American exorcist god.

Chapter 200 God's Sin

Chapter 200 God's Sin
As darkness falls, a fire burns quietly in the deserted forest outside Boston.

Xu Yi sat cross-legged next to the fire, and the firelight reflected the huge claw marks on his chest, dripping with blood.

But a magical scene happened. Those wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and returned to their original appearance in the blink of an eye.

This is the power of super-accelerated regeneration entries!

When he regained consciousness, he found that not only had his broken intestines returned to their original shape, but the large and small scars left by the previous fight had also disappeared, and his body had returned to a "perfect" state.

Xu Yi clenched his fists, feeling a steady stream of strength in his body, and was overjoyed.

Although the super-accelerated regeneration entry cannot enhance strength and speed, the vitality and endurance have been greatly improved.

When fighting, he no longer had to be careful, for fear that a slight bump would cut his combat power in half.

Next to the fire was the body of a brown bear. The paw prints on Xu Yi's chest came from this big guy.

When he woke up, there was a thick layer of blood scab on the surface of his body and he felt uncomfortable all over, so he wanted to go to the river to take a bath.

Unexpectedly, this brown bear actually spied on him. Xu Yi became furious immediately and decided to teach this shameless brown bear a lesson.

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have fought with the brown bear!" Xu Yi sighed leisurely.

There were no bullet holes in the brown bear's body, and its head was turned into a ball of flesh, which was smashed out by Xu Yi's fists.

"It hurts so much!" Xu Yi grinned in pain.

Super-accelerated regeneration can allow wounds to heal quickly, but pain is still unavoidable, and the pain may even become more severe because the wound heals too quickly.

"How are you going to make up for my wounded heart?" Xu Yi looked at the brown bear.

After a while, the aroma of meat wafted up, and a pair of bear paws and the best-quality back rib meat were skewered and grilled on the flame, making a sizzling sound.

Xu Yi kept swallowing and his stomach growled. He had been sleeping for a day and a night, and he was already so hungry that his chest was touching his back.

The barbecue will take a while to be cooked. Xu Yi feels a little bored and plans to watch a live broadcast.

Passing through the Nest of Evil Gods, Xu Yi's eyes traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers and landed on the vampire.

When he saw the situation in front of him clearly, he was stunned.

In front of him was a huge altar. The blood on the altar gathered towards the center. Amidst the surge of flesh and blood, a human figure slowly condensed.

Could this be Ryan?
Feeling the opponent's strong momentum, Xu Yi couldn't help but guess.

He looked around and saw a strange person.

Next to Barton stood a man in black, his whole body shrouded in black robes, his face completely covered.

Xu Yi frowned slightly. For some reason, the other person's figure gave him a vague sense of familiarity.

As time passed, Ryan's body became more and more "realistic", with all four limbs in place, and his facial features could even be vaguely seen. An unknown aura emerged, and Xu Yi felt inexplicably uneasy.

He suddenly remembered the black tadpoles extracted from Ryan's flesh and blood.

The quality of Ryan's blood is only A-level, but the black tadpole is S-level. So what kind of creature's blood is it?
A black shadow suddenly penetrated Ryan's body and danced crazily in the air.

It looked like a black snake, but it had no eyes or other organs. It had only a huge mouth. When it opened, it revealed two rows of ferocious teeth.

It was a "black tadpole" dozens of times larger, and Xu Yi's uneasiness became even stronger.

He thought of a question. How did he die as powerful as Ryan?

As soon as this thought appeared, it grew like weeds in my mind and couldn't get rid of it.

He had a feeling that the answer to this question would be very important.

Subconsciously, Xu Yi took out the magic box from the toy box.

The black tadpole was lying quietly in the box, but after Xu Yi took it out, it suddenly became restless, banged against the wall of the box like crazy, opened its ferocious mouth, and wanted to bite Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. This situation had never happened before, so why was the black tadpole suddenly so violent and aggressive towards him?
He suddenly understood that it was because of the super-accelerated regeneration entry!
The super-accelerated regeneration entry transformed his body and also transformed his blood.

The black tadpole is thirsty for high-quality blood. Before, he was just ordinary human blood, which was dismissed by the other party. Now that he has the super-accelerated regeneration entry, his blood has become extremely sweet, and the black tadpole's bloodthirsty madness has been stimulated.

