American exorcist god.

Chapter 214 I just like bad girls like you

Chapter 214 I just like bad girls like you
"You're awake!"

As soon as Xu Yi opened his eyes, he heard Carlisle's voice of surprise.

"What's wrong with me?" Xu Yi's head was groggy, and his temples ached when he tried to concentrate.

He gradually recalled what happened before.

He hurriedly hurriedly copied all the books in Toth's library into the memory palace before the deadline.

Then he was so tired that he returned to his room and fell asleep.

"You developed a high fever not long after you fell asleep. I covered my forehead with a wet towel and the fever went away. Otherwise, I would have had to be sent to the hospital."

Carlisle brought a glass of warm water, "Are you thirsty? Drink some water!"

high fever?Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. He had never had a fever since he traveled to this world.

As his body continued to grow stronger, he usually had a headache, so how could he suddenly have a high fever?
Is it a sequelae of the memory palace, or is it another reason?
In more than two days, tens of thousands of occult books were "photocopied". Although it only required scanning with the eyes, it would inevitably consume energy.

"Thank you!" Xu Yi did drink it, took the warm water and drank it.

With the warm water in his stomach, Xu Yi's energy improved a lot. The strong physique given by super-accelerated regeneration allowed him to recover quickly.

He "toured" the memory palace in his mind and looked at the neatly arranged books on the shelves, feeling satisfied.

"Isn't this equivalent to carrying a library with you?"

Entering books into the memory palace does not mean that he has mastered the knowledge in the books, but he can check them anytime and anywhere.

"I heard that the church has more occult books in its collection. I wonder if there is a chance to meet them?"

Xu Yi has already begun to think about the church.

Carlisle suddenly yawned greatly, and Xu Yi only noticed at this time that there were faint dark circles under the other person's eyes.

"Have you never rested?" Xu Yi felt a little guilty.

Carlisle shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, it's not just for taking care of you. I haven't been sleeping well these days and I always have nightmares."

"Can you describe your nightmare?" Xu Yi asked.

Carlisle told the nightmare situation, and Xu Yi was a little confused after hearing it.

Generally speaking, if you repeat the same nightmare, you will either suddenly encounter a major change or be haunted by something like an evil spirit.

The former can be ruled out. Carlisle is living in Finn Manor these days, eating and drinking well, and he doesn't seem to have suffered a major setback.

The latter is also unlikely. It is difficult for the evil spirit to hide it from him. If the evil spirit is really that powerful, it will not just give Carlisle nightmares.

"Let me give you a psychological diagnosis!" Xu Yi finally decided to give it a try first.

"What do I need to do?" Carlisle accepted without hesitation.

"Lie on the bed and relax." Xu Yi took out an old-fashioned pocket watch. With his ability, he did not need to use foreign objects. He only used the pocket watch to appear professional.

The pocket watch swayed regularly in front of Carlisle.

"Following the pocket watch with your eyes, imagine yourself lying in a soft cloud, relaxing all over..." Xu Yi began to guide Carlisle.

"Is this trying to hypnotize me? I went to see a psychiatrist when I was a child, and they also wanted to hypnotize me, but unfortunately they couldn't do it..."

Before Carlisle finished speaking, he heard Xu Yi snap his fingers and then fell asleep.

"I'm not an ordinary psychiatrist." Xu Yi murmured softly.

After obtaining the "Hypnosis" entry, this was the first time Xu Yi used it. Combined with the floral fragrance of sleeping flowers, the hypnotic effect was outstanding. It was rare for ordinary people not to be hypnotized.

"Now that you are back in that nightmare again, we need to figure out the source of the nightmare..." Xu Yi began to induce Carlisle's subconscious, "What did you see?"

"I...I saw a huge shadow." Carlisle's body trembled slightly subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid, you are absolutely safe, I will stand next to you..."

Xu Yi comforted him repeatedly, "You slowly raised your head and gradually saw clearly what was in the shadow. Now tell me, what is it?"

Carlisle calmed down and spoke softly, "I saw a huge black snake. The snake had no eyes, only a mouth. Wings grew on the snake's back... I also saw a person standing on the snake's head, with blood in its pupils. Red inverted cross.”

Bloody inverted cross?God's evil!

