American exorcist god.

Chapter 202 Give the God of Evil a Little Shock

Chapter 202 Give the God of Evil a Little Shock
Xu Yi looked at the approaching god indifferently.

The skin of the god is pure black, with faint red lines on his body, and the eyeless snake dancing wildly behind him is like a huge black wing spread out.

As soon as Xu Yi arrived, Shen Sin rushed out of the manor impatiently. His guess was correct. The other party could indeed sense high-quality blood.

For people with special blood flowing in their bodies, the evil in front of them is their natural enemy.

Xu Yi pulled out the alchemy revolver from his waist and prepared to stop the attacking god. But before he could fire, a cold light suddenly flew towards the god. It was a long nail engraved with complex patterns.

The spike hit Shensi's chest, and Shensi's body seemed to be petrified, and only his eyes could move.

But the long needle was also forced out inch by inch.

"Go!" A figure came out of the hiding corner and shouted at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi saw the other person clearly. She was a young woman in her 20s, with light blond curly hair and wearing the uniform of a special task force.

"I'll lure the monster away! You hurry up!" The woman saw Xu Yi standing there without moving, her eyes filled with anxiety.

Xu Yi touched his nose. The other party wouldn't think he was an ordinary person who entered by mistake, would he?Doesn't he look like an exorcist?
He lowered his head and glanced at himself. He was covered in dirt from the dusty journey and looked gray.

He was also wearing the leather jacket given to him by the motorcycle uncle, and he actually looked a bit like a homeless man.

After obtaining the entry for super-accelerated regeneration, his body was transformed.

As a psychic, his magnetic field was concealed by his powerful body, so the other party mistook him for an ordinary person.

The woman took out a dagger, cut her palm, and raised her hand high.

"The blood of ordinary people is not very attractive to the gods!"

Xu Yi wanted to say, but what he didn't expect was that Shen Sin actually turned his head and stared at the woman with a look of longing in his eyes.

He suddenly realized that the blood of the woman in front of him was also unusual.

The woman turned around and ran away. The god roared, and an eyeless snake behind her suddenly fell off and flew towards the woman like an arrow from a string.

Xu Yi frowned, the woman was very fast, she must have been blessed with some special power, but the other party's face suddenly turned pale, and she squatted on the ground holding her heart.

This is not the power of the gods, but something inherently wrong with women’s bodies.

"Maura!" A roar suddenly came, and Mia walked out of the manor while resisting a seriously injured person.

As soon as she came out, she saw a scene that made her eyes split open. Maura suffered from congenital heart disease and had been suppressed by the family's secret method. Unexpectedly, the disease broke out at this time.

She was too far away from Maura and it was too late to stop her.

Maura clutched her heart, feeling so painful that she couldn't even stand up. She could only watch helplessly as the eyeless snake pounced and bit her.

Just when he was desperate, a gunshot suddenly rang out, and a bullet accurately hit the head of the eyeless snake, shattering the head. Black blood spattered and the long snake body fell to the ground.

Maura looked up in surprise. It was the homeless man who shot!

Mia and the exorcist she rescued rushed towards Mia and helped the other person up.

"Take her away! If you stay here, it will only affect me." Xu Yi glanced at Mia lightly.

"Then be careful." Mia was a little hesitant, but she nodded after seeing the confidence in Xu Yi's eyes.

"Thank you for saving me. Our Finn family will never forget your kindness." After taking the medicine she brought with her, Maura's face turned rosy.

Xu Yi waved his hand and didn't care.

It's just that the word "Finn" feels a bit familiar, as if I've heard it somewhere.

The god of evil did not pursue Mia and the others. His eyes were fixed on Xu Yi. For some reason, he actually felt pressure from this human being.

Mia and the exorcist left safely, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

A familiar exorcist came to Mia's ear and asked in a low voice, "Sister Mia, who was that person just now? Let's just forget about it. Actually, you, the great exorcist, were also chased away!"

