American exorcist god.

Chapter 211 The Heart of the Demon

Chapter 211 The Heart of the Demon

The ghost warrior suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a scalding fireball.

The fireball was inconspicuous, only the size of an egg, but its flame was pure gold, like magma. It was hard to imagine how high the temperature in the center of the fireball was.

The fireball drifted towards Umibozu, because the red lotus fire temporarily blocked Umibozu's sight. The fireball was so small that Umibozu couldn't notice it for a while.

Lisa wanted to pursue the victory, but she suddenly found that the magic knife in her hand could not move. It was like a steel pillar nailed in place. The magic knife began to move backward, dragging Lisa back.

Lisa was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and quietly moved away from Master Umibo.

The giant pale hand in the mouth of Umibozu broke, and it finally noticed the small fireball. The head in the pupils trembled violently, and they finally knew where the danger came from.

But the small fireball was so close that there was no way to avoid it.

The small fireball flew into Umibozu's mouth, and the hand that replaced the tooth stretched out to stop the small fireball, but as soon as his palm came close to the fireball, it was burned into charcoal.

Umibozu let out a horrified roar as he noticed the terrifying heat of the small fireball, but it was too late.

The center of the small fireball is the remains of the Clay God Stone Stele. It absorbs the demon-suppressing flame, the red lotus karma fire, and the divinity of the Nightmare Bone, and finally completes its transformation.

At this moment, the transcendent flesh and blood on the wreckage burned out in an instant, the suppression was lifted, and the burning fire spurted out.

A "sun" slowly rises from Umibozu's mouth, and the bright light is like the rising sun, shining so brightly that people can't open their eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, the flames gradually dissipated, and Lisa opened her eyes to look.

The huge Umibozu collapsed suddenly, sea water splashed up, most of the opponent's head was evaporated by the flames, and his flesh and blood were charred black.

The completely tarnished remains of the Clay God Stele flew back to the ghost warrior.

With the death of Lord Umibo, the other monsters could no longer make any waves. Xu Yi controlled the magic sword Honglian and killed them one by one.

[The entry swallowing is activated, swallowing...]

[I found "Similar Entries x6", and after sacrificing them all, I have a chance to get "High-Level Entries x1". Do you agree?

(ps: green rare: 59%, green epic: 32%, blue common: 8%, blue rare: 1%)]

Xu Yi was slightly stunned. He didn't expect the entry swallowing and such a hidden setting.

According to his experience, most of the 6 entries should be "green level", and it is almost impossible to reach the blue level.

Should I change it or not?
Xu Yi chose "yes" without hesitation.

For him now, entries at levels below blue are not that big of an improvement for him.

The difficulty of obtaining blue and above entries skyrockets. Xu Yi now only has the "Blue Epic" level Shadow Gun God.

There are quite a few red entries, but you can tell by looking at the objects they swallow, they are basically evil god level beings.

Now that you have the opportunity to get a blue level entry, of course you can’t give it up.

[Congratulations on getting "Blank Entry: Demon's Heart (Blue Normal)"]

Xu Yi clenched his fist excitedly, and there was an 8% chance of shooting. This was a bit lucky!
[Demon Heart: 0/100
Ability 1-Demon Heart Grant (Unlocked)
Gives the target the heart of a demon. (1/1)

Ability 1 - Flesh Feast (unlocked)
After devouring the flesh and blood of extraordinary creatures, various abilities will be strengthened.

Ability 2 - Demon Body (unlocked)
Ability 3 - Demonic Power (unlocked)

Ability 3 - Boiling Demonic Thoughts (Unlocked)

(ps: After equipping the Demon Heart, the body will undergo irreversible mutations (distortion, scale growth, wings growing on the back, etc.), please choose the target of the Demon Heart carefully.)]

Xu Yi looked at Lisa subconsciously. There was no doubt that this entry was very suitable for Lisa.

