and her face was covered with wrinkles.

Of course, the other party didn't just shout out one word, but said a series of words. Unfortunately, Xu Yi only understood one word, which also benefited from the "study folder" in his previous life.

The witch costume, the scarlet shrine, and the recognizable language...

Could it be that the Oni Samurai has returned to Japan?

Xu Yi was a little confused. The second before he passed out, he vaguely remembered that the ghost warrior flew into a remote forest. How did he appear in Japan after connecting to the ghost warrior again?

Lao Dongdong's tone was stern, obviously reprimanding the girl, but Xu Yi couldn't understand a word of it.

"The situation is a bit bad!" Xu Yi checked the condition of the ghost warrior. Most of the divinity swallowed by the nightmare bone was consumed, and the golden transcendent flesh and blood became gray and merged with the bones.

The Demonic Sword Red Lotus is in the best condition after being deformed and attached to the inside of the Oni Samurai armor.

The use of "transcendental fire" indeed requires paying a huge price.

The so-called "transcendent fire" is a terrifying flame formed by the fusion of the demon-suppressing flame and the red lotus karma fire using divinity as the fusion agent.

The last knife annihilated Michael, the incarnation of the evil god.

After Xu Yi checked it again, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the situation is a bit bad, fortunately it has not damaged the original source. He only needs to take a good rest for a while, and he will most likely be able to recover.

"What is this?" Xu Yi suddenly found a small black spot inside the armor, and his heart suddenly stopped.

But soon he breathed a sigh of relief, and a big stone fell to his heart.

That is actually the core of little Alice’s soul!
The evil god tells believers not to be afraid of death, because after death the soul will return to the Holy Lord and gain eternal life. This is not entirely a lie.

If a devout believer dies, their soul core will float to the evil god with the power of faith.

The evil god can revive the souls of devout believers, but only after consuming the power of faith.

Xu Yi glanced at the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree, and a "semi-ripe" Fruit of Faith hung on it.

At this moment, the Huokui potion was being distributed, and when the Hot Soul patients were being treated, the power of faith increased even more than before.

This situation may continue for a while. Xu Yi estimates that after two mature fruits of faith are produced, the growth of the power of faith will plummet.

The resurrection of little Alice's soul actually only requires a quarter of the Fruit of Faith, but now is obviously not a good time.

Mieko Harada's face suddenly turned pale in the barrel. She was obviously soaked in warm water, but she seemed to have fallen into a cold pool, and her body could not stop trembling.

Xu Yi was able to know the other person's name because the old man next to him kept repeating the word "Mieko Harada" when he was chattering. Even if he didn't understand Japanese, he knew that it was the name of the girl in front of him.

Lao Dong Dong's face also changed drastically, his words became extremely hurried, and he frequently looked towards the door of the shrine.

The old Dongdong in front of him was also an exorcist, but in Xu Yi's opinion, his strength was average. If the ghost warrior wanted to kill him, it would only be a matter of one blow.

Xu Yi's attention has always been on Mieko Harada, not because she is beautiful or taking a bath.

The other party carries a touch of divinity, and that divinity does not come from the outside world, but from within the body. In other words, the other party is a person born with divinity.

This kind of person is very rare and usually either becomes a powerful exorcist or becomes a pastry in the hands of evil spirits and demons.

The cold breath came from the entrance of the shrine, and Xu Yi felt a familiar but unfamiliar breath, which was very similar to an evil spirit, but a little different, filled with the rich smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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