American exorcist god.

Chapter 205 The Burning Fire

Chapter 205 The Burning Fire
Xu Yi stared at the monster in the iron cage.

It looks like a human body, but its body is more slender and its long black hair hangs down to its waist.

Just looking at her back, she might be mistaken for a charming woman, but if she saw her face, she would feel creepy. There was only one blood-red eye on her face and no other facial features.

After encountering that strange house last time, Xu Yi of course asked Mieko Harada to investigate.

He learned the name of the house, "Yayouya House".

As the name suggests, there are eight monsters living in the Yayouya House, except for the Kamaita Banshee who was killed by him, the windlass head that escaped, and the one-eyed monster that was stuffed into a cage in front of him.

There are also five monsters: Catwoman, Girl in the Box, Tubi, One-Legged Woman, and Giant Mage.

"Oni Samurai-kun, what do you think of my sincerity?" The white fox patted the cage at his feet.

The shrine became quiet, Xu Yi was waiting for Carlisle to translate, so the ghost warrior remained motionless throughout the whole process, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Xu Yi was in a daze for a moment, and suddenly thought of responding. Although he didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, it was still worthy of recognition for sending the monster.

He couldn't speak, but he could show it with body language.

Just when he was about to react, the other party suddenly spoke.

"You know you can't fool Oni Samurai-kun! Oni Samurai-kun really has good eyesight!"

The white fox let out a long sigh. The ghost warrior kept staring at him, and he must have sensed the aura of that thing.

Xu Yi's mind was filled with questions. He didn't say anything or did anything. How could he have such good eyesight?
The white fox took out a black purse and opened it.Xu Yi's attention was instantly attracted, and the Nightmare Bones noticed the divine aura inside.

The white fox poured out the contents of his purse. It turned out to be a piece of mud, only the size of a thumb.

"Oni Samurai-kun must be very clear about the origins of Yayoya House and the eight monsters." White Fox said softly.

He doesn’t know anything about it, so please tell him!Xu Yixin said.

I don't know if the white fox heard Xu Yi's thoughts and said to himself, "They were all born from the clay god stone tablet."

The white fox raised the piece of clay in his hand, "What I have in my hand is the remains of the Clay God Stele. I think the Oni Warrior Lord's goal is to complete the Clay God Stele by hunting down the eight demons."

Xu Yi knew that the other party must have misunderstood something. He hunted monsters and just wanted their blood for research.As for staring at Yaoyaoya, it is entirely because Yaoyaoya has divinity and is the nourishment for the ghost warrior's recovery.

"According to ancient records, the clay god stone tablet may contain the secret of becoming a god."

The white fox stared at the ghost warrior closely, trying to see the look of desire in the ghost warrior's flaming pupils, but he was disappointed. There was no change in the ghost warrior's pupils.

Of course, there was no fluctuation in the ghost warrior, because Xu Yi was waiting for Carlisle to translate it. The word "mud god stone tablet" involved Carlisle's knowledge blind spot. After thinking hard for a long time, he reluctantly translated it.

By the time Xu Yi reacted, everything was over.

Moreover, "gods" are very cheap in Japan. Xu Yi has no idea that as an orthodox Onmyoji, the other party is of course referring to the real "gods", not those self-proclaimed monsters.

No matter how hard the onmyoji behind the fox scratched his head, he would not have guessed that the ghost warrior he was talking to not only had a language barrier, but also had no common sense in the Japanese exorcism circle.

"It seems that Ghost Warrior-kun is full of confidence and determined to win!"

The onmyoji behind the fox did not intend to continue testing, and went straight to the point, "For this reason, our onmyoji association is willing to help you."

The fox bowed slightly and held up the remains of the clay god's stone tablet with both hands.

Carlisle translated this sentence particularly quickly. Xu Yi immediately understood what the other party meant. He quickly controlled the ghost warrior armor and nodded, giving orders to Mieko Harada.

Mieko Harada stepped forward and took the fragment of the Clay God Stele from the fox's hand.

"What do we need to pay?" Mieko Harada looked at the white fox quietly.

Xu Yi couldn't help but want to give Harada Mieko a thumbs up. She was indeed the person he liked and asked him the question he wanted to ask the most.

Where can there be a free lunch in the world?Either the other party has some agenda, or it's very difficult to complete the Clay God Stele, or both.

