Chapter 210

The ghost warrior absorbed Yaoyaoya's divinity. Horror flashed in Kurama's eyes. She also noticed Yaoyaoya's will to surrender, which made her extremely angry.

Although she can drive Yaoyaoya, she is more like a "butler". She has always been eager to gain real control of Yaoyaoya.

But after so many years of hard work, she couldn't compare to the ghost warrior's mere ten minutes!
The windlass roared, and the walls around Yaoyao's house suddenly opened. One second they were in the windowless hall, and the next second they came to the open-air platform. The breath of the sea hit their faces, and the waves splashed onto the floor.

Lulu Shou took out a bone flute from his arms. Lisa felt something bad and rushed towards Lulu Shou, trying to interrupt the opponent's movements.

But the turtle head stretched out its neck, its head rose into the sky, and blew the bone flute in its mouth. The sharp and piercing sound of the flute spread toward the end of the ocean, and the turtle head laughed excitedly.

Xu Yi turned his head and looked towards the ocean. Huge waves were pushing in, and the waves with a height of more than ten meters hit the Eight Demon Houses hard, as if they were going to sink the Eight Demon Houses.

The huge mountain peak rose from the sea and kept getting closer. Xu Yi suddenly saw clearly that it was not a mountain peak at all, but the head of a monster.

The monster continued to rise, and the whole picture gradually appeared in front of the eyes. It was a monster that looked like a whale, but its skin was burnt black and its surface was rugged.

The monster opened its huge mouth. It had no teeth, but countless pale human hands stretched out from between the teeth to replace the teeth.

The monster opened its "eyes" and two pale heads turned, a woman on the left and a man on the right.

Xu Yi felt a powerful pressure from the monster, which was far beyond what other monsters could match.

"Master Umibo!" Xu Yi recognized the identity of the monster after thinking for a moment. He has been learning about Japan's extraordinary creatures recently.

Haifang advocated opening his mouth and let out a huge roar toward the sky. The roar was like the wailing of thousands of tortured people.

The windlass head continued to play the bone flute in his mouth. Few people knew that the Yaoyaoya actually had not only eight youkai, but nine. The Umibozu in front of him was the split incarnation of the Yaoyaoya.

The human head in Umibozu's eyes looked at the ghost warrior, and he laughed without meaning.

Umibo advocated opening his mouth and spitting out thick black water. The ghost warrior who was bound by chains had no way to escape or become invisible.

Black water splashed on the ghost warrior, Xu Yi felt a slight burning pain in his brain, his face changed slightly, the connection between him and the ghost warrior was almost interrupted just now!
I don't know if it was the other party's luck or some kind of special ability, but the other party actually saw through the ghost warrior's biggest weakness.

If the Ghost Warrior is compared to a car, the normal operation method should be for people to enter the car directly and drive manually. But now, it is more like remote control through "thought Wi-Fi", and the stability of the connection is far more than Not as good as the former.

If the black water continues to invade, I'm afraid the control will be disconnected, and the ghost warrior will become a puppet with its strings cut off.

The windlass head wriggled its snake-like neck excitedly, swallowed the bone flute, and laughed maniacally.

Yaoyaoya belongs to her!No one can take it away!

She stared at the ghost warrior closely, with desire flashing in her eyes. Maybe she could use Yaoyaoya to control the ghost warrior in front of her.

Umibozu spit out the thick black water again. At this time, a figure appeared in front of the ghost warrior and punched hard. The black water was driven back by the wind of the fist.

That was Lisa. She knew very well that if something happened to the ghost warrior, she would be doomed, so she took action decisively.

Gulushou looked down upon Lisa. As long as the ghost warrior didn't take action, she didn't care about the little girl in front of her at all.

But she still joined the siege. She wanted to deal with the opponent as soon as possible so that she could deal with the ghost warrior.

Lisa was in danger, and even Umibozu was no match for her. What's more, with the windlass, she could persist until now entirely because of the powerful explosive power given to her by "Holy Presence".

