American exorcist god.

Chapter 192 May I ask how you should respond?

Chapter 192 May I ask how you should respond?

The cold breath emerged, and Harada Mieko trembled even more. She subconsciously wanted to escape, but was stopped by Lao Dong Dong.

Mieko Harada clasped her hands together, prayed with her eyes closed, and recited an unknown prayer.

Xu Yi was a little dumbfounded. The two people in front of him couldn't be stupid, right?
You know that something is wrong, but you not only don’t run away, but you still pray here. Which god will have time to take care of your affairs?

Harada Mieko opened her eyes from time to time to look at the ghost warrior armor, and Xu Yi suddenly realized that the god he was praying to was him.

But of course, how could the ghost warrior become the object of prayer?

Could it be that someone noticed the magic of the ghost warrior's armor, so he bought the ghost warrior back and built a shrine to pray for protection?

If I were in another place, I probably wouldn't dare to do this, but in this weird country like Japan, everything is possible.

A sudden wind blew up the hemp rope hanging from the shrine, and along with the wind, a monster appeared.

The pale woman had a weird smile on her face. The other person was always stooped. It was obviously a human body, but it had no limbs, replaced by sharp hooks and sickles.

Xu Yi stared at the monster in surprise. The monster was very strange. It clearly had the aura of an evil spirit, but it also had a physical body. It felt like a combination of an evil spirit and a supernatural creature.

According to Japanese parlance, the other party should be called a monster.

The monster walked towards Harada Mieko step by step, with a bloodthirsty light in its eyes. For them, the divine body was no less than a peerless delicacy, but it came here not just to eat the other person.

Mieko Harada's body shook like a sieve, and her chanting became more pious.

The old woman took out a crutch and tried to stop the monster and buy precious time for Mieko Harada.

The opponent's hand trembled slightly, obviously knowing that he was no match for the monster.

Xu Yi watched this scene quietly and had no thoughts of slaying demons for the time being.

He couldn't have rashly attacked the girl just because he saw her beauty. What if all of this was a trap?

Although this possibility is very small, Xu Yi is not willing to expose the details of the ghost warrior for strangers.

The bottom of the barrel suddenly lit up, and there was a magic circle hidden there. Xu Yi did not notice the hidden magic circle.

The moment the magic circle appeared, Xu Yi suddenly felt Mieko Harada's thoughts and thoughts of dedication to God.

Black light spots rose from Mieko Harada's body, floated towards the ghost warrior, and disappeared into the armor in the blink of an eye.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment before he realized that the black light spot was the core of Harada Mieko's faith. Like William, the other party became his devout believer, and his life and death were controlled by him.

The cold breath behind her continued to approach, and the despair on Harada Mieko's face became more and more obvious, but she could do nothing but continue to pray.

She was born with strange visions and did not cry or fuss. The doctor who delivered her said that she saw golden light swimming in her eyes.

She has carried an amulet with her since she was a child. It is made of white jade and her father asked a famous local monk for it.

The amulet was very precious. If her father had not saved the life of the monk when he was young, he would not have been willing to give it to her as a gift.

But what's worse is that the amulet actually broke into pieces a few days ago. It didn't have any impact, it just broke suddenly.

When the witch guarding the family found that the amulet was broken, her face changed drastically, and she said that the family would soon be in disaster.

In order to save her life and continue the family, they relied on their connections to find the lodging object of the gods, which was the ghost warrior armor.

She was told that as long as she was pious enough, she could become a maid of the gods and receive his blessings.

But she was obviously devout enough, so why didn’t the gods respond to her?

Lao Dong Dong's body was trembling. She suspected that she had been deceived. The warrior armor in the shrine behind her did not move at all.

That may not be the host body of a god at all. Let Mieko Harada become a maid of the god. No god can refuse this temptation.

The Kamaita Banshee was getting closer and closer, and the old woman clenched the exorcist in her sleeve. If there was no other way, she could only call the exorcist stationed outside.

The Kamaita Banshee suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the shrine. The old woman felt happy, took two steps back, and looked behind her with her peripheral vision.

In the shrine, the ghost warrior's pupils suddenly lit up. Two erratic flames burned quietly in the depths of his pupils, and the majestic momentum spread in all directions.

