American exorcist god.

Chapter 213 Memory Palace

Chapter 213 Memory Palace
Toth Library.

Nosfeen frowned slightly, because Xu Yi's behavior confused him. The other party casually took a book from the shelf and flipped through it quickly.

The library is mostly filled with obscure occult books that are difficult to understand even if you read them word for word.

Sometimes it takes several weeks to understand a chapter, which is quite common.

With Xu Yi's speed of flipping through the book, let alone understanding the knowledge inside, he probably couldn't even leave a basic impression.

"Mr. Xu Yi, your job as a librarian will end the day after tomorrow!" North persuaded him kindly.

"It's just because it's due tomorrow, so I have to hurry up! There are so many good books, it would be a pity if I couldn't take a look at them!" Xu Yi is still immersed in the great cause of "turning over books".

North sighed secretly. Very few outsiders have entered the Toth Library. In his opinion, the other party should cherish this opportunity and use the remaining time to read as much as they can.

Instead of taking advantage of this precious opportunity to "live the eye addiction".

But at this point, he was too embarrassed to persuade her.

Of course Xu Yi understood what the other party meant. He had prepared in this way before, but the plan couldn't keep up with the change, and the "Sharingan" appeared!

Yesterday at noon, with the blessing of double plug-ins, the third scholar entry arrived as scheduled.

[Scholar x3: (green rare)
Ability 1-Super Speed ​​Learning:
Ability 2 - Dual-purpose:
Ability 3 - Super Brain Computing:

With your brain liberated, you will experience what it means to "do whatever you want".

(ps: This ability will cause serious mental stress, please use it with caution!)

After the scholar's entry was superimposed three times, it changed from "white common" to "green rare"!
Xu Yi was a little surprised. If he kept going down this road, would it be possible to become a "blue", "red", or even a "gold" level entry?
He knew about the ability of "super brain computing" early on. He didn't have time to try it and started synthesizing the words non-stop.

[Occult Genius (Green Epic) + Scholar x3 (Green Rare) = Occult Master]

[Master of Occultism: (Blue Rare)
Ability 1 - Memory Palace:

Any records related to occultism will be recorded in the memory palace of the brain and can be recalled at any time as long as you take a look at them.

Ability 2 - Occult Inspiration:
By burning the entries, you will get a steady stream of inspiration and speed up the process of occult research.

(ps: The higher the level of the sacrifice entry, the better the effect.)
Ability 3 - Occult Apocalypse:
When occult research comes to a standstill, there is a certain chance of obtaining occult revelations if you come into contact with related things.

As expected, Master of Occultism is a "blue level" entry.

The ability "Mysterious Apocalypse" focuses on metaphysics, which can be almost ignored under normal circumstances.

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up after seeing "Occult Inspiration".

Isn’t this the ability to tailor-make high-quality blood?

The deeper he got to know the Thoth Library, the more Xu Yi regretted that there were so many precious books in it, but he only had seven days.

“It would be great if the entire Tote Library could be moved!”

This thought came to his mind more than once.

Now it's a dream come true!
The memory palace has been constructed in his mind. As long as he thinks about it for a moment, a huge library palace will appear in front of him.

The occult books that I just flipped through are neatly stacked on the bookshelf.

He picked up a book casually, and every symbol and word in the book was so clear that even the stains on the original were "copied".

"If one of the occult books in Thoth's library is not copied into the memory palace, it is a major mistake on his part!"

Time was tight and the task was heavy, so Xu Yi plunged into the great cause of "copying books".

It's a pity that North is not that discerning.

"Mr. Xu Yi, the special task force entrusted me to come..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xu Yi.

"Mr. North, thank you very much for providing me with the job opportunity of librarian. Unfortunately, it will end at noon the day after tomorrow."

Xu Yi said it very tactfully, which translated to, "Don't disturb me reading!" North choked for a moment, thinking that he was just flipping through the book, so what if he took a break?
But he couldn't say it directly, so he had no choice but to compromise, "I will tell the housekeeper that your work will be extended by half an hour."

Xu Yi's eyes lit up. A few words couldn't take half an hour, right?This wave is pure profit!

"Mr. North, how can I help you?" Xu Yi put a bookmark on the book and asked with a smile on his face.

This "face-changing" skill shocked North, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

"The approximate location of the evil being was found by the special task force." North got straight to the point.

Xu Yi frowned involuntarily. Not only Xu Yi, but also the authorities in Boston were very aware of the dangers of divine evil.

During this period of time, the special task force never stopped searching for the gods.

I don’t know if it’s because the gods are too good at hiding, or the special task force is too “laid back”, but they didn’t find the location of the gods until now!
"Where?" Xu Yi asked.

"In the upper reaches of the Charles River, the special task force is preparing. The operation will begin in three days, aiming to kill with one strike!" North looked at Xu Yi, "The special task force asked me to ask you whether you will participate in the encirclement and suppression operation."

"Tell them we'll be there on time!" Xu Yi nodded, there was nothing to hesitate about.

He knew very well the reason why the lips were dead and the teeth were cold. If he couldn't solve the evil, he might not even be able to sleep soundly.


Finn Manor.

The glass shattered on the ground. Carlisle squatted in front of the broken glass, covering his fingers with blood flowing uncontrollably.

"Ms. Carlisle, just let the maid clean up these pieces!" The housekeeper hurried forward and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party only had a small cut on his finger.

"I'm sorry, I will pay for the cup. It can be deducted from my salary." Carlisle apologized softly.

"It's just a cup. Don't worry about it, Ms. Carlisle. Let's bandage it first!" The housekeeper led Carlisle away.

The maid cleaned up the broken glass on the floor, but was stopped by Daniel who happened to be passing by.

"I'll find someone to take care of it here. You go clean my room first!"

Daniel sent the maid away, looked around to make sure there was no one, then reached out and took away one of the glass shards.

The piece was stained with Carlisle's blood.


Carlisle sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the bandaged fingers in a daze.

Work at Finn Manor is very easy. Dance teaching is in the morning and afternoon, each time lasting two hours.

The students are also very well-behaved and obedient. The five- or six-year-old little loli young lady is still very cute at that age.

It's a pity that Xu Yi is rarely seen.

There is a floor bunk in the corner of the room, complete with pillows and quilts. The housekeeper helped make it. It was originally agreed that she would sleep on the floor bunk and Xu Yi would sleep on the bed.

But in the end, the floor shop still belonged to Xu Yi.

Carlisle is very nervous about "living together". Will something special happen if the two of them sleep in the same room?

But she soon felt relieved. Xu Yi was too busy. He went back to the room and fell asleep. Most of them only slept for three or four hours.

After waking up, Xu Yi went out non-stop. They didn't even have a chance to communicate, let alone anything happen.

This way there was no need to be nervous, but for some reason, Carlisle was slightly disappointed.

"It's so confusing!" Carlisle yawned, a little sleepy, but she didn't dare to sleep.

She didn't know why, but she had been having a dream over and over again recently.

In the dream, it was pouring rain, and she stood by the fast-flowing river. A huge shadow rose from the river, and cold eyes stared at her through the rain curtain. She did not dare to move, and was trembling with fear.

(End of this chapter)

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