Chapter 195 loli has three good

The hall suddenly became quiet, the vampires stopped talking, and the werewolves were equally silent. As an eavesdropper, Xu Yi felt as if a cat was scratching his heart.

"I think the ancestors can understand us." A vampire suddenly sighed, and then cursed angrily, "It's all because of the damn skin disease!"

There was no movement among the werewolves and vampires in the hall. Xu Yi gradually became bolder and looked in through the gap in the balcony.

Because he was closer, he saw some details that he had not noticed before. There was something wrong with these werewolves and vampires.

They don't wear any clothes, so you can clearly see the condition of their bodies. The female vampire's skin is fair, and the female werewolf's muscles look more elastic...

Of course, these are not the main point. The main point is that their bodies are more or less skinny.

The arms of the wavy blond female vampire and the calves of the curly-haired werewolf female seemed to have had their flesh and blood removed by something. The flesh and skin were tightly attached to the bones, and the protruding veins were like centipedes, making them look hideous and terrifying.

This should be the skinny disease the other party calls.Xu Yi thought.

Could it be that the reason why vampires and werewolves joined forces was because of the "skin disease"?
A flash of light suddenly flashed through Xu Yi's mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the truth.

The "skin disease" obviously does not appear alone in a few vampires or werewolves. It is a disease that spreads to both groups.

The consequences of getting sick must be very bad, otherwise immortal vampires wouldn't be so frightened.

"Can Ryan really cure the blight disease?" A vampire questioned.

"According to ethnic records, the blight disease is not the first time it has appeared. It has appeared in the kingdom built by Ryan. Later, those sick werewolves and vampires were cured by Ryan." Someone answered.

"It's a pity that the activity of Ryan's remains is too low. Ordinary blood is useless at all. We can only use the origin blood of the ancestor." Someone sighed.

Source blood is the source of vampires. Without the source blood, the vampire's life will come to an end.

"Didn't you say there is another plan? To artificially create Ryan!"

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately refuted, and some people scoffed.

"What are you thinking about? We are pinning our hopes on a small potion, why don't we work harder! According to legend, isn't Ryan the 'Holy Son' born after the union of a vampire and a werewolf?"

As lewd laughter rang out, the extremely corrupt scene appeared again.

Xu Yi didn't leave, not because he wanted to watch the live broadcast, but because he was waiting for the opportunity.

Soon, both the werewolf and the vampire fell into a deep sleep. Xu Yi quietly came to a vampire, placed the sleeping flower in front of the other's nose, and let the other person inhale the excessive fragrance of the sleeping flower.

After a moment, Xu Yi no longer hesitated, opened the other person's mouth, and stuffed the Evil God's Nest into the other person's mouth.

The Evil God's Nest squirmed into the opponent's body and lurked quietly.

Xu Yi looked around to make sure nothing was missing, then turned and left.

He has begun to look forward to the beginning of the vampire's genocide.



Xu Yi came out of the fifth scientific research group and stretched.

"Today is another fulfilling day!" Xu Yi had a smile on his lips. He had mastered the essence of blood purification.

Leaving the laboratory door and walking through the long corridor, Xu Yi found Aoli at the end of the corridor, leaning against the stone pillar, motionless.

"I'm in love!"

As soon as Xu Yi got closer, he heard Aoli's leisurely sigh.

"With whom?" Xu Yi was a little confused. Aoli was in the laboratory all day long, how could he still find a girlfriend?

"Although I don't know her name yet, the first time I saw her, I felt that a gorgeous sunflower suddenly grew out of my dry heart." Auli's eyes looked forward unblinkingly.

“I feel like you are a poet delayed by biology!”

Xu Yi complained casually, and then followed the other person's gaze.

Not far away, a petite girl stood under a tree, the shadow of the tree cast on her delicate little face, her black-bottomed white gauze skirt swayed in the wind, and her turquoise-like pupils reflected the skylight.

"So you like this type of thing!" Xu Yi said interestingly.

"Don't you understand this? Not everyone likes women with bulging fronts and curved backs, such as petite and exquisite girls. How should I put it?" Aoli tried to sum it up in one sentence. "Loli has three good qualities: she is light and soft..."

