Chapter 212
The ghost warrior followed the chain. The internal space of the Eight Demons House was larger than Xu Yi imagined. It took him a while to reach his destination.

It was a patio-like building. Dense chains merged into the patio and spread all the way down. Xu Yi stood on the edge of the patio and looked down.

The chains in the courtyard tied up a person, that was the long-dead Kawano Kai. Blood seeped out, flowed along the chains, and was transported downwards.

Xu Yi frowned, Kawanohe was obviously treated as a sacrifice.

Although it is impossible to tell what kind of physique Kawanoai has, he is definitely not an ordinary person, otherwise he would not be used as a sacrifice.

But who is the target of the sacrifice?Is there really a terrifying monster in Yayouya?
A dark and unknown breath suddenly came from the bottom of the well, Xu Yi's face changed slightly, something was waking up underneath!

"Let's leave now!"

In the hall of Yaoyaoya, Mieko Harada suddenly turned to look at Lisa. She spoke English. Although it was a bit lame, people could still understand what she meant.

"What happened?" Lisa asked confused.

"I just received the oracle." Mieko Harada replied softly. In fact, she didn't know what happened.

The moment everyone left the Yaoyao House, an extremely ominous aura came from behind, and everyone felt creepy.

In the Eight Demons House, Xu Yi looked at the patio warily.

Kawano Kai's blood has been drained, and he has completely turned into a mummy. The chain was waved, and the mummy was smashed to pieces.

The chain began to rise, and the things at the bottom of the well were pulled up and suspended in mid-air.

Xu Yi subconsciously took two steps back, and the demon-suppressing flame emerged on the surface of the ghost warrior.

He looked at the center of the chain in surprise. It was actually a hammer, in the style of a forging hammer. The hammer handle was as thick as an arm, and the hammer head was bigger than a human head.

The hammer was covered with black and blue rust, and several huge cracks penetrated the hammer body. It looked like it was going to break apart in the next moment.

Could this hammer be the terrifying monster hiding in the Yayouya House?Xu Yi was a little confused.

There was a red line running across the center of the hammer. The red line suddenly "opened". It was not a red line at all, but a huge blood pupil.

The blood pupils rotated rapidly in all directions, and then settled on the ghost warrior. Xu Yi's heart seemed to be clenched tightly by an invisible big hand.

As the Oni Samurai's control over Yaoyaoya deepens, the chains of restraint have been gradually loosened, but at this moment, the chains firmly bind the Oni Samurai again.

In just a blink of an eye, the Oni Samurai lost control of Yayoya.

No wonder Yaoyaoya expressed his surrender so easily!

Xu Yi suddenly realized that whether it was the windlass head or the ghost warrior, their sense of control over the Eight Demon Houses was false.

There has always been only one person in charge of the Eight Demonic Houses, and that is the strange demonic hammer in front of him.

If you want to truly control the Eight Demon Houses, you must first solve the demon hammer in front of you!
Xu Yi stared at the opponent as if facing a formidable enemy.

The ghost warrior's pupils suddenly changed. The flames in his pupils were originally black and gold, but now they turned into blood red, just like the blood pupils on the demon hammer.

Xu Yi felt a special wave in his soul. He had experienced a similar wave before when he was dealing with the windlass head, but it was obviously more intense this time.

"Are you trying to enslave the ghost warriors?" Xu Yi was slightly stunned.

Didn't the leader tell the hammer about the situation?

No matter how strong the opponent's "charm" ability is, as long as he goes offline, there is nothing the opponent can do.

The demon hammer suddenly flew towards the ghost warrior and was firmly attached to the ghost warrior's body. The green gelatinous substance surged out from the demon hammer, entangled the ghost warrior, and tried to penetrate into the ghost warrior's body.

Xu Yi was shocked, this demon hammer seemed to want to seize the ghost warrior's body!

If the opponent can enslave the ghost warriors, this approach is indeed not wrong, but in Xu Yi's view, isn't this a proper meat bun beating a dog?

The demon hammer contains rich divinity. Whether it is the eight demon houses or the divinity in these chains, they all come from the demon hammer.

The closer the nightmare bone is to the target, the faster it absorbs divinity.

