American exorcist god.

Chapter 197 The Realm of Silence

Chapter 197 The Realm of Silence
Barton saw the figure in the sky clearly, and his heart dropped slightly.

The figure was so skinny that it looked like a mummy, but it didn't have the "centipede pattern" unique to the wasting disease. It was obviously just because it hadn't sucked blood for too long.

Barton is more determined to get the source blood. Why is it that the other party is not sick, but their descendants have to face the wasting disease that may take their lives at any time?
"Barton!" The vampire ancestor roared.

Because of the resonance of blood, the ancestor was aware of Barton's existence, and his chaotic brain gradually regained clarity, understanding the situation at the moment.

"Dracula, donate your original blood and we can let you go!"

Barton looked at the ancestor vampire indifferently. The other person's chest was sizzling with blood and smoke, which was the result of the werewolf's sneak attack.

The werewolf pierced the opponent's chest with the exorcist's cross.

"Barton! I want you to die!" Dracula's blood-colored pupils showed piercing anger.

He personally transformed Barton into a vampire at the beginning, but he didn't expect that the other party actually wanted to kill him now.

The huge bat wings spread out from behind, and Dracula flew high, trying to escape from the "death place".

This area not only contains the Sun Gathering Array, but is also filled with blue mercury vapor. For Dracula, every second he stays is one step closer to death.

"Throw the spear!" Patton stopped talking nonsense and ordered coldly.

He knew that the other party was stalling for time, trying to recover from the chest injury, but he was trying to let the blue mercury vapor invade the other party.

The werewolf threw out the spears in his hands, and each special silver spear was powerful and heavy.

The spear gun flew into the air, as if there was a silver rain.

“What a beautiful scene!”

On the high mountain in the distance, Xu Yi looked down with a paintbrush in hand and sighed leisurely.

There was an easel standing in front of him, and the brush was moving back and forth on the paper.

A fierce battle was going on below, with spears piercing Dracula's wings, and the silver metal braiding net constantly covering him. Dracula tried to break out of the Sun-Gathering Array again and again, but was forced back by the scorching hot array. , roaring again and again.

Xu Yi on the high mountain looks like a painter who is out for an outing, his face is full of freehand brushwork, the cool breeze blows, and the shadows of the trees float.

A portrait of Dracula, the ancestor of vampires, soon appeared on the drawing paper. Judgment had a miraculous effect on targets with high movement speeds. Of course Xu Yi had to make more preparations.

The battle has entered a fierce stage, and Barton's face showed an expression of joy.

The plan went surprisingly smoothly!
But this is also common sense. He has followed Dracula for decades, and he is very familiar with the opponent's weaknesses. He planned carefully, but Dracula was sleeping and knew nothing about the outside world.

A combination of factors makes Dracula's defeat almost inevitable.

Seeing that Dracula was about to lose his support, at this moment, a soft sound like broken glass suddenly came from the northeast corner of the Sun-Gathering Array.

Barton's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling.

The premonition soon became a reality. The magic circle in the northeast corner dissipated, which was like a big hole in the solid cage.

"Quick! Stop him!" Barton roared.

But it was still too late. Dracula could not miss such a good opportunity. He forced his way out of the Sun-Gathering Array against the falling spears.

Before Dracula could breathe a sigh of relief, a large group of werewolves rushed towards him.

The ancestor vampire's fighting power was terrifying, his speed was like a ghost, and his sharp claws could easily tear through steel, but the werewolf pounced on him without hesitation. If they could not obtain the opponent's source blood, they would most likely not survive, so it was better to fight.

The brutal fighting took place again, and werewolves continued to die, but Degra was also close to running out of gas, and the speed was more than twice as slow as before.

He knew he couldn't continue like this, otherwise he would be consumed to death here.

Dracula's body was filled with blood mist, and there was no ordinary blood in his body. This was due to the use of the power of source blood.

A terrifying aura swept over him, and Degra pounced, his speed even faster than at his peak. It was like bloody lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Dracula slaughtered several werewolves and then flew towards the distant mountains and forests. "Chase! We must not let him escape!" Barton's heart fell to the bottom.

