American exorcist god.

Chapter 198: Noon Has Come

Chapter 198: Noon Has Come
Dracula was already on guard, but he might still have been hit by a bullet.

He dodged the first two bullets, but the latter bullet happened to appear at the position where he dodged. It looked like he took the initiative to hit the bullet.

Dracula instantly understood that he was encountering a master of marksmanship, and the opponent had predicted his movements in advance.

The strange energy in the bullet exploded in his body again, and Dracula roared in pain.

He stared hard at the shadows of the trees behind him, and this time he finally discovered the source of the bullet.

Now that he was discovered, Xu Yi had no need to hide. He lifted the realm of silence and walked out of the darkness.

The method he just used to deal with vampires naturally came from the newly acquired entries.

[Shadow Gun God: (Blue Epic)
Ability 1-Realm of Silence:

The fog of darkness merges with the darkness to create a realm of silence. If you fire a gun in the realm, no sound, vibration, smell, etc. will be transmitted.

Ability 2-Dark Mist Bullets:

Injecting the fog of darkness into the bullet will increase the power of the bullet exponentially, detonating the fog of darkness in the bullet, and creating a "explosion" effect.

Ability 3 - Bullet Trajectory:

Injecting the fog of darkness into the bullet, you can control the fog of darkness to make the bullet complete turns, loops, rotations and other trajectories.

Ability 4 - Noon has arrived:

The Eye of Darkness is fully activated to gain insight into the opponent's weaknesses. The locking time is five seconds. After firing, the magazine is emptied in an instant, and the bullet will hit the opponent's weakness.

The bullets contain a large amount of dark fog. If the opponent is in a weak state, there is a certain chance of causing a killing effect!

(ps: When locking an opponent, the opponent will definitely sense the danger coming.)]

Xu Yi was able to easily sneak attack Dracula, of course, relying on the ability of the "Realm of Silence".

This ability is simply the favorite of killers, exclusive to lyb.

Dracula screamed repeatedly, and the imitation Silver Bullet of Bad Blood would not have such great power. This was all due to the "dark fog bullet" at work.

Xu Yi had previously imagined attaching the fog of darkness to bullets to increase their power.

Later, it was discovered that it didn't work at all. Once the fog of darkness leaves the body, it cannot be manipulated.

Unexpectedly, after obtaining the "Shadow Gun God", not only the previous vision was realized, but the effect was far beyond expectations.

Just relying on the blue epic-level "Shadow Gun God" entry, his combat power is comparable to that of the Great Exorcist. This is a set of powerful combat styles.

Dracula flapped his blood wings and roared towards Xu Yi.

Rich combat experience told him that when facing a master of marksmanship, he must not expose his back to the opponent, as it would only become a target for the opponent's gun.

The correct approach is to get close to the opponent. Even if the opponent's marksmanship is more accurate, it will take time to move the gun. That time is enough for him to twist the opponent's head off.

Xu Yi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and took the initiative to greet him.

Generally speaking, when fighting melee from a distance, you should keep the distance and kite the opponent.

But Xu Yi knew very well that his instantaneous burst speed could not match Dracula's, and it was completely nonsense to distance himself.

Since being approached is inevitable, why not take the initiative to meet the enemy and catch them off guard?

Besides, he is actually not that afraid of being approached.

"Seeking death!" Dracula was stunned for a moment when he saw Xu Yi advancing instead of retreating, and then he became filled with anger.

The other party is not afraid of him getting close, as a mere human being?

The gunfire rang out again, and Dracula kept staring at Xu Yi's hand. The moment Xu Yi pulled the trigger, he had already predicted the opponent's trajectory and dodged calmly.Dracula frowned slightly. He approached the opponent, but there was no panic look on the opponent's face. Instead, he continued to pull the trigger, one shot after another, emptying the magazine again.

"Is this a bluff?" Dracula sensed something was wrong, but Xu Yi was so close in front of him that he could already smell the sweet smell of his blood, so he pounced on him.

But his expression suddenly changed, and he heard the sound of breaking through the air, coming from behind.

