American exorcist god.

Chapter 204 Onmyoji

Chapter 204 Onmyoji

Fion Manor, Todt Library.

Xu Yi was completely immersed in "work". In the evening, he heard the system's prompt tone.

[Scholar entry +3, current progress: 100/100]

"It's like having divine help!" Xu Yi took a deep breath and said,

There were only seven days to study in the Tote Library. For this reason, he had to concentrate and study with [-]% concentration.

In this state, his learning efficiency was like riding a rocket. In just one afternoon, he completed the remaining progress of the scholar entry.

Xu Yi closed his eyes and felt the changes in his brain. After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his eyes, with light flowing in his pupils.

[Scholar x2: White Epic

Ability 1-Super Speed ​​Learning:
Your learning speed is much faster than ordinary people.

Ability 2 - Dual-purpose:
You can do two completely different things at the same time. It's easy to draw a circle with your left hand and a square with your right hand. 】

After the scholar entries were superimposed, there was such an unexpected gain!Xu Yi was a little happy.

The entry not only reaches the "white epic" level, but also has the ability to "dual-purpose".

Xu Yi easily synthesized the terms of hypnotism, merged psychology and scholars, and "hypnotism" was brand new.

Xu Yi was about to study this ability, which often appeared with the "Time Stop" series, when his stomach growled.

He hasn't eaten anything all afternoon.

On the way to the restaurant, he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind: "Xu Yi?"

Xu Yi turned his head and saw Carlisle standing at the end of the aisle in a dance skirt, standing tall and graceful.


Xu Yi carried two portions of rice and followed Carlisle.

He originally wanted to eat in the restaurant, but Carlisle said that they were just "employees" and it would not be good to eat in the main restaurant, so he packed two meals and prepared to go to a dining place that Carlisle called "quiet and comfortable".

Carlisle stopped at a door, found the key, and opened it.

Xu Yi stepped into the room first and looked back and forth curiously, "Is this your boudoir?"

"No! I'm just living here temporarily. When my part-time job ends, I will leave." Carlisle locked the door. "Originally, I was unwilling to come because I actually wanted to live here, but..."

Carlisle's face dropped and his brows furrowed slightly.

Xu Yi looked at the other party's pitiful look and suddenly smiled, "They gave me too much, right?"

"That's right! If you work here as a dance teacher for a while, you can almost make up for the tuition for the new semester." Carlisle suddenly became happy, "But seeing you here, I'm not afraid anymore!"

"Why?" Xu Yi asked with interest.

"I am a dance teacher and you are a librarian. We are both working part-time here. As long as we are in the same boat, there will be no problem." Carlisle made a cheering gesture.

Xu Yi thought for a moment and knew what the Fein family was planning, but he did not refuse the Fein family's friendship.

After all, we have already entered the Thoth Library, so accepting a little kindness is nothing.

The God of Evil has nowhere to go, and given his natural thirst for high-quality blood, he is likely to find Carlisle.At Aunt Carlisle's house, those flesh and blood remains vividly expressed the word "desire".

He originally wanted to monitor it personally, but now the appearance of Thoth Library disrupted his plan.

With Carlisle here, he could read and study with peace of mind.

"By the way, where will you sleep at night?" Carlisle suddenly asked.

"They didn't arrange a room for me." Xu Yi and Carlisle chatted while eating. North indeed didn't tell him about this.

"Ah! That's terrible! You're not going to sleep in the library at night, are you?"

Carlisle suddenly exclaimed, "I heard from my classmates that they worked part-time in a private library. In order to avoid running back and forth, they would just find a corner in the library at night and lay out a mat for the night... By the way, you want to How many days will you work here?" "Seven days." Xu Yi answered casually.

"Then what should we do?" Carlisle frowned, and she suddenly raised her head in confusion, "Isn't your family very rich? Why do you still need to work here part-time?"

"Experience life." Xu Yi gave a random reason.

"How can a rich young man like you endure such suffering?" Carlisle was very sad.

The way Xu Yi looked at her was really cute. She didn't say that he could easily find a place to live. Then he was stunned.

Carlisle hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth, "If you don't mind, you can stay with me for the next few days!"

Xu Yi glanced at the only bed in the room and asked subconsciously, "With you?"

Carlisle's face turned slightly red, and he quickly explained, "You sleep on the bed, and I'll just make the floor."

Xu Yi stared at Carlisle for three seconds, then nodded, "Okay! Thank you so much to our kind and beautiful Ms. Carlisle!"

"Then how do you want to thank me?" Carlisle's face was hot, but he still forced himself to ask.

"I'll pay you and treat you to dinner." Xu Yi replied with a chuckle.

He chatted with Carlisle while using his newly acquired "double-tasking" ability to remotely observe the ghost warrior's condition.

Recently, the "Monster Blood Collection Plan" has not been going well. I don't know if it is because the monsters are informing each other or for other reasons. Harada Mieko's efficiency in "guiding monsters" has seriously declined, and she has not killed many monsters recently.

Xu Yi suddenly put down the fork in his hand and raised his head suddenly, "Carlisle, I remember you can speak Japanese, right?"

Carlisle nodded, "When I was learning dance, I had a roommate who was a little girl from Japan. We lived together for five years and learned some common expressions from her."

"That's great! Please translate for me!" Xu Yi took off the plate and handed the pen and paper to Carlisle.


Japan, in a solemn shrine.

Mieko Harada was wearing a red witch costume, sitting cross-legged in the empty hall. She was breathtakingly beautiful under the candlelight, but it was a pity that no one could appreciate her.

This is not entirely correct, at least Xu Yi can still see it.

A black shadow swaggered into the shrine. Mieko Harada, who was sleeping, opened her eyes. She felt the strong aura of the other party and subconsciously clenched the long knife at her waist.

Since she became a maid of the gods, her family not only arranged for her to have a swordsmanship teacher, but also a dedicated person to teach her the art of exorcism.

She knew very well that the black shadow in front of her was definitely not something she could deal with.

Misty black smoke flew out of her body, and a huge figure stood in front of her. Harada Mieko felt extremely at ease looking at the majestic ghost warrior.

The ghost warrior's pupils lit up with fire. Xu Yi was possessed by the ghost warrior's armor and looked at the black shadow in front of him in confusion.

It was a snow-white fox, walking upright and half as tall as a man.

The fox in front of him seemed very different from the monsters he had encountered before.

As the Oni Samurai appeared, the fox's powerful aura receded like a tide. The fox suddenly bowed to the Oni Samurai and said humanly, "I'm very sorry. In order to meet the Oni Samurai, I had to use some small tricks."

Xu Yi remained silent. Although he studied Japanese when he had time these days, after all, the learning time was too short and he could only understand some simple daily vocabulary.

He needed to relay it to Carlisle first and let Carlisle translate it for him so that he could understand what the other person said.

Of course, Harada Mieko can convey the meaning to him through soul connection.But that would be too easy to cheat. As a Japanese god, he can’t understand Japanese?

The white fox saw that the ghost warrior didn't say anything and didn't care. He said to himself, "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Arakawa. I am an onmyoji. This fox is my shikigami. I'm sorry that I can't come to visit in person."

No wonder the other party gave him such a strange feeling. It turned out to be a shikigami. Xu Yi looked at the other party doubtfully, not knowing what the other party was up to.

"To express my apology, I brought a gift this time." The white fox snapped his fingers like a human.

Snapping his fingers, a cloud of red smoke burst out. As the smoke gradually dissipated, a metal cage appeared at the fox's feet.

Xu Yi looked at the thing in the cage in surprise. It was actually the monster "One Eye"!
(End of this chapter)

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