Of course, it is impossible for Lisa to equip the Demon Heart. Although she can gain powerful power, the cost of mutation is too high to accept.But the heart of the demon can be given to the black carp. As the owner of the black carp, the stronger the black carp is, Lisa will naturally benefit from it.

With the death of the wind turbine, the Yaoyao House has no controller. The surrounding walls reappear, stacked like building blocks, and the open-air courtyard becomes a closed living room again in an instant.

The tentacles under Yaoyao's house stopped swimming, and the huge body was pushed to the shore by the sea water, stranded on the beach.

The huge tentacles are still squirming unconsciously, but they no longer have the power they had before. The ghost warriors have absorbed too much of Yaoyaoya's divinity.

The door of Yaoyao House was opened, and Lisa looked out from the door, and could vaguely see the town she passed through when she escaped.

The town was still far away from the seaside. She remembered that after leaving the town, she immediately came to the seaside.

The dull sound of the ocean tide gradually became clearer, the wet and salty sea breeze blew against my face, and the whole world suddenly became alive.

Lisa understood, she left the different space and returned to the real world.

Several figures hurriedly ran towards the beach, led by a very beautiful girl. Lisa suddenly had a hunch that the girl in front of her was Xu Yi's "partner" in Japan.

Mieko Harada arrived with the Harada family members. They carried huge boxes and climbed up from the tentacles. The tentacles no longer had the will to attack.

They were able to arrive as soon as possible, of course, because they received the "oracle" from the ghost warrior.

Mieko Harada and her assistants started working. They opened the iron box they brought, took out a long needle from it, and inserted it into the dead monster.

As the small blood pump started working, the monster's blood was pumped into a metal tank as thick as a thigh.

In addition to the 诱边头, Tibi and the Giant Legal Man in the Yayoi House, there were also people who swam over to extract the blood of Umibozu who was floating on the sea.

In the end, all the "blood storage tanks" gathered around Harada Mieko. She stuffed the blood storage tanks into a huge metal box and transported it to the beach.

Two metal boxes remained. The boxes were extremely heavy, and you could tell they were not empty inside.

Harada Mieko walked over and opened the lid of the box. Inside was the monster that the Oni Samurai had intercepted from someone else's hands.

Lisa looked at Catwoman's body in the box and let out a breath. This was considered revenge for the little wild cat who led the way.

Mieko Harada dumped the box and dumped the bodies of Catwoman and the girl in the box on the floor.

The remains of the Clay God Stele flew out from the ghost warrior's mouth, and the burning fire enveloped the monster corpses on the ground. As the monster corpses were burned one after another, the Clay God Stele gradually expanded.

All the wreckage merged together, and Xu Yi stared at the fist-sized clay god stone tablet in front of him, feeling excited.

The larger the volume of the Clay God Stele, the more powerful the Burning Fire can be.

Of course, this requires being willing to use "fuel". The transcendent flesh and blood consumed by the blow just now will take a week to recover, not to mention the divinity injected into it.

If the Nightmare Bones hadn't been continuously absorbing Yaoyaoya's divinity, he wouldn't have had so much divinity to squander.

The chains wrapped around the ghost warrior gradually loosened, and at this moment he had gained partial control of Yaoyaoya.

The Eight Demons House trembled slightly, Xu Yi actually understood what the other party meant.

Yayoya is praying, begging the Oni Warrior not to absorb divinity anymore.

Xu Yi frowned involuntarily. Ba Yao Wu's prayer was very normal, but in addition, he also felt the other party's fear.

The strange thing is that the object of the opponent's fear is not the ghost warrior, but other things in the Yaoyao House.

Could it be that there are more terrifying monsters in this eight monster house?
Xu Yi was a little confused.

The Oni Warrior held the chain beside him, and as his control over Yaoyaoya deepened, he could vaguely detect the movement of the other chains.

At this moment, part of the chain silently flowed towards the depths of Yaoyao House.

(End of this chapter)

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