American exorcist god.

Chapter 215 The Divine Punishment Plan

Chapter 215 The Divine Punishment Plan
The lights illuminated the basement of the villa brightly. Xu Yi was wearing a white coat, and his face was expressionless under the mask.

"No. 30 Five Demon Blood Mixing Experiments Begins!"

Xu Yi mixed the blood of various monsters in an orderly manner. The sickle, weasel and banshee accounted for 12%, and the windlass head accounted for 21%...

Auxiliary fusion agents, stabilizers, catalyst stones, etc. are added according to the formula.

This formula originated from the MIT Blood Research Group [-], and Xu Yi made small changes.

"The last one is the blood of Lord Umibo, accounting for 11%."

Xu Yi activated the magic circle on the workbench and stirred the medicine with a glass rod. The medicine was originally black and red, but as it continued to be mixed, the medicine gradually became transparent.

The cyan light of the magic circle illuminated the potion, and Xu Yi stared at the potion.

A low explosion sounded, and a dazzling light flashed from the potion. The potion returned to red, and Xu Yi let out a long sigh.

The experiment still failed!
After leaving Finn Manor, Xu Yi returned to his villa. The demon blood was already in place, and he started experimenting non-stop.

Xu Yi took a drop of blood and put it on the back of his hand, and activated his ability to smell blood.

[Unknown blood, "quality: b", "fusion success rate: 43%", "promotion potential: red ordinary"]

"It can be considered a huge progress!" Xu Yi comforted himself.

When the experiment started, the nine kinds of demon blood just mixed together, causing a violent explosion, and the violent blood energy overflowed.

If it weren't for Xu Yi's ability to super-accelerate regeneration, I'm afraid he would have spent several resurrection coins.

"With nine kinds of demon blood mixed together, the potential should be much more than this!"

You must know that the quality of Umibozu's blood has already reached level B. Now he is just forcibly mixing them together, which does not achieve the effect of 1+1>2 at all.

There is still some way to go before the experiment is successful.

Xu Yi used a needle to extract the medicine and injected it into the little white rabbit.

He took out his beloved scientific research two-piece set: "The Evil God's Nest + The Forbidden Magic Box".

The white rabbit that was injected with blood began to mutate, with fine scales growing on its surface, and its body becoming deformed...

Xu Yi quickly recorded the various data of the potion through the observation of the Evil God's Nest. His pen was like flying. Two minutes later, the little white rabbit exploded with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

[The "Juli" entry is burning, and mystical inspiration is being obtained...]

Xu Yi closed his eyes slightly and decisively activated one of the abilities of the "Master of Mystery".

"Juli" comes from the mountain deformed killer. There are seven of them. They have been left to gather dust in the entry library, and now they are finally put to use.

He has obtained "Occult Inspiration" five times, and this is the sixth time.

Xu Yi's pupils became dull, but his mind was spinning rapidly, and scenes of the experiment flashed through his mind.

Inspiration is a very luxurious thing. It is usually in a state of exhaustion, but now inspiration comes like a flood, drowning Xu Yi.

He can even pick and choose the best inspiration.

"This ability is simply a magical skill for scientific research work!" Xu Yi couldn't help but admire.

Juli's entries were burned out, and Xu Yi had already found the problem.

"Umibozu's blood contains strong toxicity, and a material is needed to neutralize the toxicity."

He squinted slightly and searched for information in the memory palace.

A large number of occult raw materials appeared in front of us, and there were many materials that could neutralize the toxicity of Umibozu's blood. The difficulty was that they could not affect the characteristics of the original medicine at the same time.

If you try the same thing, it might take a long time.

This is no longer a question of inspiration. Even if the entries are burned again, it will not be solved. Besides, there are not many entries left.

"How about trying supercomputing?"

An idea suddenly popped into Xu Yi's mind. He had never tried it since he obtained this ability.

He closed his eyes, and his soul seemed to leave his body. He began to see things from a "God's perspective."

