American exorcist god.

Chapter 209 Surrender

Chapter 209 Surrender
Lisa hit the ground hard. She resisted the pain and stood up, looking around.

She stood in the center of the living room, with Kawano Kai at her feet. The living room was more than 30 meters high and more than 500 meters in diameter. It was simply a square.

When they saw the house outside, it was not as big as the living room in front of them. It was obvious that there was an independent space inside the house.

Lisa looked around warily. They were surrounded by monsters.

The one-legged woman holding an oil-paper umbrella, with only one head on the wall, and the mage giant staring silently.

In addition, there was a woman in red whom she had never seen before. Her head was flying high and her neck was twisting like a snake. She heard Xu Yi mentioned that it should be the head of a monster.

Kawano stood up and hid behind Lisa. His body could not stop shaking. Lisa comforted her softly, "Don't worry! We will be out soon!"

Entering the Eight Demons House, Xu Yi's plan was fulfilled. Lisa could finally remove the seal and show her true strength.

The monster is approaching them, and Lisa is about to take off the "forbidden needle". At this moment, someone behind her pushes her and pushes her towards the monster.

Lisa fell to the ground, looking back at Kawano Kai who was running away, a little dazed.

How is this going?Was she betrayed by Kawano Kai?
Lisa was a little confused, not because she couldn't understand why Kawano Kai betrayed her. She had already seen the dangers of people's hearts when she dealt with the Demonic Killer last time, and she didn't care about mere betrayal.

She just couldn't understand, how could a person be so stupid?
Could it be that by using her to resist these monsters for a while, the other party would be able to survive?

Kawanohe, who was running away, suddenly left and came back, retreating step by step.

Could it be that the other party's conscience has discovered it?Lisa thought it was unlikely.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to leave you!" Kawano He kept backing away, his body shaking uncontrollably.

A man slowly walked out of the aisle, and Lisa recognized him. He was Kawano Kai's boyfriend. The man was in very bad condition at the moment. Half of his head was chewed off and his body was stained red with blood.

Lisa figured out a lot of things.

The blood on Kawano's skirt came from her boyfriend. They encountered a monster together, but Kawano left her boyfriend behind and ran away alone.

Even her boyfriend can become a "scapegoat", let alone someone she has only known for a short time.Lisa was stunned.

Kawanohe was hugged tightly by her boyfriend, with such strength that it almost broke Kawanohe's waist.Kawano screamed and looked at Lisa for help, but Lisa ignored her.

Kawano Merger did not expect Lisa to save her. After all, the other party could not save herself. This was just her subconscious behavior.

But she suddenly froze.

Not only was there no fear of death in Lisa's eyes, but her fighting spirit was rising.She reached out, pinched her arm, and pulled out a thin needle from her forearm.

Lisa took a deep breath, feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted off her.

The blockade was lifted and witchcraft filled her body again. Lisa clenched her fists and closed her eyes slightly.

The one-legged woman holding an oil-paper umbrella approached Lisa, turned the oil-paper umbrella, and wanted to kill the opponent, but she suddenly felt something was wrong, and the prey in front of her suddenly burst out with powerful momentum.

Lisa opened her eyes suddenly, and bright golden light burst out from her pupils.

The Holy Presence begins!
Different from the time she dealt with the evil god Ratma, now she can activate the Holy Arrival at any time, and the sequelae are also under control.

Lisa punched fiercely, and the witchcraft wrapped her fist. The fist with huge power triggered a sonic boom, which hit the one-legged woman in the face.

A big hole opened in the one-legged girl's head. Lisa looked at the fallen one-legged girl and said coldly, "Please don't hold an umbrella indoors!"

Kawanohe was completely shocked. She never thought that Lisa, who escaped with her, actually had such power.

A look of regret flashed through her eyes, and she suddenly realized her stupidity. As long as she hid behind Lisa, the other party would naturally protect her, but now it was too late.

But since the other party is so strong, why did he wait until now to reveal it?
"Help me! Help me!" Kawano looked at Lisa with expectant eyes.

Lisa was unmoved because she saw the resentment deep in the other person's eyes. She was just kind, which didn't mean she was stupid.

Seeing that Lisa didn't move, Kawanohe began to curse continuously, but the curses soon stopped. Her boyfriend opened his mouth and bit her throat in one bite, and blood spurted out.

