American exorcist god.

Chapter 194 The Ancestral Vampire

Chapter 194 The Ancestral Vampire

At sunset, Xu Yi returned to his residence, a single-family villa in a wealthy area of ​​Boston.

With his current financial situation, he no longer needed to save money, so Arent bought him a luxurious villa in Boston.

Xu Yi held the books under his arm, one was "Introduction to Modern Biology" and the other was "Introduction to Japanese with Zero Basics".

It is very necessary to learn another language, otherwise the actions of the ghost warriors in Japan will become very inconvenient.

He had just returned from MIT, and he had to say that school was indeed the best place to study.

[Scholar +18, current progress: 70/100]

In less than a day, 18 points of experience have been added to the scholar's entry. It will be just around the corner to fill up the scholar's entry.

Xu Yi went straight to the basement.

When I first purchased this villa, in addition to the quiet surroundings, the most important reason was that the villa had its own basement that could be transformed into a laboratory.

There are only some necessary experimental equipment in the basement, beakers, petri dishes, etc. Compared to the fifth blood research group at MIT, it is simply a world of difference.

But Xu Yi is not envious at all, because he owns the Nest of Evil Gods.

The Evil God's Nest is the most advanced experimental observation equipment, which is many years ahead of the current technology. This is also one of the sources of confidence that he can develop high-quality blood.

Another source of confidence is naturally the entry "occult genius".

Xu Yi cut a small piece from the blackened Ryan's flesh, placed it in a petri dish, and then took out the blood of the first-generation vampire.

After these days of study, he no longer knew anything about mysticism.

Ryan's blood, as a perfect fusion of werewolf and vampire, has the possibility of resurrection as long as it comes into contact with blood.

However, the Ryan flesh and blood in his hand was too severely damaged and its activity was very low. I am afraid that high-quality blood is needed to revive him.

The blood of the first-generation vampire was poured on Ryan's flesh. It was indeed the blood of the same sect. The vampire's blood was absorbed in an instant.

"What a tenacious life!" Xu Yi couldn't help but marvel.

The charred Ryan flesh and blood actually became alive and squirmed from time to time.

Xu Yi minced the flesh and blood and poured it into physiological saline to make a medicine.He just wanted to observe the characteristics of Ryan's flesh and blood, and there was no need to make it too complicated.

The white rabbit had been fed into the Evil God's Nest in advance, and Xu Yi injected the medicine into the white rabbit's body.

The Evil God's Nest projected a three-dimensional anatomy diagram in his mind, and Xu Yi could clearly see that with the injection site as the center, a large amount of bloody energy spread to all sides.

The rabbit began to mutate, its flat rabbit teeth became extremely sharp, its soft fur became rough, and its pupils were scarlet.

Xu Yi began to believe that it was the real flesh and blood of Ryan, and that the rabbit had characteristics of both a vampire and a werewolf.

But it also inherited two kinds of bloodthirsty. The alienated rabbit rushed towards Xu Yi, but Xu Yi remained unmoved. With a soft "bang", the rabbit hit the "glass".

Of course it is impossible for a rabbit to break through the "glass" because Xu Yi uses a magic box.

At first, he was as strong as the Nightmare Bones, but he could only stay in the magic box, let alone a mutated rabbit.

The Evil God's Lair and the Forbidden Magic Box are simply the perfect "two-piece research set"!
Xu Yi recorded the characteristics of Ryan's blood on paper. At this time, the rabbit's alienation became more serious. The skeleton of the rabbit's head protruded, the abdominal cavity shrank, and the sharp hairs stood up one by one.

The rabbit's aura became stronger and stronger, but suddenly there was a "bang" sound, the rabbit exploded, and blood spilled into the magic box.

Xu Yi frowned, not because the rabbit exploded and died, this was something that could have been expected.

He frowned because he found an "abnormal object" in the rabbit's body.

The Evil God's Nest stretches out two tentacles. The sharp front ends of the tentacles can be compared to scalpels. The Evil God's Nest cuts open the flesh and blood with a stability and accuracy that far exceeds that of a professional surgeon, and picks out a black line from inside.

The "scalpel" function of the Evil God's Nest was discovered by Xu Yi not long ago.