Countless information flows in front of your eyes like stars.The stars began to connect, dense rays of light flashed, and the brain transcended limitations and began to deduce at extremely high speeds.Every material is excluded...

Xu Yi suddenly opened his eyes, his face turned pale, and the back of his head seemed to have been hit violently by a heavy hammer. He held on to the table to stand still.

He breathed heavily. The aftereffects of the ultra-brain calculation were far beyond his expectation. He should have quit after about 30 seconds.

But the feeling of "everything in the world is contained in insight" was so wonderful that he was immersed in it until he quit because of the sequelae.

Xu Yi took it easy for a long time and finally recovered a little, but his temples were still aching.

Although his face was pale, Xu Yi's eyes were sparkling. He knew which material to use.

"Moonlight grass! We still lack moonlight grass! As long as we add moonlight grass, there is a high probability that the fusion will be successful!"

The basement door was pushed open, and Lisa was the only one who could enter the laboratory at will.

"The call from the special task force..." Lisa stopped suddenly in the middle of her sentence. She noticed that Xu Yi's face was pale and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

Xu Yi shook his head, "What can happen? You don't know about my body? What a coincidence. I happen to have something to do with the special task force."

Lisa looked at Xu Yi's back with a worried look in her eyes. Xu Yi's body was indeed powerful, but in many cases, it was not just his physical strength that was lost.

"Old Ma! What a coincidence, I happened to come to see you for something. I am in urgent need of moon grass now, please send some over!" Xu Yi answered the call that had not been hung up yet, looking familiar.

Martin on the other end of the phone was silent.

As the leader of the Boston Special Task Force, he has met all kinds of people in the five years he has been in office, but this is the first time he has met someone like Xu Yi.

They had only met once before, so why did the other party act like they were familiar with him?

"We are a special task force, not your 'material warehouse'!"

When Martin said this, he seemed to be gritting his teeth.

Xu Yi asked the special task force for occult materials not once or twice.

To be prepared, this should be the 18th time. In just less than two days, I asked for occult materials eighteen times.

"Isn't that what you said? If you have any difficulties, go to the special task force? By the way, the last batch of materials is almost used up. Please help me find some more. Thank you, Lao Ma!" Xu Yi replied as if nothing was wrong.

Quite polite!Martin's teeth ached for a while. He was silent for a long time, and finally nodded, "I know, I'll send it over later."

The other party is a powerful being who can defeat the evil beings on his own. In order to recruit the other party, what can he do?

Of course you can only choose to forgive the other person!
Regarding the use of the "Special Task Force Material Library", Xu Yi was completely at ease, knowing that dealing with the gods required taking very high risks.

Although his lips are cold and his teeth are dead, he is not from Boston. If it doesn't work, he will probably change to another city.

"By the way! You called me, do you have something to tell me?" Xu Yi suddenly asked.

Martin slapped his forehead. He was a little dizzy with anger and almost forgot about the main business, "The Divine Punishment Project will start at 12 noon tomorrow!"

Xu Yi looked serious, "I know! I'll be there on time!"


A remote manor in Boston.

Barton went straight to the depths of the manor.

It is unimaginable that in such an ancient manor, there is such a modern laboratory with all kinds of high-end equipment.

He stared at the white figure doing the experiment and said indifferently, "Where are the things?"

"Barton, I remember that before you became a vampire, you were born into a noble family. Didn't anyone teach you to knock on the door before coming in?" The man said softly.

"Nobles? Among my people, after my dear wife died in the hands of the gods, there are no nobles left. The only one left is an avenger!" Barton's eyes flashed with utter hatred.

"Stop talking nonsense! Give me the stuff!" Barton became impatient.

The figure was silent for a moment, then took out a metal box from the cabinet and handed it to Barton, "The Ryan potion is not perfect enough. No one can withstand the power of the potion."

"I didn't trust my extraordinary intuition before, which led to the tragedy of God. Now I choose to believe in myself...I will find a suitable carrier for it!" Barton picked up the metal box and left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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