American exorcist god.

Chapter 201 God is not willing to allow monsters to be born

Chapter 201 God is not willing to allow monsters to be born
A villa in Boston.

Mia stood by the phone, thinking of the previous call from Xu Yi, feeling a little uneasy for no reason.

While she was in a daze, the phone suddenly rang again, from the Boston Special Incident Response Team.

She serves as team leader in the "Special Task Force".

"Mia, something big happened! The star basin is rotating!" The team leader's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

Mia was stunned. The Star Basin is a huge stone basin that exists on Mount Chila in Boston. In order to protect the Star Basin, the special task force built its base on Mount Chila.

The Star Basin has existed for 300 years. During this long time, the Star Basin has only rotated three times. Every time it rotates, a major disaster will occur in Boston, without exception.

But now the star basin is actually rotating again?

"Why does the star basin rotate? Do you have any conclusions?" Mia asked anxiously.

"Basically, according to our analysis, the source of the disaster should be from the east of Boston."

Mia turned her head subconsciously. The window of her house faced the east side of Boston. Looking far into the distance, she could vaguely see the lightning gathering there.


Dark clouds gathered over the altar, and roaring thunder and lightning moved among the dark clouds. These dark clouds and thunder and lightning appeared shortly after the ceremony began.

More and more "eyeless black snakes" grew out of Ryan's body, dancing like tentacles, and a powerful and ominous aura swept the entire place.

The werewolves and vampires present were trembling slightly. They looked at Barton and asked what Barton meant with their eyes.

"Are you sure nothing will happen?"

Barton stared at the mysterious man, his eyes seemed capable of killing, and his voice was cold.

"The stronger Ryan is, the greater the chance of being cured of the blight disease, right?" the mysterious man replied calmly.

"It's best this way!" Barton gritted his teeth and said word by word.

At the most critical moment of the ceremony, blood light shot into the sky, the dark clouds in the sky were reflected in blood red, and blood-colored thunder light surged.

"The movement of the bloody light is too big, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the special task force." Barton's first wife came over and said softly.

Over the long years, Patton married three wives, but his first wife was still his favorite.

Barton suppressed the irritation in his heart and said, "It's okay. The ceremony will be completed soon. By the time they arrive, we will have already evacuated."

A low laughter suddenly came from the center of the altar, and everyone present was stunned. The laughter was full of ecstasy, and also carried a chilling madness.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the altar. The human figure in the center of the altar was completely condensed, and the other person suddenly opened his eyes.

Barton saw the other person's eyes clearly, and his heart suddenly trembled.

The other party's eyes were pure black, with no whites at all. In the pure black eyes, there was a bloody religious cross, but the strange thing was that the cross was upside down.

Barton knew that Ryan's eyes were definitely not like this. Those eyes were filled with a violent desire to kill.

The hairs on his body stood up one by one.

"Reverse cross, the evil one! You are not Ryan, you are the evil one!"

The mysterious man in black suddenly roared in terror and could no longer remain calm.

He grabbed Barton's arm and stared at Barton with bloodshot pupils, "Quick! Detonate the Sighing Rose!"

Barton also realized something was wrong, and he quickly took out a black button from his pocket.

"Sighing Rose" is a miniature bomb, very small in size, but the important thing is not the bomb itself, but the "ashes of death" filled inside.

Ashes of Death are a product of alchemy, and the refining method has long been lost, so every copy is out of print. That is to say, vampires live long lives to save such precious alchemical items.

Barton decisively pressed the button in his hand, detonating the Sighing Rose.

A dull explosion sounded from the heart of the god. The power of the explosion was very weak, and the damage to the god was minimal.

But the pink mist spread out from the heart of the god and enveloped the god, like a blooming rose flower.

This is the origin of the name of the bomb "Sighing Rose". When it explodes, the pink mist blooms like roses, but under the shroud of "death ashes", no matter how powerful humans are, they can only sigh helplessly.

The god's body melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Barton breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from the fog, and dense "eyeless snakes" flew out, opened their huge mouths, and pounced on the werewolves and vampires around them.

Those eyeless snakes were so fast that even vampires who were known for their speed could not escape and were bitten by the ferocious snakes.Screams resounded throughout the altar as the vampire and werewolf struggled desperately.