At this time, it was too late to dodge. The first bullet was shot from the back of the head, and the strange energy exploded again, causing brains to fly.

The next bullet followed and shot into Dracula's heart.

Dracula fell heavily to the ground. The injuries on his body had accumulated too much. These few shots were like the last straw that broke the camel's back. He finally could not suppress the injuries in his body.

Xu Yi took a few steps back, stared at the other person indifferently, and silently changed the bullet.

Only with the ability of "bullet trajectory" can one be able to hit the target with perfect accuracy. Especially at close range, the opponent has no way to dodge bullets controlled by the fog of darkness.

Xu Yi aimed at the opponent's head and prepared to shoot again.

Countless facts tell us that replenishing the gun is an indispensable part, but his expression suddenly changed, a dark fog poured into his feet, and he retreated quickly.

Dracula disappeared on the ground, and the powerful dynamic vision of the Eye of Obscure only captured a red shadow.

Dracula's body was covered in blood mist, Xu Yi's muscles were tense, and his forehead was slightly sweaty. The opponent actually used the power of the source blood again!
In this way, even if the opponent can win the battle, the strength will permanently decline.

But it also shows one thing. The opponent has reached the end of his rope. As long as he can survive this outbreak, victory will belong to him.

But he still underestimated the power of the ancestor vampire. Xu Yi didn't even have time to pull the trigger. A long blood shadow struck, which was Dracula's sharp hand knife.

Feeling a sudden and severe pain in his abdomen, Xu Yi endured the pain and pulled the trigger. The bullet flew towards Dracula in a "C" shape.

Dracula was still in a state of burning source blood. He actually stretched out his hand, caught the bullet forcefully, and crushed the bullet.

Xu Yi breathed violently, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

Almost!I almost had to use the resurrection coins!
In front of his chest, Annabelle's head had been penetrated, and the remaining left eye was struggling to move.

Even with Annabelle's strong body, she couldn't withstand it. It's hard to imagine how powerful the blow just now was!
Dracula's initial target was not Xu Yi's abdomen, but his heart. He had no way to dodge. Fortunately, Annabell blocked him and gave him a little time to dodge.

When facing vampires, Xu Yi's speed has been crushed, and his weak body has become his biggest drawback. Xu Yi is more and more eager for the super-accelerated regeneration entry and the power of the Blood God Throne.

Dracula originally wanted to pursue the victory and finish Xu Yi completely. At this time, he heard the sound of rapid footsteps, and werewolves and vampires were chasing him.

Dracula glanced at Xu Yi coldly, turned around and prepared to leave.

Xu Yi covered the pierced abdomen with one hand and held the left face of the Alchemy Messiah with the other hand, aiming at Dracula.

Dracula didn't look back. In his "burning blood" state, he could easily dodge the bullets fired at him.But the important thing now is not to kill, but to escape from here and drink blood to heal the body's injuries.

His hair suddenly stood up, and he felt the fatal murderous intention coming from behind him.

[Locked at noon, countdown to 5, 4...]
Dracula realized something was wrong and wanted to speed away, but his body suddenly stopped, and some mysterious force suppressed him in place.

He looked behind him with his peripheral vision, and saw that the other party had penetrated his portrait with a knife.

The trial only restrained the opponent for a short second. After all, it was only a green-level entry. It was already beyond its power to deal with the ancestor vampire like Dracula, but it was enough.

"Is deer blood delicious?"

The faint words were like greetings from old friends, but fear suddenly exploded in Dracula's heart. Looking back on the scene just now, something was indeed wrong.

But as a vampire, no matter how sensitive he is to blood, if deer blood is poisonous, he will definitely be able to detect it. What is the problem?
[Locked at noon, countdown... 3, 2, 1. ]
Xu Yi's fingers almost turned into afterimages as he pulled the trigger repeatedly. The remaining bullets of the Alchemy Revolver Messiah came out of the chamber almost at the same time and flew towards Dracula.

Dracula knew he couldn't dodge those bullets, so he could only fight hard, his source blood burning, and his whole body filled with blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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