He was just thinking about how to get close to the other party, but he didn't expect that the next second, the other party would come to his door.

Yao Zhui's bloody pupils were ferocious and terrifying, but Xu Yi saw the confusion that had just come to his senses, and a trace of... clear stupidity.The other party has stuffed meat into the ghost warrior's mouth, so there is no reason to refuse?

Xu Yi controlled the ghost warrior, hugged the demon hammer, and decisively chose to log off when his spirit was almost unbearable.

The instinct of the Nightmare Bone is to absorb the divinity of the things around it. Even if no one controls it, it will still continue to absorb the divinity of the demon hammer.

The sea water began to recede, and the huge Yaoyaoya was brought back to the sea. The tentacles touched the sea and seemed to have regained some activity, swimming slowly.The Yaoyao House sank to the bottom of the sea and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.

Harada Mieko looked at the disappeared Yaoyaoya with blank eyes.

Originally, she could feel the ghost warrior residing in her body, but now it disappeared. When she entered the Yaoyao House, some of the ghost warriors in her body had already merged with the main body.

A ray of red light suddenly flew out from the bottom of the sea, breaking through the sea water. The magic sword Red Lotus fell in front of Mieko Harada and was inserted diagonally on the beach.

Harada Mieko subconsciously held the magic sword Guren, and her eyes suddenly lit up because she once again received the oracle's message: search for the remains of the Clay God Stone Stele.

The remains of the Clay God Stele are much larger than the size of a fist, and the remains in Xu Yi's hands are only a small part of the Clay God Stele.


In Toth Library, Xu Yicai smiled happily.

Things in Japan have finally come to an end. When the demon hammer's divinity is absorbed, it will be the day when the ghost samurai takes control of Yaoyaoya!
"It's time to concentrate and brush up on scholar entries!" Xu Yi cheered himself up.

[Scholar, current progress: 42/100]

He had only stayed in the Thoth Library for less than three days, but the progress of the scholar's entries was far beyond his imagination.

After obtaining the second scholar entry, a series of learning-related abilities have been slightly improved, and learning efficiency has increased again.

But if you want to achieve the feat of "more than three days and a half", it is far from enough. All this is because of the "occult genius".

After he possessed the "Dragon-Slaying Sword" of the genius of mysticism, all the previously obscure and incomprehensible mystical knowledge turned into a lowly monster in front of him, chopping up melons and vegetables.

The experience gain of scholar entries is linked to learning efficiency.

As the saying goes, "Keep playing small tricks, and if you want to play big tricks, use big tricks!" There is no doubt that the "occult genius" is that kind of big fool.

As long as he learns occult knowledge, the scholar's entries will rise at a rocket speed.

"At this rate, I'm afraid it will take another three days to fill up the scholar entries again!"

Xu Yi felt hot in his heart when he thought of this.

Because by filling up the third scholar entry, you can not only gain the ability of "super brain computing", but also synthesize a "master of mysticism."

Xu Yi was immersed in the ocean of mysticism. At this time, the door of the library was suddenly pushed open. The person who came in was not North, nor the butler of the Finn family. It was someone he didn't expect at all.

"Professor Daniel?" Xu Yi asked in question.

"Hello!" Professor Daniel said hello, but weakly and his face was still a little pale.

Daniel walked towards a corner with familiarity, obviously very familiar with this library.

Only people from the Finn family can enter this library. He, an outsider, is a special case. Daniel is so familiar with this place, and the answer is already ready to come out.

The other party is from the Finn family.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered something. The book Daniel gave him had his full name, "Daniel Finn".

"What's wrong?" Daniel looked at Xu Yi in confusion. Ever since he came in, the other party had been staring at him.

"Professor Daniel, you don't look so good. Are you sick?" Xu Yi asked softly.

"Yes! I caught a cold accidentally and have been resting at home for a few days recently." Daniel coughed at the right time.

"Professor, you didn't catch a cold four days ago, right? I remember hearing the rumbling thunder that day." Xu Yi asked intentionally or unintentionally.

Daniel's hand holding the book paused slightly, "I can't remember clearly. It must have been when I was handling the fish tank in the laboratory that my clothes accidentally got wet and I didn't change them in time, so I caught a cold."

(End of this chapter)

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