When vampires absorb the blood of their own kind, not only are they unable to recover from their injuries, but they also produce various side effects.

Werewolf blood is a deadly toxin for vampires, which is one of the reasons why they become natural enemies.

Once Dracula is allowed to escape into the forest and suck the blood of other creatures, the chance of killing him will become very slim.

After the other party recovers, he will definitely take cruel revenge.

The werewolves chased the blood shadow. The blood shadow had almost disappeared from sight, but they knew that this speed could not last long. They needed to find Dracula before he drank the blood.

Dracula rushed into a dense forest and plunged into the grass. The sunlight was temporarily blocked, and the long-lost sense of coolness appeared, making him so comfortable that he almost groaned.

He had been burned by the sun just now. If he were an ordinary vampire, he would have turned into ashes long ago. That is, as a powerful ancestor vampire, he could survive.

At this time, a black shadow appeared in his field of vision, and Dracula's eyes burst into surprise. It was actually a deer, a lost deer!
At this moment, he was like a lost man in the desert. He had not touched a drop of water for three days and three nights. He had never been so thirsty for blood.

He pounced forward and bit into the neck of the wild deer, greedily sucking the blood of the wild deer.

All the gifts of fate have already been marked with chips in secret.

How could there be such good luck that a lost deer happens to be here?
To take a step back, even if Dracula was really lucky, the sound of his fall should have scared the wild deer away long ago. Why would he be waiting here?
All of this is a "meeting gift" prepared by Xu Yi for Dracula.

He caught the wild deer specially. After inhaling the fragrance of the sleeping flowers, the wild deer fell into a drowsy state, so it was not scared away by the sound of Dracula falling.

If he were awake, Dracula would probably have noticed these abnormalities, but his current condition was too bad. The only thought he had when he discovered the wild deer was to suck blood.

"I hope the other party will like the ingredients he added to the deer blood." A smile appeared on Xu Yi's lips.

He deliberately placed the deer in the dense forest just to wait for the other party to come.

Within a hundred miles, this dense forest was the shadiest place. Dracula was burned so miserably by the sun, so he naturally wanted to "enjoy the coolness" as soon as possible.

If the opponent does not come as he expected, Xu Yi will take action directly. When the time comes, fighting under the blazing sun will still be beneficial to him.

Dracula greedily sucked blood. In the shadow of the trees not far behind him, Xu Yi completely blended into the darkness. Even the insects moving in the trees could not detect him.

"it's time!"

Xu Yi took out the Alchemy Messiah, aimed at Dracula's heart, pulled the trigger, and instantly emptied the magazine.

The blood entered his body, and Dracula felt like he was alive again. Although such a little blood could only heal very limited injuries, it at least made him less uncomfortable.

At this moment, he heard the sound of piercing the air behind him. He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was still too slow, or in other words, the bullet was too close to him!
The first bullet entered his heart. Although the remaining five missed his heart due to dodging, they also hit his chest.

Why didn't he hear the gunfire?

Dracula's mind was full of questions. Even if he was seriously injured now, it was impossible for his hearing to deteriorate to such a bad state!
His face changed slightly, and the wound from the bullet could not heal, and there was also a familiar burning sensation.

It’s a silver bullet for bad blood!Dracula suddenly reacted.

He had been hit by this kind of bullet before. Although he didn't know why the power of the Bad Blood Silver Bullet had decreased, he was not at his peak now.

Dracula mobilized the strength of his muscles to squeeze out the bullet, but the bullet suddenly "exploded" in his body. The explosive energy impacted the inside of his body, and he screamed subconsciously.

"The realm of silence unfolds!"

Xu Yi finished replacing the bullet on Alchemy's left cheek, stared at Dracula indifferently, and pulled the trigger again.

Within a circle with a radius of one meter with him as the center, no matter whether it is the sound of gunfire, the sound of the trigger pulling, or even the smell of gunpowder smoke... it can't be transmitted.

The bad blood silver bullet did not make a slight sound of breaking through the air until it left the realm of silence.

 A cold really delays things, friends, please forgive me, I don’t want to either ~ (Sad)

(End of this chapter)

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