American exorcist god.

Chapter 203 A paradise for occult researchers

Chapter 203 A paradise for occult researchers
The balance of victory began to tilt, and a smile appeared on Xu Yi's face.

With the synthesis of the Shadow Gun God, the acquisition of super-accelerated regeneration entries, and the assistance of the Annebell doll, his combat system has taken shape.

This is also the reason why he dares to face the evil alone.

As long as the opponent can't kill him with one move, he will kill the opponent alive. His main focus is torture with one hand.

But the smile on his face suddenly froze, and what he was most worried about happened... The evil god actually started to turn around and run away!

"Don't run away! Look how delicious my blood is, I'll give you two sips!"

Xu Yi was so anxious that he shouted, but the god turned a deaf ear and ran as fast as he could.

The biggest drawback of his combat system is revealed.

His speed was too slow. He could barely catch up with the explosion of the dark fog, but this method consumed the dark fog very much and was impossible to last.

The distance gradually widened, and Xu Yi used all his strength to throw the Annabell doll away.

With the superposition of the power of evil control, the Annabell doll was like a cannonball, hitting the god of evil.The purple-red air curtain opened, trying to put the opponent into the toy box.

The god of evil roared, and the powerful force broke free from the shackles of the treasure box space.

But this also bought Xu Yi precious time. He took aim at the Alchemy Revolver Messiah and started counting down at noon.

5, 4... 3, 2, 1!

The weaknesses of the gods are concentrated in one place, and that is the opponent's heart.

Bullets carrying a large amount of dark fog came out of the chamber, and six bullets hit the heart almost at the same moment. The killing effect was not activated, but the powerful dark fog exploded, and a big hole was blown out of the heart of the god.

Annabelle rushed towards the god of evil, inserting her wooden palm into the wound in the other's heart.

The god of evil let out a shrill scream. He had a chance to destroy the Annabelle doll, but at the moment he just wanted to escape.

He endured the pain, threw away the Annabelle doll, and his body turned into a black light, running into the dense forest behind the vineyard, and disappeared before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

"Still ran away!"

Xu Yi was so angry that he punched the tree in front of him, and the tree was suddenly broken.

The Divine Sin is indeed no match for him at this moment, but just because the opponent has just recovered, the blood he has sucked is not enough to restore the opponent to his peak.

Letting the other party escape this time is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

But he didn't have a good way. He really didn't have any way to keep the other party behind.

Xu Yi walked to the Annabell doll. The doll was fighting with a black gelatinous substance, which was the heart fragment of the god. Even though it had been separated from the body, it still had strong activity.

Xu Yi grabbed the black gelatinous substance and held it tightly.

Black-gold flames rose from his palms, and the black gelatinous substance was burned to the point of pain. After Xu Yi vented for a moment, he threw the black gelatinous substance into the magic-forbidden box.

This thing might be of great use.


Rising Sun, Finn Manor.

Xu Yi looked at the man in front of him quietly.

The middle-aged man's name was North, the head of the Finn family. In order to thank him, the other party invited him to Finn Manor early in the morning.

"Mr. Xu Yi, thank you very much for saving Maura! For this reason, our family has specially prepared a job for you. I hope you like it." North said with a smile.

Xu Yi looked at North quietly, wondering what medicine he bought in the gourd.

The Finn family, even among the many exorcist families, is famous.They are the "wise men" among exorcists and "magic circle masters" and are famous for their study of magic circles.

Faced with this kind of invitation from the exorcist family, Xu Yi couldn't refuse, so he accepted the invitation.

He thought it might be a banquet where people exchange cups and drinks, or even an ilovers-party. He was already prepared to criticize severely, but didn't expect this?

The only person who received him was a grown man like North, not even a maid from the Finn family.

And he never expected that the Finn family's way of thanking him would be to "find him a job"!
What kind of new-age way of saying thank you is this?Are the Finns so pragmatic?
Although it was impossible to work part-time, Xu Yi was really curious about what kind of job the other party had prepared for him.

"What job?" he asked subconsciously.

"Librarian," North said softly.Xu Yi was confused and even thought he heard wrongly.