Xu Yi did not take action immediately, he needed to wait for an opportunity.

The time will come soon!
Lulu Shou wanted to sneak up on Lisa from behind, but she gradually relaxed her vigilance and actually turned her back to the ghost warrior.

Xu Yi's eyes lit up. It was true that the ghost warrior could not move, but he could control more than just the ghost warrior.

She stared at the back of Lisa's neck and suddenly bit her. Her pupils were flashing with bloodthirsty light, and she seemed to be able to see Lisa's neck being bitten off by her.But her body suddenly trembled, and she felt the threat of death coming from behind.

But isn't the ghost warrior already trapped in chains?

The drum head turned her head as hard as she could, and a dark red light illuminated her eyes. Before she could see clearly what was in the light, her head was already pierced.

The demon knife Red Lotus nailed the head of the wind turbine to the ground, and the red lotus karma fire burned the head of the wind turbine, and the head of the wind turbine let out bursts of screams.

Strictly speaking, the Demon Sword Red Lotus actually belongs to the "Evil God Walking", and its refining method is the same as the Oni Samurai.

The Nightmare Bones cannot be separated from the ghost warrior armor, because the armor was broken before, and the transcendent flesh and blood on the Nightmare Bones has been integrated with the armor.

Part of Xu Yi's thoughts escaped into the magic knife and red lotus, and the magic knife and red lotus became a "flying knife".

Although it cannot resonate with the demon-suppressing flame and exert greater power, it is completely enough for the current situation.

The red lotus karma fire rose up, wrapped around the head of Gulu Shou, and burned the other person's soul.

Guuluo cut off her "head" to survive, but she actually gave up her head, broke her neck, and flew back to her body.

Xu Yi ignored the windlass head. The other party was no longer a threat, and his attention fell on Master Haifang.

Umibozu is far more than Lisa can handle. Lisa is in danger and is about to lose her support.

The demon sword Guren flew towards Lisa. Lisa did not notice the danger from the demon sword, and she also saw that the demon sword flew out from the ghost warrior.

Before setting off, Xu Yi told him that he could trust the ghost warrior completely, just like he trusted Xu Yi.

She grasped the demon sword Hongren without hesitation, and the dark red red lotus karmic fire forced the master of Haibo back.

Although Lisa learned boxing, she also learned a little bit about how to use a knife when sparring with Ailan, so she was not a complete layman.

With the power of the demon sword Guren, she was able to temporarily resist Umibozu.

Originally, Xu Yi personally controlled the Red Lotus Demon Sword to exert greater power, but now he has no energy and he wants to prepare a "big move".

He wanted to resolve the matter in front of him as soon as possible, but for some reason, he vaguely felt that something was wrong in Yaoyaoya.

Master Umibo roared repeatedly, the two heads in his pupils turned rapidly, and the smile on the man's face disappeared.

They felt the danger approaching and patrolled back and forth anxiously, but strangely, they could not find the source of the danger.

The humans below kept attacking, and those dark red flames burned its soul, causing it to suffer bursts of pain.

Umibozu became more and more irritated.

Lisa suddenly shouted loudly and slashed down the demon sword Red Lotus. The dark red Red Lotus Karma fire suddenly surged and turned into a bright sword light, slashing towards Umibozu's eyes.

After swinging this sword, the flames on the magic sword dropped, obviously consuming a lot.

Lisa was a little stunned. He didn't take the initiative to cut the knife just now, and she didn't have this ability.

Haifang advocated opening the huge mouth, and a pale giant hand stretched out from the mouth and grabbed the flame sword energy. The pale giant hand was incinerated, revealing the stark white bones.

The "sword energy" collapsed, and the remaining red lotus karma fire splashed towards Umibozu's eyes.

Of course Xu Yi is secretly manipulating the magic sword, Honglian Yehuo is just a feint attack, and the real trump card is yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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