American exorcist god.

Chapter 196 "Xu Yi's Diary of Studying at MIT"

Chapter 196 "Xu Yi's Diary of Studying at MIT"

Under the desk lamp late at night, Xu Yi opened the "Xu Yi MIT Study Diary" in his hand, and the words inside were "shocking".

February 8:
The vampires are about to take action. Before they take action, I want to max out the Dark Stealth, synthesize the Shadow Gun God entry, and officially be promoted to the realm of the Great Exorcist!
Decided!Start studying hard today!Keep up the good work!

PS: Lisa rested in bed for a long time.

February 8:
The idea of ​​using Harada Mieko to attract monsters is indeed feasible. I have killed three little monsters in the past two days. Unfortunately, I did not encounter the monster house that day and I have begun to miss it!

Played poker with Lisa in the evening.

February 8:
The progress of the scholar's entry is very good, and you should be able to complete it for the second time soon.My Japanese learning went very smoothly. I found a Japanese teacher, but unfortunately it didn’t look like the one in the movie.

In the evening, I played poker with Lisa as usual.

February 8:
Mieko Harada's status in the family has skyrocketed, surpassing the head of the family, and she even invited a sword master to teach her ancient Japanese sword skills.

This is a good thing, because I can use the ghost warrior to learn secretly from the side, and the sword master entries have steadily increased.

Lisa is a bit picky and always pesters me to play poker. I have no choice but to satisfy her.

February 8:
Playing poker with Lisa.

February 8:
"Xu Yi, Xu Yi! How could you be so depraved! Have you forgotten all the plans you made before?"

Confucius said: "I examine myself three times a day."

It can't go on like this!

8 April

Playing poker with Lisa.

8 April

Playing poker with Lisa.


So two more days passed.

"Finally!" Xu Yi's sigh came from the darkness, and the system information he was looking forward to finally appeared.

[Dark Stealth +2, current progress: 100/100]

Xu Yi couldn't wait to synthesize the entries.

["The entry synthesis path: Gun Fighting + Dark Stealth + Eye of Darkness = Shadow Gun God!" has been invested!Entry synthesis begins! 】

Looking at the newly released entries, Xu Yi was excited.

At the same time, the Evil God's Nest lurking among the vampires also eavesdropped on important information.

"Tomorrow at noon, the 'Eternal Sleep of the Ancestor' plan will be launched!"

Xu Yi didn't expect such a coincidence. He looked at the information from the Shadow Gun God and became more confident in his actions tomorrow.


In an unknown forest, an abandoned manor stood quietly. Even on a sunny noon, the surroundings of the manor looked eerie.

"Sure enough, vampires know vampires best!"

Xu Yi stood on the high mountain in the distance, looked at the manor, and sighed leisurely.

Shadowy figures appeared around the manor. Some of them were wearing black robes that covered their whole bodies and wrapped themselves tightly. There was no doubt that these people were vampires.

Although they have all been injected with "anti-sun factor" medicine in advance, they will still be affected by such strong sunlight, and they can only block the sun with clothes.

The other group of people who were not wearing black robes were naturally werewolves. They were wearing combat uniforms and carrying heavy backpacks.

The vampire may have been keeping an eye on the weather forecast before making a move, and that's why he chose such a good day.

It's such a bright sunshine and it's midday. Even if it's as powerful as the ancestor vampire, it might be difficult to deal with it.Sunlight is just one of them.

Werewolves and vampires began to carve magic circles around the manor.

Xu Yi started to get in touch with occultism, and he had the basis of previous necromancy spells. The progress was pretty good. He could roughly recognize that the other party's imprint should be the "Sun Gathering Array" specifically for vampires.

The werewolf took off his huge backpack and took out high-pressure pump bottles one by one.

If Xu Yi guessed correctly, there should be blue mercury vapor inside.The pollen of blue garlic flowers is mixed with special mercury vapor, which can cause great harm to vampires.

There are no less than three hundred high-pressure pump bottles, and they are distributed around the manor.

Xu Yi secretly smacked his tongue. The vampire knew very well what he was afraid of, so he got all these things over. They were indeed a group of "filial sons and filial grandsons".

"It's so unfilial! How can you deal with an old man like this?" Xu Yi put the Annabell doll on the ground, "Go! Leave a door open for the old man."

Annabelle moved toward the manor. It kept the form of a toy, was only the size of a palm, had the ability to control evil, and moved silently.

The only thing that may lead to exposure is the smell on the body. Although vampires and werewolves do not have a keen sense of smell for soul-like creatures, it is still possible to be discovered.

Therefore, the location Annabell chose was very important. It happened to be the area that the "traitor vampire" was responsible for. Under the interference of the Evil God's Nest, the other party "ignored" Annabell.

Annabelle stayed at the edge of the Sun-Gathering Array, the spell puppet's ability was activated, and the "evil curse" flashed across the Sun-Gathering Array.

The evil curse has been engraved and is just waiting to be activated to interfere with the operation of the Yang Gathering Array.

"Just opening the door to the elderly is not enough, we also need to entertain each other!"

Xu Yi walked towards a dense forest, which was the "guest house" he had chosen in advance.


Barton stood outside the manor and made sure everything was ready. He took a deep breath and his eyes became firm, "Let's get started!"

The werewolf stepped into the deserted manor with a silver exorcist in hand.

Due to bloodline suppression, ordinary vampires cannot exert much power when facing the ancestors, so the main force in this battle is the werewolf.

"Due to serious injuries, the ancestor has been sleeping in the basement of the manor for decades. Remember not to trigger those controls. I have told you the method." Barton warned uneasily.

The leading werewolf nodded and led the team towards the depths of the manor.

Barton paced back and forth and took deep breaths, but he still couldn't calm himself down completely.

A roar suddenly came from the manor, and Barton's eyes lit up. He recognized it. There was not only unspeakable anger in the voice, but also pain.

In other words, the first step of the plan was successful, and the werewolf successfully attacked the ancestor vampire!
The manor was shaken and the basement was destroyed. Due to disrepair, it triggered a series of collapses. Large areas of buildings collapsed, and the manor soon turned into ruins.

Black shadows rushed out from the ruins of the manor. They were the werewolves who had entered the manor. They had entered the beast form, and their sharp claws broke through the gravel in front of them.

There were twenty werewolves who entered the manor, and less than ten werewolves rushed out at this moment. It was impossible to kill the werewolves when the building collapsed. The answer was self-evident.

Barton's expression did not change. He had expected this scene. Even though he was seriously injured and fell asleep, he was the ancestor vampire after all, and there was no doubt that he was powerful.

The werewolves escaped, but the ancestor vampire did not chase them. It must be that they were aware of the blazing sunshine outside and were wary of it.

"Activate the magic circle and release blue mercury vapor!" Barton ordered, and everything was under his control.

When the magic circle was activated, the surrounding sunlight was drawn in, and the vicious sunlight scorched the area.

All the blue mercury vapors are released together; they are not dispersed by the wind.The improved Sun-Gathering Array can not only gather sunlight, but also gather blue mercury vapor.

Blue mercury vapor spreads into the ground from the cracks in the ruins.

This is like a "smoked gopher". The gopher cannot resist the smoke and will eventually escape from the hole. The same is true for the ancestor vampire. If he does not come out and is attacked by excessive mercury blue vapor, he will inevitably die in the end.

1 minute, 2 minutes... 5 minutes passed.

Barton became more and more anxious, and just when he was about to lose control, a black shadow flew out from the ruins of the manor!

(End of this chapter)

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