Xu Yi was horrified. How could Carlisle dream about the evil being? There should be no contact between the two? "The monster is swimming towards me!" Carlisle's body trembled violently.

Seeing that the hypnosis was about to expire, Xu Yi quickly induced it again, "Don't be afraid! The thing that you think is the most trustworthy and that makes you feel safe is right next to you. You only need to turn your head and you can see it!"

"Well, I saw it. There was Xu Yi and... a unicorn!" Carlisle's face was no longer pale.

unicorn?Why is there a unicorn?
Xu Yi was even more surprised. Unicorns were a hundred times rarer than werewolves, vampires and the like, and he was not even sure there were any unicorns alive yet.

"Have you ever seen a unicorn?" Xu Yi asked softly, and at the same time began to check the books in the memory palace.

He knew very little about unicorns, and the only related thing he had come into contact with was the blood of unicorns, which was a strange thing that could temporarily suspend the dying person's life.

The advantage of carrying a library with him came to light at this time, and he quickly found records related to unicorns.

"About when I was six years old, I was tricked by my classmates into a dense forest. It was dark and I was very scared. There were wolves in the forest! Later, I saw a very beautiful white horse with snow-white hair without any dust on it. There is also a colorful unicorn on it.”

Xu Yi was so surprised that he was speechless. Let alone ordinary people, even a weak exorcist would have a hard time surviving when he saw a unicorn.

Unicorns look holy, but are extremely bloodthirsty and violent creatures. They will attack humans they see for no reason, but the other party actually let Carlisle go?

According to ancient records, if humans face a unicorn but are not attacked, they will receive the blessing of the unicorn.

It is impossible to know what the content of the blessing is, because there are too few samples.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered something. Could Ryan's abnormal reaction when Flesh and Flesh approached Carlisle that day be related to the blessing of the unicorn?
But what's going on with this strange dream in front of me?

Xu Yi continued to check the information and finally found clues. The most powerful ability of the unicorn is that it can predict the future.

Could it be a precognitive dream?Xu Yi thought about it and could only think of one possibility.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Carlisle would dream about related content even though he had never seen the evil being.

Xu Yi asked a series of questions, but did not get much effective information. He lifted the hypnosis and Carlisle slowly woke up.

After Carlisle woke up, he lowered his head and took a look at himself. His clothes were neatly dressed and he didn't find any suspicious stains.

People who are hypnotized cannot remember the questions they were asked during hypnosis.

"What are you looking for?" Xu Yi was a little surprised.

"Nothing!" Carlisle's face turned slightly red.

If it’s nothing, there must be something!Xu Yi recalled Carlisle's series of actions just now and looked at him in disbelief, "You don't like to read some weird books, do you?"

Technology is not that developed now, so there is a high probability that it can only be a "little person's book".

"What weird book?" Carlisle covered his body with the quilt and tangled his legs together.

Xu Yi approached Carlisle, and his breath blew on the other person's face, making Carlisle's face even redder.

"I remember you said that you have a female roommate from Japan. Your Japanese is pretty good. Do you usually read those Japanese learning materials?" Xu Yi asked.

"Just... just ordinary Japanese learning materials." Carlisle was a little panicked.

Xu Yi's eyes moved to Carlisle's suitcase. The suitcase was always locked, and now it seemed that there were indeed some "private items" inside.

"Are we good friends?" Xu Yi stared into Carlisle's eyes, but Carlisle's eyes evaded.

After a while, Carlisle huddled in bed, covering his face and not daring to look at Xu Yi. Xu Yi had a few more books in his hand. He flipped through them and was disappointed.

"How come it's all words and no pictures?"

And they were all in Japanese, which he couldn't understand at all at his current level.

"Do you think I'm a... bad girl?" Carlisle's voice trembled slightly.

"Bad girl?" Xu Yi returned to the bed, lifted the quilt covering the other person's face, and stared into the other person's eyes, "This is just normal study, how can you be a bad girl?"

Xu Yi reached out and touched the other person's hot face, "And I also like a 'bad girl' like you!"

Carlisle blushed like he was about to smoke.

Xu Yi lifted up the quilt and shrank in, "There's no time to waste! Teacher Carlisle, please teach me Japanese!"

(End of this chapter)

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