Xu Yi didn't care whether the barbecue was cooked or not. He threw it into the toy box and ran out of the forest. He needed to find a place with signal and call to ask some questions.

There was no signal on the mobile phone. Fortunately, he found a small town in the mountains and forests.Xu Yi forced open the door of a resident and forced the strong male owner of the house to retreat with just his eyes.

The man wanted to get the shotgun in the cabinet, but a stack of Franklins was thrown in front of him, instantly giving up the idea.

"Borrow the phone."

Xu Yi ignored the other party's surprised look and dialed Daniel's home phone number.

"Professor Daniel? I have some important questions that I hope you can answer." Xu Yi got straight to the point without any thought of small talk.

"Daniel is still in the lab."

The voice that came from the other end of the phone was actually a woman's voice. Xu Yi was stunned for a moment before he realized, "Mia?"

"It's me, I don't know what you want to ask? Maybe I can help you." Mia noticed the seriousness in Xu Yi's tone and instantly became serious.

"It's about Ryan. Do you know how he died?" Xu Yi didn't hide anything.

"I don't know. Daniel may know, but I can't contact him right now. But I know a person. He must know Ryan's affairs better than Daniel." Mia spoke very quickly, but very coherently. Clear.

As a great exorcist, Mia has dealt with many critical incidents, which is far beyond what ordinary people can compare with.

For the sake of concealment, there are no telephones or anything like that in Scientific Research Group [-]. It is not easy to contact Daniel.

"Who?" Xu Yi asked anxiously, not expecting such an unexpected surprise.

"Cole, the archaeological expert in charge of the excavation of Lane's Tomb. This is his home phone number. Please write down the phone number. I'll call him first and explain the situation to him." Mia said.

"Okay!" Xu Yi hung up the phone neatly. Now is not the time to talk nonsense.

While waiting, he looked through the window and spotted the black motorcycle in the courtyard.

"Is that yours?" Xu Yi asked the male owner of the house, who nodded quickly.

Xu Yi took out a bundle of Franklin from the treasure box space and threw it casually.He kept a lot of beautiful knives in the treasure box space to prepare for emergencies.

"I'll fill up the gas in your car right now!" The homeowner took the knife with a smile on his face. The money was enough to buy three new cars.

Xu Yi saw that the time was almost up and quickly dialed the new number, "Is it Professor Cole?"

"Mia told me everything. If you have anything to ask, just ask!" An old voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Do you know how Ryan died?" Xu Yi asked the question he wanted to know most.

"Ryan?" Cole was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Xu Yi to be so anxious to ask such an academic question.

But he reacted quickly and replied, "Based on the inscriptions excavated from the ancient tomb, we came to the conclusion that Ryan probably committed suicide."

"Suicide?" Xu Yi didn't expect this answer.

He quickly asked, "Why did Ryan commit suicide?"

"A very rare disease occurred in the kingdom founded by Ryan. Ryan cured the disease of his subjects, but it is strange. According to our understanding, Ryan does not have any medical skills."

Professor Cole continued, "Then Lane disappeared for a while. Soon after, Lane's remains were found in the basement of the kingdom. He should have died by self-immolation."

Is it blight?An idea suddenly flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

"Although we don't know the reason for Ryan's suicide yet, when we deciphered the inscription, there was a word that appeared frequently on it, and the translation is..." Professor Cole took a deep breath before speaking slowly, "Abomination. "

Xu Yi hung up the phone, got on the motorcycle, and turned the accelerator to the bottom.The locomotive roared and rushed out.

The leather jacket rustled in the wind. It was given to Xu Yi by the owner of the motorcycle.

He was still observing the situation of the altar using the Evil God's Nest. More and more "black snakes" were protruding from Ryan's body, like tentacles all over the sky. Those "black snakes" roared at the people present, with an unknown sound. The breath fills the air.

Xu Yi wanted to rush over immediately to stop this ceremony.

He didn't want to be a firefighter, but thinking about the scene of black tadpoles in the forest, he still felt a lingering fear in his heart.

He didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but he let it go. If the monster in Ryan smelled his blood, would he let him go?

(End of this chapter)

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