American exorcist god.

Chapter 208 8 Demon House Reappears

Chapter 208 The Eight Demonic Houses Reappear

The beautiful one-legged woman smiled brightly at the driver, revealing her yellowed and rotten teeth. The driver screamed and backed away, but the oil-paper umbrella held by the woman rotated, and the rainwater was blown away.

Invisible fluctuations penetrated the rain curtain, and the fleeing driver let out a scream, and one of his legs was broken.

The driver screamed and crawled on the ground. Blood kept pouring out of the wound, which was washed away by the rain. Long blood stains spread forward.

The one-legged woman turned to look in the direction of the taxi. Lisa's eyelids twitched and she squeezed into the driver's seat.

She didn't even have time to put on her seat belt, because the one-legged woman had already jumped in front of the car.

Fortunately, the driver had not turned off the car before and did not need to restart it, which bought Lisa valuable time.

She stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and rammed towards the one-legged girl expressionlessly. With a bang, the front of the car dented, and the one-legged girl was knocked several meters away and fell heavily to the side of the road.

The one-legged woman was lying on the grass, motionless.Lisa took the opportunity to drive the car next to the driver with a broken leg and shouted to Kawano, "Pull this person up!"

Kawano Ai was trembling all over, as if he was frightened, and huddled motionless in the back seat.

Lisa frowned slightly, so she could only risk the risk and get out of the car, dragging the driver into the back seat. She had no time to bandage him, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the one-legged woman standing up again.

Lisa returned to the driver's seat, put on her seat belt, and pushed the accelerator to the bottom. The taxi roared forward and she could vaguely see the lights of the city in the distance.

A shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and something huge was falling from the sky.

Lisa's eyelids twitched and she turned sharply, trying to get out of the way.

But it was too late. The taxi suddenly hit something. It flew into the air and rolled twice before landing with a loud bang.

Lisa's head was dizzy. Fortunately, she had worn a seat belt before and was not thrown out.

She bit the tip of her tongue to wake herself up, pulled off her seat belt, and pushed open the car door.

What she didn't expect was that Kawano Kai was okay and climbed out of the car before her. As for the driver, he was already unconscious in the car and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

A huge shadow enveloped them. Lisa turned her head and saw clearly what the taxi had just hit. It was a foot, a giant's foot.

An ugly giant stood in front of the road, with black skin and messy hair hanging down like seaweed.

Before she could make any other moves, the giant's back bulged high, opened its mouth, and blew out a strong stream of air.

Lisa couldn't resist at all and was blown away by the strong airflow.

In mid-air, a hand suddenly grabbed her. It was Kawano Kai. The other person was also blown away. She was so frightened that she screamed in fear and subconsciously wanted to grab the things around her.

The two fell down, and below was a small village with bright lights.Lisa is an exorcist after all, and even in this situation, she still maintains her composure.

She found a cowshed. She forcibly twisted her body and fell onto the haystack of the cowshed with Kawano Ai, so she did not fall seriously injured.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a strange noise came from behind. She turned her head, and in the dark corridor, a huge head rolled towards them, with scarlet pupils staring at them.

Xu Yi mentioned to him that this huge head seemed to be called Tubi.

"Run!" Lisa growled and ran away.

"Help! Help!" Kawano shouted for help while running.

The village is brightly lit, and through the windows you can see floating figures inside, and from time to time you can hear the laughter of children.

This village is obviously occupied by people, but there is such a big commotion and huge monsters outside, but the people in the village don't seem to notice it, and they seem peaceful and peaceful.

Lisa suddenly understood that they had entered a "different space". It seemed that the village was right in front of them, but it was actually a world away.

"Let's run separately! I'll lure the monster away!" Lisa thought for a moment and then spoke out. She didn't want to affect other people.Kawanohe hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Lisa picked up a brick from the roadside and threw it at the wall, trying to anger the other person.

But Tu Bi just gave her a cold look and chased Kawano He directly.

Lisa was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood that the target of these monsters was not her.

The monster chased Mieko Harada because of her divine body. There was no movement from the Yayoya House behind, apparently because she was frightened by the ghost warrior.

In order to lure out the Eight Demons House, Xu Yi came up with a plan.Lisa's pseudo-holy body is also considered a special physique, and may also be able to lead to the Eight Demons House.

At first, Lisa thought it was her "pseudo holy body" that attracted these monsters.

Looking back now, Catwoman took the initiative to find someone else's lair, and the monsters that followed appeared one after another after meeting Kawano Kai.

Moreover, the first monster Kawanoai encountered was obviously not a one-legged girl. When the other party saw the one-legged girl, he did not show any abnormality. It was obvious that the other party had encountered other monsters before.

These monsters are all here for Kawanohe!
Is there anything special about the other party?Lisa was a little confused.

"Help! Help me!" Kawano apparently thought of this as well, and ran back to Lisa for help.

"Run into the alley!" Lisa's eyes lit up as she glanced at the alley in the yard ahead.

Tu Bi's head is huge and he shouldn't be able to enter those alleys.

They ran into the alley, and Tu Bi did not chase them. He looked at them indifferently from outside the alley.

They ran wildly in the alley. Every time they wanted to rush out of the alley, the one-legged figure under the oil paper umbrella would flash by outside, or a huge head would roll outside on the wall.

Lisa raised her head. The giant mage was squatting on the tower in the distance, looking down at them indifferently.

"These monsters seem to be driving them somewhere!" Lisa suddenly understood.

The alley finally came to the end, Kawanohe's face lit up with joy and he accelerated towards the end.

Lisa and Kawano suddenly stopped. The sound of waves came from the front. The end of the alley was actually connected to a sea!

This is obviously unreasonable. No village would build a house so close to the sea. Otherwise, the sea water would rise and the village would be flooded in minutes.

Lisa was once again sure that the place they were in was not reality.

When Kawanohe saw the sea, he seemed to remember something terrible, and his body trembled involuntarily.

There was no moonlight in the sky, and the sea was dark. At this moment, a light suddenly appeared on the sea. The light did not come from a lighthouse, but a fortress-style house.

Huge houses are floating on the sea, and the waves are constantly washing against the walls of the houses, splashing white waves.

The houses are getting closer, and through the sea, you can see huge tentacles swimming under the houses.

The door of the house was open, with a "Welcome" sign hanging beside the door. Warm and bright lights came from inside, and there was a vague figure standing by the door, looking at them quietly.

finally come!Lisa took a deep breath. The goal she had been waiting for finally appeared.

"No!" Kawanohe turned around and ran away when he saw the person beside the door. It seemed that the person was more terrifying than the monster behind him.

But it was too late. A huge suction force came from the door. Lisa and Kawano couldn't resist it and were sucked into it. The door slammed shut.

(End of this chapter)

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