No matter what the opponent's purpose is, he has already decided that if he eats the candy and fires back the cannonballs, the worst case scenario is just to let the ghost samurai leave Japan!

"Some time ago, the yin and yang flag suddenly broke. We teamed up with the yin and yang masters to do divination and came up with an unprecedented bad divination." The white fox's small pupils flashed with fear.

Harada Mieko wanted to ask again, but the white fox had stopped the topic, "So don't worry, Oni Samurai-kun. We are giving away the remains of the clay god stone tablet just to form a good relationship. We hope to get a little help from Oni Samurai-kun." ." After the white fox finished speaking, his mood became depressed, and he had no intention of talking anymore. He cupped his hands towards the ghost warrior and left.

Japan's catastrophe?Xu Yi watched the white fox leave, thoughtfully in his heart.

Mieko Harada held the remains of the clay god stele in her hands and respectfully dedicated it to the Oni Samurai.

Xu Yi took it casually.

He didn't care at all about the remains of the stone tablet.

After all, it’s just something given by others, how good can it be?But soon, his expression changed.

The moment the ghost warrior came into contact with the clay god stone tablet, the ghost warrior's armor suddenly vibrated, resonating with the divinity in the wreckage.

This is too coincidental, right?

Xu Yi shouted, "What a ghost." Annabelle chose the ghost warrior armor because there was divinity in the armor. Now he finally knows where the divinity comes from.

It’s the remains of the Clay God Stele!

The craftsman who forged the armor of the Oni Samurai mixed the remains of the clay god's stone tablet into the armor.

As the ghost warrior's armor shook, the nightmare bones began to tremble, the extraordinary flesh and blood squirmed, the demon-suppressing flames poured out uncontrollably, and the red lotus karma fire of the demon sword rose...

Because the ghost warrior armor has been destroyed many times, the armor has been integrated with other things. In other words, the remains of the clay god stone tablet have been integrated into the ghost warrior.

Xu Yi stared at the remains of the Clay God Stele in his hand. After hesitating for a few seconds, he let go of the control of the ghost warrior.

The divinity of the Nightmare Bone was first integrated into the wreckage, followed closely by the demon-suppressing flame, and then the red lotus karma fire of the demon knife...

The wreckage had absorbed so many things but was still motionless. Xu Yi knew that it was because of a lack of "fuel".

Golden transcendent flesh and blood poured in, and the wreckage was instantly ignited. The flame was not the black gold of the demon-suppressing flame, nor the dark red of the red lotus fire, but a light purple, emitting unimaginable high temperatures.

Xu Yi straightened his arms, away from the flames.

The temperature of the flame was too high. If the flame was not controlled by Xu Yi, the high temperature would be suppressed in a small area and would not spread out.

Otherwise, Harada Mieko next to him had been severely burned, and the shrine was set on fire.

"Burning Fire", Xu Yi named the new flame, referring to the high temperature that seems to melt everything.

Xu Yi stared at Burning Fire and frowned slightly.

The new flame was indeed very powerful, but its disadvantages were also obvious. It was only the size of a fingernail, and no matter how much he activated it, the flame showed no sign of expanding.

This little flame can probably only be used to roast a small thing.

The "fuel" of the flame is also very luxurious. The speed of regeneration of transcendent flesh and blood is limited. Without affecting the combat power of the ghost warrior, it may only be able to burn for more than ten minutes a week.

Xu Yi looked at the shrine. There was a box there, which contained the body of the Weasel Banshee. The blood had been drained.

"According to what the white fox said just now, it seems that the Kamaita Banshee also has the remains of the Clay God Stone Tablet inside her body."

Xu Yi threw out the Burning Fire in his hand, and the flames fell on the box, and the high temperature enveloped the Weasel Banshee inside.

The body of the banshee was burned away at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only the last bit. No matter how the flames burned, there was no change.

That is the remains of the Clay God Stone Tablet inside the Kamaita Banshee.

The wreckage was attracted by the burning fire and flew into the center of the flames. The two small pieces of wreckage merged and turned into a larger wreckage.

The flame the size of a fingernail suddenly became the size of an egg.

As the size of the flame increases, the amount of "fuel" that can be consumed decreases. This is undoubtedly contrary to common sense, but it is what Xu Yi hopes for most.

"He's going to kill this monster!"

The ghost warrior's pupils were filled with flames.

(End of this chapter)

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