The old grandma breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the power of the ghost warrior, he should be regarded as a relatively powerful "god".Although ghost warriors are called gods, she knows very well that most of the so-called gods in their country are just mountain spirits!
To take the name of God is to brag.

Now she only hoped that the samurai armor in front of her could be stronger and at least drive away the Kamaita Banshee.

But the next second, her eyes suddenly widened, and the Kamaita Banshee's body trembled slightly. The other party was actually afraid!

A misty black shadow appeared in front of the Kamaita Banshee. It was the ghost warrior sitting on the shrine. In the ghost warrior's hand was a strange dark red sword.

The long sword slashed down. The Kamaita Banshee is a monster known for its speed. At this time, it should have launched a counterattack like a storm, cutting the enemy with the scythe on its body.

But at this moment, the Kamaita Banshee couldn't move.

It was as if there was a big mountain pressing on it, and its already rickety body was pressed even lower, almost lying on the ground.

The old woman stared blankly at the ghost warrior armor. The surface of the armor was filled with faint black-golden flames. The flames put tremendous pressure on people, making them want to kneel down and salute.

Could it be that what she encountered was not a mountain spirit, but a real god?

Her body was trembling slightly. The situation was completely beyond her control. She wouldn't be surprised if the other party beheaded her with one knife.

The sword in the ghost warrior's hand fell. Fortunately, the sword's target was the Kamaita Banshee.

The Kamaita Banshee raised the hook and sickle in her hand to meet the enemy. The strong hook and sickle was actually cut off with a single blow. The Kamaitatsu Banshee screamed because the long sword did not lose its force and cut open its chest with one slash.

Xu Yi took action resolutely. After accepting Harada Mieko's devout faith, he suddenly had new ideas.

"Perhaps we can use the other party as a 'boarding object'!"

His body is not here, and it is impossible to pay attention to the ghost warrior's situation all the time. In order to avoid being attacked when he is "offline", he needs to find a safe way to hide.

After the evil god walks and becomes virtual, he can attach himself to divine objects. The Demon Sword Red Lotus uses this method to attach itself to the inside of the armor.

Harada Mieko is born with divinity and is his devout believer. She is attached to the other person's body and is safer than ordinary divinity items.

Xu Yi was slightly startled when the thick, fishy blood splashed on the ghost warrior's armor.

[Blood of Kamaitachi, "Quality: c", "Fusion Success Rate: 62%", "Promotion Potential: Blue Epic"]

The ability of "Blood Smell" was activated, which he did not expect. It seems that this is a "soul ability" and does not require the body.

Xu Yi looked at the system information and was a little surprised.

The success rate of the fusion of Kamaitachi's blood is a bit too high, right?It actually exceeded [-]%!
Is it just Kamaitachi who is special, or are all Japanese monsters like this?

Xu Yi was immediately interested. If he could know the reason for the high success rate, could he reproduce it?
The Kamaita Youkai retreated in horror. Although there was no such thing as a ghost warrior without eyes, it was still aware of the opponent's thoughts and wanted to dissect it.

The ghost warrior raised his long sword... At this moment, a large amount of red silk thread poured into the shrine door, and the Kamaita Banshee was bound by the silk thread and taken away from the scope of the demon-suppressing realm.

"There are actually people who grab monsters!" Xu Yi was unhappy for a moment and turned to look.

Among the dense red silk threads, an extremely beautiful woman walked towards Xu Yi, with powerful charm in every move.

That charm is not only for humans, but also for mountain spirits, regardless of gender.

A blush appeared on Harada Mieko's face, her legs tangled together, and she subconsciously groaned.

The ghost warrior was also charmed. The dark golden flames on the armor's surface dissipated, the suppression field failed, and the flames in his pupils disappeared.

The armor stood there, like a sculpture.

The smile on the woman's face became brighter. She stretched out her hand, and red silk threads surged around her hand, ready to bind the ghost warrior.

A bright sword light suddenly lit up, the smile on the woman's face froze, and the red lotus sword cut the woman's face in half.

The fire in the ghost warrior's pupils lit up again, Xu Yi stared at him disdainfully, trying to charm him?

He chose to log off directly and then reconnect. How would you respond?

(End of this chapter)

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