American exorcist god.

Chapter 206 Catwoman x Girl in the Box

Chapter 206 Catwoman x Girl in the Box
Japan, Haradabo.

Lisa was wearing a comfortable hooded sweatshirt, with a camera hanging in front of her neck and a backpack on her back. She looked like an American tourist visiting Japan.

She looked towards the shrine within the high wall, where she felt a special aura.

"Miss Lisa, that shrine is private and cannot be visited!" the tour guide emerged from nowhere and said softly.

Lisa nodded, "I know, I'm going to the toilet."

Instead of going to the toilet, she turned around and came to a secret corner. She looked around to make sure no one was there, and then took out a palm-sized metal box from her backpack.

The metal box was opened, and there were only two things inside. One was a half-inch long golden needle, and the other was an iron piece covered with bronze rust.

Both of these items came from the church. Xu Yi asked Aide for help, and the church lent these two magical artifacts out of consideration for both of them.

Lisa took out the thin needle, pointed it at her arm, took a deep breath, and inserted the needle entirely.

Blood seeped out, but it stopped quickly. Lisa moved her hand for a while, but except for a vague tingling sensation, there was no big impact.

As the fine needle penetrated, Lisa's temperament began to change, the exorcist's unique magnetic field disappeared, and her skin seemed to become darker.

Most of the abilities of the Holy Witch Hunter have been banned, and only the passive ability similar to that of the Pseudo Holy Body remains.

Lisa took a few deep breaths, and it took her a while to get used to her weak body.

A puff of black smoke suddenly appeared behind Lisa, and vaguely, the black smoke transformed into a ghost warrior.

The black smoke drifted toward the iron piece. Lisa watched quietly, waiting for the black smoke to completely pour into the iron piece. Then she wrapped the divine iron piece heavily in a shroud and carried it with her.

"I don't know if the plan can succeed?" Lisa took a deep breath.

If he just came to get monster blood, there was no need for her to come in person. She came with a mission.


Darkness falls upon the earth.

Lisa did not follow the tour group to the bustling areas of Japan, but instead brought the damp and cold "slums" alone.

The little wild cat leading the way suddenly stopped in front of a dilapidated factory building and made a sad meow.Lisa signaled the kitten to be quiet and climbed in through the broken window with the kitten.

In bustling cities, wild cats and dogs on the roadside are more effective than the police. Whenever Lisa goes to a strange place, she will ask local cats and dogs for information, and usually she will gain something.

This time too, the little wild cat told her that there was a terrible monster killing its fellow humans.

Lisa used the moonlight streaming in from the window to see clearly what was in the abandoned factory.

Countless hemp ropes hung down from above, and the hemp ropes tied each "package". Lisa unwrapped several packages and saw clearly what was inside. Her face turned pale and her fists clenched involuntarily.

Wrapped inside were kittens with their limbs removed. In addition, some of them were not kittens, but... people.

The sound of wheels rubbing against the ground suddenly came, and then the warehouse door was pushed open, and a rickety figure pushed a stroller into the factory.

There was a package in the stroller, exactly like the hanging one.

The rickety figure suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Lisa. The opponent's pupils were particularly clear in the darkness. They were not human pupils at all, but vertical pupils like a cat creature, emitting a strange green light.

Has it been discovered?Lisa's heart skipped a beat.

If it were normal, she would have fought the opponent once, but now her ability is sealed. If the seal is lifted, the plan will basically fail.

It seems the only option is to escape!

The rickety figure pulled out a long-handled flat-headed machete from behind and walked step by step in the direction of Lisa.

Lisa took the initiative and threw the bricks she picked up from the ground, then ran towards the window.

The brick was split in half with a knife. The monster stared at Lisa's back, roared like a cat in its mouth, and rushed out like a beast pouncing on its prey.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side, bumped into the monster, and scratched it with its sharp claws. It was the little wild cat that brought Lisa here.

The little wild cat bared its teeth at the monster. The monster was enraged and split the little wild cat in half with a knife.Lisa's pupils flashed with anger, but for the sake of the overall situation, she could only grit her teeth and leave. She secretly made up her mind to seek revenge from the monster.

In the dark alley, Lisa ran with her head down, the sound of the blade sliding on the ground chasing her from behind.

All of this fell into Xu Yi's eyes.

For Lisa's safety and to control the progress of the plan, Xu Yi would of course let Lisa carry the Nest of the Evil God with her.

In fact, Harada Mieko has already led her tribe to distribute around Lisa to protect her.

Xu Yi knew that this was not the way to go. Lisa, whose ability was sealed, could not outrun Catwoman.

Just when he was about to give the order for Mieko Harada to intercept Catwoman, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Catwoman.

The figure was shrouded in black robes, and his face could not be seen clearly. He held a black spear in his hand, with bloody spells engraved on it.

Xu Yi was slightly startled. Could it be that Mieko Harada arranged for someone to take action in advance?

Facing the sudden appearance of the figure, Catwoman's vertical eyes became even more angry. She held a machete in both hands and jumped up high.

Facing the whizzing machete, the figure was fearless and suddenly threw the spear in his hand. The spear penetrated Catwoman and nailed the opponent to the wall.

Xu Yi frowned slightly. This could not be the person arranged by Harada Mieko, because there was no such powerful person in the Harada family.

Two more figures came out, carrying a cage.

There is a woman imprisoned in the cage. The woman's skin is pale and without a trace of blood.The head was tightly wrapped in a metal box, and the ferocious head kept rolling in the turbid water.

That was not a normal person at all, but the girl in the box, one of the "Eight Demons".

"These people are targeting the Eight Demons! Are they also coming for the remains of the Clay God Stone Monument?"

Xu Yi instantly had a premonition that something was not going to happen. His plan to hunt the Eight Demons had just begun, but he unexpectedly encountered someone who was trying to "cut off the beasts."

Lisa took a taxi to escape. She didn't know that something had changed, thinking that the man in black behind her was reinforcements arranged by Xu Yi.

As soon as Lisa left, the Evil God's Nest also left. Xu Yi lost his vision and was unclear about what happened next.

In Tote Library, Xu Yi put down the book in his hand and prepared to concentrate on solving Japan's affairs first.


Japan, in a dark alley.

The God-Deceiver Fick shook off the blood on his spear, glanced coldly at Catwoman on the ground, and ordered, "Put the monster up!"

"Yes! Lord Fike!" The man in black behind him quickly bowed and responded.

Fike had no intention of helping and stood aside to rest. Xiaoli gently rubbed his right arm with a gloomy expression.

When he was in New York, his arm was chopped off. Although he quickly replaced it with a new arm, it was not an "original product" after all. It was fine normally, but when he encountered a battle, the joint of the arm always hurt.

The failure in New York was the worst thing on his resume. Every time he thought about it, he always felt unhappy.

But when he thought of the terrifying flame giant, he felt a little discouraged. The organization would not deal with such a powerful existence because of him.

But relying on himself alone, he doesn't know when and how long it will take for him to take revenge.

"Forget it! Let's listen to the organization's arrangements! If we can complete the arrangement in Japan, the organization will be able to accumulate stronger power and be closer to the final goal."

Fick sighed and stood up.

The sound of footsteps suddenly came from the end of the alley, and a stunning girl walked out from the corner. Fick looked at her with an interesting expression.

He could feel the exorcist's aura on the girl's body, but it was too weak to be afraid.

When he came to Japan, he had never played with such a stunning woman. Fick subconsciously licked his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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