The more you use the Evil God's Nest, the more you feel the convenience of the Evil God's Nest. It is simply born for experimentation.

Xu Yi stared at the black line, and the more he looked at it, the more uneasy he felt.

If you look closely, you will find that the black line is actually the shape of a tadpole, but it has no eyes or other organs. It has a mouth that almost occupies the entire head. The mouth is open, revealing two rows of sharp teeth.

Xu Yi stretched out his hand and touched the "black tadpole" through the magic box. His ability to smell blood was activated. He never expected that this thing also belonged to mysterious blood.

[Unknown mysterious blood, "quality: s", "fusion success rate: 0%", "promotion potential: red epic"] S level!It’s actually S-level quality blood!
Xu Yi was stunned. According to the information given by the blood smell, this thing should be an "impurity" in Ryan's flesh and blood.

What kind of "impurities" can achieve S-level quality?
But what the hell is the fusion success rate of 0%?

For other blood, even if the success rate is lower, at least there is still a success rate.

Xu Yi had a vague hunch that neither purification nor fusion of medicines might improve the success rate of the blood.

The "Black Tadpole" swam toward the corner of the magic-forbidden box. When it encountered obstacles, it had no intention of turning and kept swimming in the same direction.

After observing for a moment, Xu Yi finally noticed Black Tadpole's intentions.

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

Xu Yi thought for a moment, but curiosity finally took over. He picked up the magic-forbidden box and walked outside.


It was a dark and windy night, and Xu Yi was hiding in the shadow of a tall building.

His body blended into the darkness, making it difficult for someone to sense his presence even if he was passing by.

[Dark Stealth, current progress: 88/100]

As the last link in the synthesis of the Shadow Gun God, how could Xu Yi not be interested in it? As long as there is a chance, he will gain experience in dark stealth.

He looked towards the building opposite. Because the window was not closed tightly, the curtains were blown open by the wind.

In such a dark environment, it is impossible for ordinary people to see clearly the scene inside, but Xu Yi is obviously not included.

Through the dark pupil, he saw an extremely corrupt scene inside.

The hall was littered with bodies, men and women were huddled together, and the feast between the sea and the sky was nothing compared to the scene in front of them.

What surprised Xu Yi most was that part of it was a vampire and part was a werewolf.

He suddenly understood why Black Tadpole had brought him here.

After absorbing the vampire's blood, the black tadpole yearns for more, so it subconsciously swims in the direction of the vampire.

"Blood Trace" is Black Tadpole's innate ability.

Are so many werewolves and vampires gathering together to release the animal nature in their bodies?
Xu Yi was a little confused. If he wanted to release his animal nature, there were many ways. Why did he have to look for natural enemies?
He leaned on the cover of darkness and slowly moved toward the opposite side.

The heartbeat was suppressed to an inaudible level, the breathing almost disappeared, and the aura on the body blended with the environment. This is the power of dark stealth.

Xu Yi crouched in the shadow of the window sill, pricking up his ears to listen, and there was a conversation inside.

"Are we really going to deal with the ancestors?"

Xu Yi never expected that he would hear such exciting news as soon as he came over.

The ancestor mentioned by the other party is naturally the ancestor vampire.

Vampires can't kill vampires, isn't that their rule?Why make an exception now and deal with the ancestor vampire.

Xu Yi's interest was completely piqued.

He has been secretly searching for the ancestor of vampires, and even asked Ed and the church to find him.

He is looking for the ancestor vampire, naturally, for the fragments of the super-accelerated regeneration entry. Now he is just missing the last fragment!

Killing ordinary vampires, even the first-generation vampires, will not be able to swallow the super-accelerated regeneration entry.

Just think about the super-accelerated regeneration entry fragments, which are all dropped from characters, such as the undead murderer Jason and the evil god of thief Ratma.

To kill the first-generation vampire, you can at most devour "accelerated regeneration". Although it is only a word difference, the effect is completely different.

If you want to obtain the super-accelerated regeneration entry, you need at least an ancestor-level vampire.

 The author was troubled by the evil spirit of a bad cold, so he went to buy the holy medicine for exorcism, Nuhua 99. After swallowing it, his head felt dizzy and his limbs were weak. He hoped to defeat the evil spirit of a bad cold as soon as possible. Above~

(End of this chapter)

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