Amid resentment and unwillingness, Kawano's body gradually became colder.

Lu Lushou looked at the one-legged woman who was no longer moving on the ground, anger flashing in his eyes.The Kamaita Banshee died tragically, and One-Eye was nowhere to be found. Catwoman and the girl in the box were supposed to appear as planned, but they never saw their shadows.

Now that the one-legged girl was seriously injured and fell to the ground, there were only three of them left in the Eight Demons, which was a heavy loss.

Guuluo let out an angry roar, and Tubi and the giant mage rushed towards Lisa.

Lisa backed away suddenly, distanced herself, took out the iron piece covered with bronze rust from her arms, and uncovered the heavily wrapped shroud on it.

The expression on the head's face suddenly changed, and at the same time, the Yaoyao House also trembled. They felt a familiar aura on the iron piece, an aura that disgusted them.

Thick black mist gushes out from the iron pieces and quickly condenses into a tall ghost warrior.

"Finally in!"

Xu Yi in the Ghost Warrior sighed in his heart, and his nightmare bones trembled slightly with excitement as he felt the divinity all over the Eight Demons House.

The door of Yaoyao's house suddenly opened, and a strong repulsive force acted on the ghost warrior, trying to "throw" the ghost warrior out.

The repulsive force is a "power of rules" and it is difficult to resist it with just your own strength. Fortunately, Xu Yi was prepared.

"Are you doing this again? This is not a good way to treat guests. I have an invitation!"

Xu Yi mobilized the remains of the Clay God Stone Tablet in his body, and the remains resonated with the Eight Demons House. The aura of the same sect caused the Eight Demons House to have some cognitive disorder.

The repulsive force suddenly disappeared, and Xu Yi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the effect of the Clay God Stone Tablet was so good.

Seeing that the expulsion was fruitless, the huge head of the monster Tubi rolled towards the ghost warrior.

It opened its huge mouth, and the shadow enveloped the ghost warrior. The ghost warrior did not resist and was swallowed by the opponent.

Tu Bi's huge eyes moved excitedly, but the next second, it suddenly rolled on the ground in pain. It kept retching, trying to spit out the contents in its mouth.

But I couldn't spit it out, as if a fish bone was stuck in my throat.

In Tu Bi's mouth, the ghost warrior with flames rising all over his body held the magic sword Honglian, and pierced Tu Bi's upper jaw with the sword.

Tubi felt as if he had swallowed a fireball. Unable to bear the pain, Tubi tore his mouth apart and threw the ghost warrior out.

As soon as the ghost warrior landed, he was targeted by the giant mage.

The giant mage took a deep breath, raised his back high, and accumulated wind power. He suddenly opened his mouth, and a strong wind fell on the ghost warrior.

The ghost warrior remained unmoved, and the demon-suppressing flames rose. These "demon winds" seemed to encounter natural enemies, and their power dissipated, leaving only a slight wind blowing in all directions.

The lower part of the ghost warrior's body suddenly became insubstantial and turned into billowing black smoke, lifting the ghost warrior into the air.

He came in front of the giant mage, and cut the opponent's throat with the red lotus magic sword, and blood spurted out. At the same time, the red lotus karma fire burned the opponent's soul, and the giant mage roared in pain.

Tu Bi and the giant mage fell to the ground one after another, and Gu Lushou did not step forward. She knew very well that even if she did it together, she would not be a match for the ghost warrior.

He waved his hand, and dense chains came from all directions. Xu Yi was not panicked, because He had already used this method before, and now he was undoubtedly at his wits end.

The ghost warrior was so tightly wrapped in chains that he couldn't move.

But the Nightmare Bones vibrated with excitement, and it was driven with all its strength, greedily sucking the divinity of Yaoyaoya, and the momentum of the ghost warrior became higher and higher.

Xu Yi felt something different from before. The Eight Demonic Houses trembled slightly, actually expressing their willingness to surrender!
Why didn’t Yaoyaoya behave like this before?

Maybe it’s because of the remains of the Clay God’s Stone Tablet on his body!The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

"Is it possible to regain the Eight Demonic Houses?"

Xu Yi's heart started beating loudly at the thought of this possibility.

The Yaoyao House not only has its own independent alien space, but also has various magical abilities. In a certain aspect, it is not inferior to Annabelle's treasure box space.

(End of this chapter)

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