They wanted to tear off those eyeless snakes, but the snakes' bodies were surprisingly tough. The most terrifying thing was that the eyeless snakes would inject a powerful paralyzing toxin into their prey, leaving them weak and unable to struggle.

The eyeless snake was not only sucking blood, it was simply a blood pump. However, in the blink of an eye, the blood from the werewolves and vampires was drained and turned into mummies.

"No!" Barton roared sadly.

He and the mysterious man escaped because they were far away, but none of his fellow vampires gathered around the altar could escape.

His eyes were about to burst, and tears fell silently.

Among the dead vampires, there are not only his close friends, his loyal followers, but also his beautiful wives. They have survived together for hundreds of years, and even in the most difficult times, they still never leave.

But it was gone, just for a moment, they were all dead.

There is only one thought in his mind at the moment, and that is revenge. He must take revenge!
"It's over! It's over! We've unleashed something a thousand times more terrifying than the devil!" The mysterious man fell to the ground, murmuring with lifeless eyes.

Barton grabbed the mysterious man by the collar and pulled him in front of his eyes. His fierce eyes seemed to be violent and murderous in the next second, "Tell me! Tell me how to kill this monster! Otherwise I will kill you!" "

"It's impossible. The evil deity has swallowed the blood of so many werewolves and vampires. It's impossible for us to kill him. I should have noticed it earlier... Now I can only look forward to the special task force." The eyes of the mysterious man were filled with regret. .

Barton's fierceness was revealed. He wanted to kill the person in front of him and then fight the monster on the altar, but he resisted.

"Chief Barton, what should we do now?"

The vampires who survived gathered around Barton, with uncontrollable fear on their faces, but their eyes were so blank.

"Let's go! Let's get out of here right now!"

Barton knew that he could not die yet, and at least the remaining vampires had to be settled, so he could only hold back his grief and give the order.

He glanced at the mysterious man who fell on the ground, hesitated for a moment, and then picked him up.

Low laughter came again, and the god of evil walked out of the light pink mist, with densely packed eyeless snakes dancing wildly behind him.

The opponent seemed unharmed, and the death ashes had no effect at all.

Everyone's expressions changed, and Barton even gave the order to disperse, thinking how much he could escape.

The thunder and lightning above the clouds were also brewing to the extreme, and branch-like lightning continued to fall.

The strange thing is that all those lightnings actually fall on the evil creature on the altar. It seems that even God is not willing to allow this monster to be born.

On the outskirts of the vineyard, the army has arrived.

In addition to conventional armored vehicles, they also dispatched tanks and even new weapons loaded with small missiles.

The exorcists from the special task force also arrived. They needed to go to the source of the blood light to investigate. Mia's team was the first to arrive.

Amid the wild dance of thunder and lightning, a charred figure slowly walked out of the thunder and lightning, with a disdainful smile on his lips, seemingly mocking the power of thunder and lightning for being too weak.

A chill rose up in everyone's tailbones, especially when they caught a glimpse of the other person's reverse-cross-shaped black pupils.

Mia took a deep breath and clenched the dagger in her hand, revealing the veins on her palm.

She didn't know if she could leave here alive today.


The locomotive jumped down from the hill, the engine roared with overwhelming force, Xu Yi drove all the way from the forest on the outskirts, and finally arrived here.

Although the possessed vampire has died, the Evil God's Nest is still functioning, and he may still see the battle between the Evil God and the special task force.

The battle can only be described as one-sided. The gods slaughtered the exorcists of the special task force like ducks and dogs. Only Mia could fight back.

But later the battlefield moved and he could no longer see the fighting.

From a distance, Xu Yi could see the sky-high flames of missile explosions, mixed with the roar of tanks and the continuous sound of gunfire.

But when he got closer, these movements disappeared, and it was so quiet that it was eerie.

Due to violent driving, the motorcycle finally failed to hold up and exploded and stalled. Fortunately, it reached its destination.

Xu Yi looked at the manor not far away, with overturned tanks, burning armored vehicles, and dry corpses everywhere, it was simply hell.

Before he could stop the car, a violent figure suddenly jumped out of the darkness, his pupils revealing a deep desire, as if he was seeing an unparalleled meal.

(End of this chapter)

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