"The elders of the family have always been responsible for sorting out the books, but he was recently ill and hospitalized, so I wanted to find someone to take over temporarily." North added.

Okay!Not only a librarian, but also a temporary worker!I don’t know if I need pre-job training to learn the skill of “taking responsibility”.Xu Yi complained secretly.

Xu Yi was about to throw up his sleeves and leave when North suddenly took out a huge metal key and inserted it into the "wall" in front of him.

In the crisp sound of the machine, the "wall" slowly opened, and Xu Yi finally saw clearly that it was not a wall at all, but a hidden door.

North opened the door and introduced Xu Yi proudly, "This is where you will work, Toth Library."

Xu Yi stepped through the door and was stunned when he looked at the dazzling array of ancient books inside.

Thoth is the god of wisdom in Egyptian mythology, the scribe of Hades, and the creator of the Book of the Dead.

Naming the library "Thoth" shows the confidence of the Finn family.

Xu Yi's eyes swept across the bookshelf, and then he couldn't look away anymore, his heart beating violently.

"The Origin of the Magical Array" has a total of three volumes. It is difficult to find even one volume outside, but here, all three volumes are available.

"Diana's Herbal Book", this book is the work of the first generation of witches. There are no more than ten copies. The one here is actually the original.

"Red Stone Alchemy" is a long-lost alchemical work. An exorcist was once willing to spend all his money to obtain it, and it is currently lying quietly on the bookshelf.

Anyone who is engaged in occult research will only have one feeling when entering this library, and that is heaven!
It is estimated that only the church's collection can overwhelm this library, and it is worthy of the famous Finn family.

"I wonder, Mr. Xu Yi, what do you think of this job?" North looked at Xu Yi with a smile.

Xu Yi swallowed secretly. He still didn't know that work was just an excuse. The other party was giving him the opportunity to read these occult books.

He had previously released news that he wanted to find occult works.This matter is not a secret. The Finn family can find out with a little investigation.

What he didn't expect was that the other party would actually choose to repay his kindness in this way.

"The original librarian is ill and won't be back until seven days. During this time, you can temporarily take over his work!" North said to himself.

"Have you only been sick for seven days?" Xu Yi quickly explained in the face of the other party's increasingly dangerous gaze, "What I mean is that after you recover from the illness, shouldn't you take a good rest for a while? After all, you are an old man."

"Then how long do you think it is appropriate to rest?" North asked with interest.

"What do you think ten years will be like?" Xu Yi asked in a consultative tone.

North turned and left.

"We have something to discuss! How about eight years, five years, or one year is fine!" Xu Yi didn't give up.

North suddenly stopped and Xu Yi showed a happy expression on his face. Could it be that the other party agreed?

"Mr. Xu Yi, I forgot to remind you that your work starts now. Someone will replace you at this time seven days later." After finishing speaking, North left the library without looking back.

Xu Yi watched the door of the library close, not daring to waste any more time, and hurriedly walked to the bookshelves to search for the pharmacy books he needed most.

Outside the door, just as North stood still, the butler stepped out from the side.

"Master, I don't understand. Even if you want to thank the other party for saving Miss Mora's life, you won't let the other party enter the Tote Library! That place is almost never allowed to outsiders." The housekeeper asked doubtfully.

"The evil one has appeared!" North sighed.

Seeing that the butler still had a puzzled look on his face, he took the initiative to explain, "According to ancient records, the divine evil will search for all powerful extraordinary blood, devour the power of the blood, and complete the final 'Nirvana'. When the time comes, no one will be able to stop it."

The butler's expression moved slightly, obviously thinking of something.

"The blood flowing in our Finn family's bodies is not ordinary, and we will probably become the target of divine evil."

North continued, "Xu Yi is very powerful. Even among the great exorcists, he is still a top-notch being. If we have a good relationship with him now, it may have miraculous effects by then."

"Since we want to make good friends with each other, we have to be more thorough. Didn't the other party ask the special task force to secretly protect the little girl named Carlisle?" the housekeeper suddenly said.

"what do you mean?"

"Master Renault and Miss Fran happen to need to hire a dance teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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