American exorcist god.

Chapter 199 Bloody Wings

Chapter 199 Bloody Wings

Dracula's face suddenly turned pale, the black-red flames flashed from his body, and the blood mist descended.

Xu Yi wanted to laugh heartily because he knew the outcome was decided!

Of course he knew that with vampires' sensitivity to blood, if toxin was injected into a wild deer, it would definitely be discovered.

Not only will it fail to weaken the opponent, it will even arouse the opponent's alert, causing the sneak attack plan to fail.

So what he injected into the wild deer was not poison, but human blood, his blood.

In addition to being a human being, he also has the identity of an evil god.

For the evil god, blood is the medium.

Just now, he used the power of the evil god to drive the blood in Dracula's body, causing the demon-suppressing flame to descend.

The demon-suppressing flame appears for a very short time, just a flash, but at certain moments, it can be fatal.

The moment the exorcism flames appeared, the bullets of judgment arrived at the same time. There were three weaknesses in Dracula's body, namely between the eyebrows, the heart, and the throat.

"No!" Dracula roared.

Originally, burning source blood could forcibly block bullets, but now that the blood mist has been weakened, bullets penetrate flesh and blood and hit weak points.

Strange fluctuations came, and on Dracula, Xu Yi seemed to see three vortexes formed by dark fog, spinning in different directions.

The flow of the whirlpool suddenly stopped, like the clockwork of life.

Noon has arrived, the beheading effect is activated!
Amidst the unwilling roar, the vampire ancestor who had survived for an unknown number of years collapsed to the ground.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

When the system information appeared, Xu Yi had no time to rejoice. A strong feeling of dizziness suddenly came over him. He held on to the tree next to him before he could stand firm.

The dizziness was not only caused by the severe abdominal injury, but also the sequelae of "Noon has arrived", and the dark fog in his body had been emptied.

He originally wanted to take Dracula's skeleton away, but gave up after thinking about it.

Now that Annabelle is damaged, the space in the treasure box cannot be used for a while. It is not an easy task for him to drag a skeleton away after being seriously injured.

Besides, he didn't know how to refine the source blood from the bones.

Of course, the most important thing is that if he takes away the bones, he will face a large group of werewolves and vampires chasing him.

Taking desperate risks for uncertain benefits is not in line with his character.

Anyway, the goal has been achieved, Xu Yi no longer hesitated, turned around and ran down the mountain.

Below the mountain is a rapid river, with a yacht tied to the bank. Xu Yi prepared it in advance in order to quickly get rid of werewolves and vampires.

While running wildly, he took out a tube of injection from his pocket. The medicine was made from the leaves of salvation.

The medicine was injected into the body, and the bleeding in the abdomen improved.

Xu Yi jumped on the yacht, the engine roared, and the propeller created white water channels on the river.

The werewolves and vampires who were chasing him stood on the river bank and watched Xu Yi leave.Of course they can continue to chase, but the bones of the ancestor are already in hand, so there is no need to create extra complications.

Besides, can someone who can deal with the ancestor vampire be so easy to deal with?

Xu Yi set the yacht to auto-cruise mode and lay on the deck, feeling weak.

Although Dracula's hand knife did not penetrate his heart, it still penetrated his abdomen, and his intestines were broken into several pieces.

The Redemption Leaf can only heal wounds, but has no effect of bringing the dead back to life, let alone returning the intestines to their original places.

If he couldn't get to the hospital in time for surgery, Xu Yi might not live long and would have to use his resurrection coins.

In this weird world, ordinary people's bodies are really at a disadvantage.

But Xu Yi suddenly smiled because he finally got the information he wanted.

[The entry was devoured successfully! 】【Congratulations on getting "Super Accelerated Regeneration Entry Fragment x1"】

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Bloody Wings (Green Epic)"]

[Blood Wings: 0/100
Description: Bone grafting into the body, blood wings unfolding.

Ability 1-Flying in the air
Ability 2-Blood Escape]

Xu Yi's eyes lit up when he saw the bloody wings.

Flying has been one of mankind's dreams since ancient times, and Xu Yi was no exception, but now was not the time to think about it. He threw "Blood Wings" into the dictionary.

[You already have "Super Accelerated Regeneration Entry Fragments: 5/5", which will automatically synthesize "Super Accelerated Regeneration Entry (Red Normal)"]

[Note: Equipping "Super Accelerated Regeneration Entry" will deeply transform the body and cause it to fall into coma. Please pay attention to the timing. 】

Xu Yi frowned slightly. He hadn't expected this, but his intestines were broken now. If he didn't equip the super acceleration entry, he might be dead.

As the yacht docked, Xu Yi looked around, seeing a deserted forest in front of him.

Without much time to think about it, Xu Yi let the yacht float away so that his position would not be exposed by the yacht.

"If I had known earlier, I would have just asked Lisa to go to Japan later!"

Xu Yi sighed. Lisa flew to Japan yesterday to get back the monster blood from the ghost warrior.

But these are minor problems. At this time, the Annabell doll has recovered a lot and can at least drive away the beast.

Xu Yi felt that the last bit of strength in his body was about to be drained away, and he crashed into the cave.

Super accelerated regeneration entry!equipment!


Boston, a remote vineyard in the suburbs.

The ancient altar is hidden deep in the manor. The black stone floor is carved with intricate grooves. Looking from top to bottom, you will find that those grooves form the pattern of an eternal flower.

In the center of the altar is a cylindrical stone platform. On the platform are the charred corpses, which are Ryan's flesh and blood.

Barton looked around. He couldn't tell whether he was excited or nervous. He took a deep breath and resolutely ordered, "Let's start!"

A large group of werewolves and vampires stood on both sides of the altar. They cut their wrists in one breath, and the thick blood flowed into the groove.

The blood flows in the grooves and converges towards the center, and the black altar seems to be "lit" by the blood.

The stone platform in the center of the altar drew the blood that had gathered, and the blood rushed to Ryan's remains like a fountain.

The charred shell faded away, and after absorbing a large amount of blood, Ryan's remains gradually became alive, but that was all. There was no breath of life in Ryan's remains.

"it's time!"

The mysterious man shrouded in black robes stood next to Barton and reminded him softly.

Barton took out a glass bottle from his arms. The blood in the bottle was purple-black, which was the source blood of Dracula.

When he was about to walk towards the altar, he felt his heart palpitation inexplicably and asked hesitantly, "Are you sure this can resurrect Ryan?"

"Even if Ryan can't be resurrected, more active blood can be obtained, which will make it easier to develop pharmaceuticals."

Seeing Barton's hesitation, the mysterious man continued, "Don't worry, didn't we inject that thing into Ryan's wreckage? Even if there is any accident, we can deal with it."

Barton finally made up his mind, strode towards the center of the altar, and unscrewed the bottle cap.

The moment he was about to pour the blood, he seemed to hear someone roaring at him to stop. Barton was a little dazed, but unknowingly, the source blood in his hand had been poured on the wreckage of Ryan.

"It should be fine!"

Barton comforted himself that even if Ryan was resurrected, with so many werewolves and vampires present, and the things embedded in Ryan's flesh in advance, they should be enough to deal with the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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