Aoli's eyes lit up, "The summary is very good. I didn't expect that you are also a fellow person. By the way, what is the last one?"

Xu Yi ignored him and walked straight towards the girl under the tree.

"Ouch! What are you doing~"

Auli Monster screamed and quickly followed, and then he saw a scene that broke his heart.

The girl under the tree suddenly showed a sweet smile, put down the two boxes in her hands, and rushed towards Xu Yi. Xu Yi hugged the girl and spun around in the air.

"Lisa, you're finally here!" Xu Yi put Lisa on the grass and rubbed her head.

"I have applied for early graduation and am going to find a school nearby." Lisa said softly.

Now that we have embarked on the extraordinary path, we naturally do not need to follow the trajectory of ordinary people.

Maria will come later, and now she needs to be with her mother.

Maria has completely let go of her scumbag father, but her mother will not look away for a while, and Maria needs to stay at home for a while.

"Aoli, let me introduce you, this is Lisa." Xu Yi turned to look at Aoli behind him.

"I heard it." Auli looked weak. "The flowers in my heart have withered. At this point, such gorgeous flowers will no longer bloom in this land."

Lisa looked at Xu Yi doubtfully, and some impolite words flashed through her mind.

Xu Yi explained, "This is a friend I met in school. He studies poetry, so he is a bit talkative."

Auli nodded. He could only change his major now with tears in his eyes, otherwise he would be regarded as a lunatic.

Xu Yi ignored the other party. This guy's heart dried up several times a week, so he was probably used to it.

"I brought you things." Lisa picked up the box.

Xu Yi didn't have time to get the Evil God's Nest that was originally planted on the cultist Henry, so he had to ask Lisa.

"Why are there two?" Xu Yi was a little confused, because Lisa actually handed him two boxes.

"One of the boxes is the clothes you customized at Martin's." Lisa looked at Xu Yi with eyes that gradually became dangerous.

Xu Yi was sweating slightly on his forehead. Martin was the costumer who made Lisa's witch costume before. Xu Yi saw that his craftsmanship was superb, so he also placed a batch of orders.

Unexpectedly, because I was too busy, I didn’t have time to pick it up, and now Lisa has taken it over.

"Um, these are some special training uniforms... You must be hungry too, right? Let's go eat first." Xu Yi decisively used the topic-changing technique.

"Is there any of mine in it?" Lisa asked.

"Yes... of course!" Xu Yi could only answer bravely.

Late at night, in the villa.

Lisa put on her "special training uniform" with a slightly red face, "Is this the special training uniform you are talking about?"

"You know Japan, right? Female high school students there like to wear this kind of clothes, white shirts, pink and blue plaid pleated skirts, of course it can also be called JK skirts, the bow on the neckline is the same color as the skirt." Xu Yi said softly. explain.

"But what does this have to do with special training?" Lisa frowned slightly.

"Think about it, if you arrive in Japan and need to pretend to be a female high school student, won't you get familiar with it in advance?" Xu Yi talked casually, his face not red and his heart not beating.

Lisa approached Xu Yi step by step, and finally she was almost pressed against Xu Yi. She leaned close to Xu Yi's ear and whispered, "Don't think I don't understand anything. In addition to JK skirts, are there sweet Lolita skirts?" , where’s the elegant gothic skirt?”

Xu Yi felt the warm breath blowing in his ears, tickling him. He was stunned for a moment before he realized that Lisa was actually teasing him!
Can this be tolerated?

He hugged Lisa and pushed her down on the sofa, "Okay! It's quite hidden! Tell me, where did you learn these things?"

"My sister told me everything." After all, Lisa only heard about it and had never had actual combat experience. Now being held in Xu Yi's arms, Lisa's face turned red all of a sudden.

"I heard... it will be very comfortable, is it true?" Lisa's voice was like a mosquito's chirp. Xu Yi couldn't hear it at all if he wasn't so close.

"Won't you know if you try it?" Xu Yi replied softly in Lisa's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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