American exorcist god.

Chapter 207 Look how scared this kid is

Chapter 207 Look how scared this kid is

Mieko Harada stared at the two cages on the ground. The monsters in the cages were completely dead.

"You want these monsters?" Fick looked at Mieko Harada like a fox staring at the meat he has coveted for a long time.

He speaks fluent Japanese with almost no accent, and some people believe him when he says he is a native Japanese.

As the famous "Deceiver of Gods", what he is most proud of is the learning of various languages. Whether it is obscure demonic language or even the long-lost dragon language, he has dabbled in it, not to mention mere Japanese. .

Mieko Harada did not deny it and nodded.

"What can you give me in exchange?"

Fike held a spear in his hand and walked towards Mieko Harada step by step, putting great psychological pressure on people.

Xu Yi looked at Fick, who was approaching, and felt that this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

He is now a mere rabbit pulling a rake - weak-minded and weak-willed.

The ghost warrior in front of him has nothing but empty airs. In order to give Yaoyaoya a "surprise", most of the ghost warrior's power is hidden in the divine iron piece on Lisa's body.

Once the battle begins, this ghost warrior with a "sloppy silver spear" may not be of much help.

The other party was closer, Xu Yi could see the other party's eyes clearly, and his heart moved slightly.

As the saying goes, eyes are the windows to the soul. It's not that he wants to understand the other person, but that the other person's eyes make him feel familiar, as if he has seen them somewhere before.

"What do you want?" Harada Mieko frowned, she hated the other person's eyes.

"Then it depends on what you can give me?" Fick continued to approach.

A figure suddenly flashed in Xu Yi's mind, with these eyes, and this unique low tone... Why does the other person look so much like Fick, the God-Deceiver?

He couldn't see the other person's whole picture clearly, and the other person's right hand was also intact, so he was a little unsure.

"Who cares? Even if you admit the wrong person, it's not him who's embarrassed!"

Xu Yi thought of this and gave instructions to Mieko Harada with peace of mind.

Harada Mieko was slightly stunned. She originally wanted to discuss it carefully, but she just received God's instructions. She still followed the "oracle" and said coldly:

"In exchange for what? How about your head?"

Faced with Mieko Harada's sudden change of attitude, Fick was a little angry and felt that he had been fooled.

He didn't want to play any more seductive tricks. With his power, what could he do if he forcibly abducted the other party?
He decided to give the other party a "lesson" that he would never forget!
But the next second, Fike's eyes widened.

"My God told me that He has caught you!" Mieko Harada suddenly said in a sinister manner.

Fike's body trembled suddenly.

Black mist filled the air behind Harada Mieko, condensing into a majestic figure, with a dark red helmet, fish-scale patterned sleeves and shoulders, a red-gold pocket, and devil-like horns.

It is a frequent visitor in his nightmares, a lingering shadow - the ghost warrior.

Fick's right arm ached with a dull pain that was not a real pain.

There is an old Chinese saying that once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

Seeing the well rope reminded him of being bitten by a snake. His situation was even worse. He was too frightened and suffered "phantom pain" in his body.

The magic knife slipped from the ghost warrior's hand, and dark red flames rose.

Fike turned around and ran away without saying a word.

All of this is a subconscious action, without even thinking about it, just like a mouse running away subconsciously when seeing a snake, just wanting to get away from danger immediately.

The two men in black looked confused. After a moment, they dropped the monster in the cage and ran towards Fick.

Fick is in charge of this task, and now that the people in charge have run away, are they, small characters, left here to wait to die?

Fick was so frightened that it was hard to imagine what a terrifying existence it was!

Xu Yi was dumbfounded. Could the ghost warrior have such a strong deterrent?
After a long time, he was sure that the other party had really run away and was not engaging in any conspiracy.

He saw the two monster corpses on the ground and felt grateful.

"Look at how scared this child is! Next time you meet the other person, you have to thank the other person... It's best to completely cure the other person's fear so that it won't reoccur in the next life!"