Although the other party didn't show it, they still felt it. The other party looked at them with a hint of disgust. …………

Xu Yi was of course disgusted with it. Although he had never fought against the evil spirits, he still roughly understood the abilities of the evil spirits through his observation at the Evil God's Nest.

The opponent can recover from his injuries by sucking blood.These people stay here and can only serve as the opponent's blood pack.

"Okay, all the troublemakers are gone. I have only one request for you..." Xu Yi suddenly pulled the trigger, "Don't run away!"

Shen Sin was angered by Xu Yi's arrogant attitude, roared and rushed over, trying to suck up all Xu Yi's blood.

A purple-red air curtain suddenly rose from Xu Yi's body, and the air curtain enveloped Shen Nie. Shen Nie was a little confused because he didn't feel any impact.

Of course, the air curtain comes from the toy treasure box. Xu Yi accidentally discovered that the purple-red air curtain barrier is actually equivalent to a different space.

He asked Annabelle to open the "different space", not to pull the other party into the treasure box space, but to isolate the evil spirit from himself so that he could exert his full strength.

“The stage is set, let’s get started!”

Xu Yi moved his neck and made a creaking sound.

Black-golden flames appeared on the surface of Xu Yi's body. This was Buster's demon-suppressing flame.

Previously, I had been unable to use it due to my frail body, but now that I have the red-level entry of super-accelerated regeneration, I can finally use it at will.

On the high mountains in the distance, Mia and her group finally retreated to a safe base. They watched the battle below through telescopes.

They were all so surprised that they were speechless at this moment.

They originally thought that the other party could only stop the monster for a while, but now it seems that the other party is clearly here to kill the other party!
The special task force dispatched so many soldiers and exorcists, but they were unable to deal with the monster, but now one person actually did it.

The man was slightly at a disadvantage at the beginning, but as the battle progressed, the man became more and more courageous and fearless of death, while the monster gradually weakened, and the battle was gradually controlled by the man.

"Then...who is that person?" They looked at Mia, hoping that Mia could give them the answer.

Mia was also surprised. When she met Xu Yi on the plane, he was far less powerful than he is now. Could it be that he was hiding his strength?Or is it because we are on a plane and we are afraid of hurting innocent people?
In the battlefield, the god of evil roared again and again. Even if he was bombarded by rockets, his body could recover quickly.

But facing these small bullets, his super healing power seemed to have failed, and the wounds were difficult to heal.

What's worse is that those bullets carry a special energy that constantly destroys his body.

The eyes of the god's inverse cross flashed with anger. The biggest shortcoming of human beings is their weak bodies. No matter how powerful the exorcist is, they cannot avoid this.

He no longer dodged bullets, and after paying the price of a broken left eye, he finally got close to the opponent. His sharp claws sliced ​​open the opponent's chest, and the eyeless snake tore at the opponent's flesh.

The god of evil roared excitedly, but his expression soon changed. The wounds on the opponent's body actually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This made him a little confused. Was he facing a human being or a terrifying monster wearing a human body?

Those black-golden flames had the greatest impact on him. Every time he got close to the opponent, he would feel a heavy pressure and his speed would drop sharply, which made his speed advantage disappear.

The raging eyeless snake forcibly broke through the suppression of the flames and bit Xu Yi's body, trying to inject excessive toxin into Xu Yi's body.

But as soon as the poison left the snake's fangs, it was burned away by the black-gold flames, and the eyeless snake's head was also burned into charcoal.

Time passed, and the battle lasted far longer than imagined. There was a look of fear in the eyes of the god.

He originally thought that the other party would soon be exhausted, but after so long, the other party's movements did not deform at all. Instead, he gradually slowed down due to the difficulty in recovering from his injuries.

The god of evil stared at the puppet suspended in the air.

He didn't pay attention to the puppet that had been harassing him at first, because the curse issued by the other party was too weak.

But as time passed, his body became heavier and heavier, and his strength was lost faster and faster.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that his body was covered with dense curse marks, and the curse was so powerful that it was difficult to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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