.........The taxi drove to a remote suburb, and the driver couldn't help but ask, "Madam, where are you going?"

Lisa took a taxi just to escape Catwoman's pursuit, with no clear destination at all.

Just now the driver asked her where she was going, and she pointed in a random direction. Unexpectedly, she drove to a desolate suburb.

She was about to speak when a cry for help suddenly came from in front of her.

"Help! Help me!"

A woman rushed out from the side of the road, and the driver felt panicked. In the wilderness, the woman's long hair was flowing, and her white dress was stained with blood. There was something wrong about it.

The driver was reluctant to stop, so Lisa spoke up, "Stop! I know that person."

As they got closer, the driver saw the shadow of the other party and breathed a sigh of relief.

The taxi stopped, the door opened, and the woman rushed into the taxi. After she saw Lisa clearly in the back seat, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Lisa! It's so nice! It's so nice to see you here! Thank you for saving me!"

The woman was a little incoherent.

"Kawano Kai, what happened?" Lisa asked softly.

She met Kawano Kai on the plane. He was originally just a passenger on the same plane, but he suddenly talked to her.

She went to Japan for a mission and didn't want to interact too much with ordinary people, but the other person made her feel a bit like Maria.

It's not the appearance or the temperament, but the similarity at the soul level.

Out of curiosity, they chatted for a while and learned that the other party had just returned from studying in the United States.

"Go! Go quickly! There is a monster here!" Kawano Kai's pupils were full of fear, and his body was shaking slightly involuntarily.

Kawanohe spoke in Japanese. After hearing this, the driver panicked a little and subconsciously stepped on the accelerator to speed up the car.

The taxi drove far away, and nothing happened along the way. Kawanohe gradually calmed down, and his rapid breathing gradually slowed down.

"Why are you here so late? Isn't your boyfriend with you?" Lisa asked.

On the plane, she remembered that the other party had a boyfriend, who was gentle and submissive to Kawano.

"I came to camp nearby, but my boyfriend didn't come." Kawanohe lowered his head and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Lisa frowned. There were no wounds on the other party's body, but the white dress was stained with blood. Whose blood belonged to it?
Before she could ask, the driver suddenly slammed on the brakes, and their bodies hit the back of the seat in front of them due to inertia.

"Why did you stop suddenly?" Lisa shook her dizzy head. After her ability was sealed, her physical fitness plummeted, which she was not used to.

"There...there's someone in front of me!" The driver trembled a little, maybe he was frightened.

Lisa looked out of the car window and saw that there was indeed someone in front of her, less than half a meter away from the car. In other words, if the driver slowed down for just one second, he would have knocked him out.

She was a charming woman with long, slightly curly hair, flaming red lips, and very fair skin. She was wearing orange clothes and holding a white oil-paper umbrella.

"You're looking for death! Stand in the middle of the road!" the driver yelled.

At this time, it suddenly started to rain heavily. The sound of rain drowned out the driver's scolding. The driver cursed for a while, but when he saw that the other party was unmoved, he turned the car around and prepared to drive past.

The woman jumped and stopped in front of the car again. The road here was so small that the driver couldn't drive through it.

The driver finally couldn't bear it anymore and was about to get out of the car and scold the other party.

"Don't get out of the car! Just hit him!"

Kawano Kai suddenly spoke, a crazy look flashing in his eyes.

"Crazy!" the driver yelled angrily. He felt that today was really bad, and the two people he met were both crazy.

"Don't get out of the car!" Of course Lisa knew something was wrong with the woman in front of her, so she stopped her, but the driver had already opened the door and stepped out of the car.

The driver, holding an umbrella, came to the woman blocking the road and was about to yell and curse.

But he suddenly froze in place, feeling as if his heart was about to stop.

The woman has only one leg, but it is not an amputation. There are no traces of amputation on the other person's body, as if he was born with only one leg.

(End of this chapter)

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